Saturday, April 25, 2009

Shop For Grecian Dresses

color perception.

The color is not only important because it serves to be used as an artistic medium. Also because it has effects on color perception humana.El study refers to the scientific nature of it and the influences and symbolic relations, physiological and psychological desprenden.Josef this is proposed in the text Albers Interaction of Color that color deceives us, not all feel the same and that we have a poor visual memory. Ludwig Wittgenstein in On Color text explains how the existing nomenclature of the color is bad because there are many shades and a few names.

From: the light source: By the light we perceive the object and its chromaticity differences depending on the lighting on the object, there variations in perception. The light can be artificial or sunlight solar.La change with the position of the sun from blue to red in the morning to burn, or change again depending on the season. Artificial light may be yellow from filament lamps (bulb) or blue from the fluorescent light tube Blanca.The Purpose: The characteristics of the object (transparency, brightness, opacity, shape and size) affect the perception of color. Matter is not the one with the color, this is just perception that we perceive as the molecular constitution of the object makes it absorb and reflect specific wavelengths of luz.El Subject: Refers the observer, who looks at the object and perceives color. Not all feel the same. Not all animals perceive as Our Programs eye is composed of cones to help with daytime and color vision and sticks to help with night vision and acromática.LA SENSE OF COLOR IS ONLY OUR BRAIN AND WOULD NOT WITHOUT OBSERVER PERCEPTION, BUT WOULD NOT COLOR.LOS OBEJTO COLOREl EFFECTS color can have physical effects that result in short-term physical sensations that are forgotten. But on a few occasions can generate emotional shock depends on the sensitivity of the subject. This psychological effect translates into a mood that generates vibration shock not only the soul but also in some other status sentido.SINESTESIAEs sensory / perceptual n which meet the 5 sentidos.A Here are some insights into the color of some of the most important synaesthetes. · Kandinsky: I speak of the color associated each musical instrument, the color associated with the movement and temperature. · Alexander Scriabin: the colors relate to the sound and translate their music to color. · Arthur Rimbaud: associating the colors to the letters. Each member represents a specific color. · Munsell: color theory and proposes the term from posimagen which explains the negative image that remains in the eye of a person after he has seen something visual for a while. The negative is formed either with the complementary color or the opposite color. · Johannes Itten, suggests the 3-dimensional color. Hue, saturation, and brillo.Debe also noted that the color carries a symbolic meaning that varies in each culture, including each person. And we must be aware also that the harmony of color is very concerning as demonstrated Itten, Wolfgang Hering Rumfold and for whom the term harmonic color was validated by the result of a mixture of two others. For some the harmonious result was gray, others white, last etc.Therefore must understand that since the color is as natural frequencies and waves of light in everyday life can be captured in electronic color screens across the convention RGB (Red, green, blue) color or printed on the convention CMYK (cyan, yellow, magenta and black). (

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visual process and its characteristics.

often compare the functioning of the eye with a camera. The pupil would act as a diaphragm, the film retina, cornea, lens and lens is equivalent to zoom the camera view to get a good approach. The analogy does not end here, as well as in the camera the image formed on the retina is inverted. But this is no problem because the brain is responsible for giving the back to see it properly.

sensitivity and vision rates
As in the picture, the amount of light plays an important role in vision. Thus, in good lighting conditions (more than 3 cd/m2) as happens during the day, the vision is clear, detailed and very well distinguish colors is photopic vision. Lower levels to 0.25 cd/m2 color disappears and the sense of vision is more sensitive to blue and light intensity. It is called scotopic vision. In intermediate situations, the ability to distinguish colors decreases as the amount of light down from a high sensitivity to yellow to blue. It is the vision mesiópica.
Under these conditions, we define sensitivity curves of the eye to visible light for a given observer pattern having a maximum wavelength of 555 nm (yellow green) for photopic vision and a 480 nm (blue-green) for scotopic vision. Maximum displacement of the curve by decreasing the amount of light received is called the Purkinje effect.
sensitivity curves ojo.Toda light source that emits near-maximum values \u200b\u200bfor daylight vision (555 nm) will produce optimum energy efficiency for maximum light sensation in the eye with minimal power consumption. However, if the source does not provide good color rendition can lead to counterproductive results.

The accommodation is called accommodation to the eye's ability to automatically focus on objects at different distances. This function is carried out in crystalline form to the effect varies. But this capacity is lost over the years due to loss of elasticity that suffers, is what is known as presbyopia or eyestrain and increases the focal length and the minimum necessary amount of light to form a sharp image.

Adaptation Adaptation is the ability of the eye to adjust automatically to changes in light levels. Is due to the ability of the iris to regulate the opening of the pupil and photochemical changes in the retina. To go from dark to light environments the process is very fast but otherwise it is much slower. After a minute is acceptable adaptation. As time passes, we see better in darkness and half hour and we see quite well. Complete adaptation occurs after an hour.

visual field
Returning to the example of the camera, the human eye also has a visual field. Each eye sees about 150 degrees above the horizontal plane and the overlay of both are comprised of 180 º. In the vertical plane only about 130 degrees, 60 degrees above the horizontal and 70 degrees below.
visual field of each eye is monocular type, without a sense of depth, with the vision in the area of \u200b\u200boverlap of the two fields of type binocular. The sense of depth or three-dimensional view of the brain occurs when two images overlaid and interpreted.

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retake the huge list of outstanding items . Next on the list is "stereopsis" but I was going to be a very weighty article, so first I will talk about what that implies that we have two eyes, and that will serve for the next article where and we'll get to heart of what is vision tridimiensional.Casi all humans are born with two eyes, like the vast majority of vertebrate animals. And yet, people just have to see an image concept is as if only we had a visual organ. If both eyes have healthy and we covered one with the other can read and see far and near. Our visual acuity would always be 100%. So, why do we need to have two eyes?. "For if one stops working?. Actually it is for more things, but schematically, the advantages of having two eyes are: - Increase our visual field-Get a virtual image "improved" using the two images coming from each eye. This is what I would call proper binocular vision, and binocularity.
Expanding the visual field
A human eye can perceive only what is exactly in front of you, what is left to one side can be seen within a certain range (although Peripheral vision is less clear, is enormously helpful.) In the horizontal plane, a human eye spans 120 degrees. When the eye is looking straight ahead, the visual field on the outside (ie, right in the right eye and counterclockwise in the left eye) is 90 º or 95 º. And on the inside (the nose) of about 60 degrees. Therefore, the "corner of my eye" we can cover much visual field, but on the inside hinders us nose and nasal bridge. Of course, moving the eye and head 150 degrees we move those around us, and that coordination between eye movements and neck do we have a perception of our environment rather complete.
But if we consider the two eyes working simultaneously, the whole visual field is extended to 180 degrees (or slightly more). Not bad. That means that when we do activities that require peripheral vision such as driving, notice quite a difference if we go with one eye covered. The road ahead we see eye uncovered equally clear, but cars come down the side of eye covered, do not see them until they cross in front of us. As driving is most noticeable when not using the left eye because overtaking and traffic the other direction we come from the left.
combining the information from both eyes
Each separate eye has a visual field of about 150 degrees, but the eyes do not work independently on the contrary, both eyes are focusing at the same point. If the human visual system was designed like a chameleon, acting so that each eye separately, could look at different areas and could have a whole field of view up to 300 º. But the opposite is true, both eyes focus at the same point. That means that much of the visual field of one eye overlaps with another. That is, an object that we see with one eye, if you're not peripheral, we also see another. Therefore, the brain receives information "redundant," a large part of the visual field is perceived by both eyes. This has two advantages: - Firstly, a possible defect or problem in one eye, is solved by another. As an easy example: the visual field of one eye has a so-called blind spot, which is a small area where we see (in this article by my colleague Shora is well explained). This will go unnoticed for several reasons and one of the reasons is that the blind spot of one eye is paid for by the other, which in this area that other eye sees well. Another example because where one eye "covers" the failure of another, when displayed in a vitreous opacities, the "little threads" or "points" black, which I explained in this article .- It allows us a better view of the three dimensions. We'll explain in the following article. Advantages
partially excluding
If we turn to this idea, the two advantages offered by having two eyes, are excluded to some extent. The increase in visual field when using both eyes is obtained precisely because of the field do not share the eyes, which does not overlap. That is, the area is not binocular. In particular if humans are around 30 degrees on each side externa.Y other hand, the advantages of seeing a part of our environment with both eyes at once we get it precisely because of the visual field area is common to both. Therefore, if some fields overlap visual visual field will be much together but little binocularity, and if there will be much overlap much binocularity but little increase in overall visual field. In our case we have a lot of binocular field, approximately 120 ° in different animals, depending on how the eyes are placed on the face and how they coordinate their actions, get more advantages of one type or another. Ever greater sacrifices peripheral field binocularity, and the same in reverse: many sacrifices binocularity periférico.Tomemos field such birds. They have a very sharp head, and his eyes are on each side: one clearly goes to the left and one right. Just a small angle from the front in which both eyes can see the same object. In this case, the birds are slaughtered for binocularity have a very wide visual field. In general, almost all have a common visual field of more than 270 degrees, and many are close to 360 º. So you can see almost any angle. By contrast, their perception of three dimensions is less than other especies.Por other hand, there are the primates. The monkeys initially used the trees (and many species of primates still do) to escape predators, food, travel, etc. It was essential that it could calculate the distance to climb or jump from branch to branch. So in your case is important to have good binocularity, to get a good view in three dimensions. Because the monkeys face is not sharp and the eyes are focused forward, much of the visual field is common for both eyes. Of course, that means they can not have a visual field as wide as a bird, ejemplo.Y we, as primates, have the same features as our binocularity is good. The binocularity

We're talking all the time on this concept, but we have only explained how binocular vision. What gives us that the visual fields of each eye overlap? In humans, binocularity is the normal situation, and requires several conditions have to give. If one fails, do not get binocular.Los vision requirements include: - The two eyes must be focused in one place. That means they have to look the same object. When this can not have a squint. This coordination between eye and another has to be strict, millimeter. Will not work with one eye look "more or less" you are facing the other. The central vision in one eye has to match exactly with the center of the other eye. So when we move the eye, both eyes move together and parallel. Strictly speaking the eyes are not parallel, but their axes are on a converging path in the object set: a line from the center of the retina, passes through the center of the cornea and reaches the object. In order to join each of the two axes. What happens is that when the object is far enough from these converging lines are almost parallel .- The brain has to be "learned" to see with both eyes. Of the two theoretical images coming from each eye, the brain gets "create" which is a mixture of both. Learning is needed at the beginning of our life .- We need to have an acceptable vision for both eyes. If one eye sees nothing, but all other requirements are met, it is logically impossible to have binocular vision. Reduced vision in one or both eyes may reduce binocularity (ie, we have, say "binocularity partial ") These are the requirements for binocular vision. But what exactly is the "binoculars"?. Then we provide 3 features, and each is based on the prior. That is, ordered in the following list, the 2 nd needs to be of 1, and 3 º needs the 2 nd. It may be the case then you have only the 1 st property, or have the 1 º and 2 º, or have all three (which we discussed in "binocularity partial) The features are: - Merger Motor: The ability to focus exactly at the same site with two eyes, it means that (almost) any time the eyes are perfectly aligned. This implies a complex mechanism in which if one eye starts to wander, without automatically focuses and we realize we do not see any movement. If the quality of the image from each eye is sufficient, and childhood was developed binocular vision in the brain, we have this resource of motor fusion. This resource a good way to avoid that we misaligned eyes. Although there is a tendency to squint, to some extent the merger will monitor and avoid driving strabismus. In fact, this is unusual: most of us have what is called "latent strabismus." Near vision or far, the visual axes will often have a slight tendency separated or crossed too. And never (or rarely) we will see, precisely because the motor fusion inhibits this trend and we can guarantee a correct alignment .- sensory fusion: the brain "fuses" the two images into one. Therefore, for a good part of what we see, perceive objects through two different sites. The basic form of sensory function simply involves the use of the two images, so that a small defect in the image of an eye can compensate with the other .- Stereopsis: Also called three-dimensional vision. It is the result of good sensory fusion. Examples

To understand the above, nothing better than a few case studies. We have a person who by circumstance, completely lost and quickly set the vision in one eye. The requirements for binocularity, we said that acceptable vision is needed for each eye. In this case, of course, lose binocular vision. And as we have completely lost vision in one eye, loss of binocularity is complete. Therefore, we have no motor fusion, or sensory fusion or stereopsis. We said that the motor fusion is a kind of "protection" against strabismus as the eye can not see, can go slowly creeping. And so it is often the case that over time displayed a squint, and the cause is what I explicado.Ya the way, one can understand one reason why the blind are usually wearing dark glasses. Blind eyes are not parallel, often have strabismus, and is aesthetically more acceptable goggles that cover the ojos.Pongamos another example, now think that we lose sight (of one or both eyes) but not as much as the previous case. Now assume that a person who needs to graduation, has not corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Binocularity requirements for compliance, at least in part. Therefore, the first "step" what have binocular vision, ie the motor fusion. That person will not have to squint not wearing glasses. But not complete sensory fusion and stereopsis may not be achieved. Therefore, if you see a movie at a cinema in 3D, is likely to fail to appreciate the feeling of seeing in three dimensiones.Otro example, a person with a squint of a lifetime. Strabismus can be large and noticeable, or it may be so small that it goes unnoticed. This case is similar to the first example, as soon as there is a small (or large) misalignment of the eyes almost completely lost binocularity. But unlike the first example, here is something that happens suddenly, but is the normal situation of the patient. So there will be changes in strabismus. But when the eyes are diverted, it is normal that there is no sensory fusion. That is, the brain uses both eyes to see. Choose one, and ignores the information from the other (this "loss" in a sense has its advantage, strabismus because these children do not suffer from double vision, something you do often occur in adult strabismus). In strabismus that are easily noticed, the eye that is "ignored" is that it is biased. In these cases, no stereopsis, so that neither the film in 3D or three-dimensional sheets (those of the "magic eye") will serve to mucho.De However, in cases of strabismus usually does not cause great surprise that perception D fails. Intuitively, the patient knows that the wandering eye "no use" like a normal person. Is most striking, however, a case of strabismus small, so small that nobody has realized that the person turns the eye forever. Or, even, may distort the child's eye was already resolved, but could not develop binocular vision. In either case, and other (a lazy eye intensive, for example), we find a normal person without strabismus (apparent) and with a vision (visual acuity) was also normal. You may find that you do not see the three dimensions in the 3D movie, or one of those blades 3D.Pero good that's a subject of this article.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Is The Antidepresant Cipralex Taken For

PHYSICAL TRAINING AND DIET ( competition for a pitbull) so he trained the dogs tbn


The training lasts 12 weeks. The first 4 weeks the dog should walk ten miles a day (ie 16 km). If the dog show is at 8pm, you should start with the walk at 5pm thing in three hours this end of the walk.

The walk continues, these first four weeks is used to remove fat in the dog and bring it closer to optimum fitness.

prepare dog food at 4 weeks early:
- 1 large cup of food (good quality) of chicken and rice formula adult.
- 1 cup all-brain of Kellogs.
- 1 or 2 tablespoons garlic powder.
- 1 cube of vegetable broth.
- 2 cups ground chicken and boiled.
- 1 cup of food for chickens.

Boil chicken with garlic powder and vegetable cube once done, everything together and mix.

you cook chicken in quantity and then make it easier to prepare for future meals.

Week 5: Walk
10 miles (16 km) and immediately after the walk when the dog is still warm, put 5 minutes into the band. When they finish these 5 minutes must take the dog for the band and walk another 30 minutes so it cools slowly. Browse

the dog, if it is thin add more food if it is reduced fat, if it is dehydrated to add more water if it looks tired, let it rest. It's all about using common sense. Change water daily and do keep it clean.

The dog should not drink water from the walk and the band.

Week 6:
walk 10 miles - 10 minutes
band - let it rest for a while
- Everything being equal
- Replace water often

Week 7:
- Walk 10 miles.
- 20 minutes of band.
- Leave for the dog.

Changes: We must protect the food much

to 10 miles walking and 20 minutes of band and a 30 minute break, the dog must be a little dehydrated, so add a little liquid to food.

Feed her one hour after removal of the band.

Week 8:

walk 10 miles - 15 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 15 minutes over
Band - Walk for 30 minutes more to cool the dog and feed him 1 hour after
download of the band - Massaging muscles
Week 9:
- Walking the 10 miles.
- 20 minutes
band - Walking Other
30 minutes - 20 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the tape.
- Do not forget to change the water and that is within reach.

Week 10:
walk 10 miles - 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the tape.
- Do not forget to change the water and always clean for the dog

Week 11: Day "Sunday."
- Walk 3 hours
- 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
band - Walking slowly another 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget to change the water and that is within reach


walk 5 miles - 20 minutes
band - Walking
30 minutes - 20 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water

- Walk
5 miles - 15 minutes
band - Walking Other
30 minutes - 15 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water !!!!.

Week 12: Day "Sunday"
walk 5 miles - 10 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 10 minutes
band - let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water.

- Walk
one hour - 10 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water

- Put the dog in a quiet place.
- Walk with the dog about 40 minutes in the morning and repeat - The walk at noon, afternoon and evening. Do not forget to offer water after each walk.

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the same as Tuesday.

show is supposed to be on Saturday night so the food should be regulated, so the dog on Saturday night will not have anything in the stomach.

Make sure you have urinated before the show, regular drinking also
without dehydrating or over-hydrated, that is not giving much liquid or liquid must be balanced little dog.

to win Weight can give the dog the chicken broth and vegetables without putting anything solid, this is only done 3 hours before the show, if necessary, that if the dog is very low in weight.
sure the dog urinate before the show.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nadina Jansen Smoking



Saturday, April 11, 2009

How Long Can Visual Migraine Last



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Difference Between Kingsize And Super King

vision binocular visual field perimetry

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Country central and peripheral vision in his left eye.
Contents [hide ]
1 Concept 2
Psychophysics: detection and perception
2.1 Psychophysics of sensation.
2.2 Psychophysics of perception.
3 Threshold, Sensitivity
Stimulation and Clinical Use 4

4.1 Perimeters Perimeter 4.2 Validation 4.3 Conditions
exploratory. Variability 5 Interest

perimetry in glaucoma perimetry 6
6.1 Summary

7 References 8 See also
/ /

Concept [edit ]
The visual field, or more modern perimetry, is exploring psychometric visual field, ie the universe of light that is capable of covering one eye remained stationary. The visual field is divided into central (covered by the foveal gaze) and the remaining space or peripheral field.

visual field center is much more perfect than it collects in the peripheral high number of sensitivities (light, color and shape). Within this space there light stimuli such as light, shadow, contrast, borders, colors, movements, etc. This mosaic of light through the optics of the eye, focuses on the retina and stimulates their cone photo-receptors (whether it is day) and intermediate neurons. For the optic afferent all information in the pre-coded walking ganglion to the brain, where it is processed (perceived) [11] .
is possible to measure this process, resulting in stimulation and testing their effects. There are two procedures: one goal, electrophysiology, measuring in the laboratory the bioelectric potentials generated by stimulation [1] [12] and one subjective, psychometrics, a measure of sensation through psychophysical thresholds.

The psychometrics is the measure of "subjective" and connects the changes in the physical properties of light stimulation (world) with the conscious and explicit findings that the subject makes them (inner world). The psychophysical findings are presented as mathematical functions the relationship between the physical parameters of the stimulus (actual) and subjective estimation of these values \u200b\u200b(apparent). No one can know how others see them, but the interesting thing is the power psychophysics figures measure something as evanescent as the feeling.

Psychophysics: detection and perception [edit ]

Psychophysics of sensation. [Edit ]
fechneriana In psychometrics or classical only interested in the relationship between sensory stimulus and response or feeling it evokes, conceived as something like a machine reflexogenic sleepy you wake only to appropriate sensory stimuli (external psychophysical). The sensation would be an elemental psychic event resulting from a change in the environment, captured as such by the sensory systems (retina + optic tract). It is also called detection. Regardless of the structure of the stimulus, classical psychophysics is only interested in a free variable: the sensitivity of the observer.
But the contents of psychophysics have evolved with the knowledge of neuroscience (inner psychophysics). [2] [3]

Psychophysics of
perception. [Edit ]
The perception may be defined as "validation of sensory images through internally generated sensory information." [3] perception would not be a mental most elaborate of the feeling among many other feelings, background and expectations of the subject. The perception would be feeling + interpretation (thalamocortical interaction). [3] involved in the perception of the individual's mental state: attention, adaptation, memory, motivation, and other processes Cognitive . The psychometrics of perception would be interested in quantifying two variables possible at the moment: on the sensitivity and other criteria that the subject used to make your thinking or perceptual interpretation. [4] Therefore
thalamocortical representation invalidates the assumption that only translate the perception of reality conveyed by the sensory afferent system, base and foundation perimeter paradigm.

Threshold, stimulation and Sensibility [edit ]
threshold concept. The psychometrics of the visual field thresholds used fechnerianos light sensitivity differential. The differential threshold is the minimum increase in the magnitude of the stimulus required for the subject is aware that there has been a change. To an observer
perfect (ideal) the threshold would be the point where the stimulus can therefore be detected as not detected. But humans are not perfect observers and thresholds are defined in probabilistic terms: as a rule, half of the time that this same stimulus, would be perceived and the other half did not. Thus, the threshold would be the point where 50% of the time a stimulus is detected.
In perimetry threshold is reached by the method of limits, up or down in a phased manner light intensity of the stimulus to be perceived or perceive stop.
stimulation. In use perimetry (white-white stimulus) stimulus is circular, fixed size and brightness (ΔL) variable (in steps) and is in a dome for half a second and a surprise in multiple predetermined locations of space on a background of fixed luminosity (L).
When a stimulus of sufficient energy produced in a dome affects the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe retina observer neurons modulate the content of the information to the thalamus. But the brain does not depend on continuous input signal the external world, but can also generate them (noise). [5] neuronal activity is inherently noisy and subject to variability: never the same pattern of bioelectrical activity even to the same stimulus. [6] in a situation exploratory When the signal generated by the stimulus has exceeded the cerebral background noise detection occurs, but it is the brain who "decide" as a binary response (SI-NO).
The subject speaks or not presented stimulus perception by pressing a button or not. The subject's answer "yes" or "no" to each stimulation, which is registered on the computer perimeter is therefore not only a complex system made up of two successive processes: a) the first is a process of detecting the signal that indicates the degree of patency of the neuro-sensory system (sensitivity) and b) the second is a process of making decision. Iterative bias or trend of these decisions is the "standard" natural or brain-specific bias (criterion β) [13] . As in other orders of things, the conservative or cautious approach show a natural tendency toward specific and NO or impulsive liberal approach towards the SI. The best approach would be the intermediate or symmetrical.
psychometric function can be studied experimentally properly trained rhesus macaques. The visual fields of monkeys are very similar to those of humans and had good reliability. [7] perimetry in children also requires special training. [8]
sensitivity. Obviously a large circular stimulus and bright will be more readily perceived that a little bit light stimulus. A small and very light stimulus may amount to a large and very bright stimulus (spatial summation). Differential light sensitivity of the visual system is in reciprocal proportion to the threshold obtained: differential light sensitivity
Threshold = 1/luminosidad
For reasons practices are not used luminance units (apostilbos [14] ) (cd / m²). The unit of differential light sensitivity is logarithmic (decibel light [15] ). The dB is not uniform for all units but dependent on the technical conditions of brightness of each brand of perimeter. [9]
A stimulus of standard size with minimal light stimulus perceived as a threshold could amount to 30-34 dB (depending on the range of each brand of product) and means a very high sensitivity of the retinal area where incident. Perceived stimulus threshold with the maximum illumination provided by the device means very low sensitivity of 0 dB. A low sensitivity means that an error has clinically neuronal (agony or death). Then there will be a spatial correlation between functional impairment and structural damage or lesions. This would be the main conjecture of the visual field and its application to the clinic. The form of visual field that gets the device in grayscale is not only a sensitivity map.
In summary, there are two different dimensions not to be confused:
a) The perceived by the subject (inner world). The brain can receive, via an afferent pathway damaged, imperfect or faded stimulation (lower contrast) of a parcel outside the universe . But it makes an internal representation (perceptual) that seeks to hide it so the subject has no awareness of their absence (as also happens with the blind spot).
b) What we perceive others (world). Instrumental measurement of this representation expressed by the subject itself shows a scotoma measurable decibel units. In turn, the numerical comparison with a normal statistical area given the size of the defect.

Clinical use [edit ]
automatic. The subject pressed each time a stimulus perceived

Perimeters [Edit ]
Main article: Perimeter
The instrument used for visual field testing is called campimeter or perimeter. There are several proprietary business models available. In its design, involving engineers, computer programmers, physicists and statisticians. In clinical evaluation involving psychologists, ophthalmologists and optometrists [10] and [16] .
now used increasingly computerized automatic machines [11] provided algorithms that filter and purify errors or strategies that shorten the scan time, avoiding fatigue where possible. Calculated fast strategies, by proximity, the threshold "expected" of each stimulus so that, without affecting the accuracy, significantly reducing the phasing and total test time. [12] Top Brands are provided with statistical packages (Perisuite ©, StatPac ©) taken from normal populations grouped by age, for comparison purposes (defects).
In clinical practice this exploration is carried out by technical staff optometrist [13] [17] doctor's instructions. In hospital resources depend on the perimeter Address Nursing . The operator's role is to ensure that you meet all the requirements of reliability . An exploration is an exploration unreliable useless to be erased from the hard drive. You get a two or three dimensional map of differential light sensitivity for each eye whose highest point is at the center and decays towards the periphery. Three-dimensional normal field of view can be likened to an island of vision in a sea of \u200b\u200bblindness. The peak can be measured 34 dB (decibels) and 0-1 dB at the edge of the beach slope. Near the peak there is a deep well that reaches the sea: it is the blind spot, corresponding to the optic disc.

Validation of perimeters [edit ]
The refinement, efficiency and insight discriminative (diagnostic or evolutionary) of a given perimeter is determined by its sensitivity his specificity and reproducibility . Defined as sensitivity to the ability of a test to detect specific pathology and its ability to define normal (defined in%) [18] .
In the case of the disease called glaucoma in the absence of a gold standard [19] robust reference (100%) displayed both qualities are often quite similar in all brands tested perimeter for black-white (on average 87% [14] ).
The reproducibility is a third feature of the efficiency of a process meter. Can be defined as "the ability to detect a true difference between multiple measurements." Terms

exploratory. Variability [edit ]
signal integration sensory perception depends on the brain domestic context very important: the care (momentary functional intent.) [3]
The subject may or may not be familiar with the exploration (learning). But in any case must continuously maintain high degree of concentration across a sequence of tasks. Their share of attention will be worn by the need to maintain a rigid oculomotor control (stable fixation), the spatial uncertainty suggested stimulation and inhibition constant with irrelevant or dubious decisions.
perimetry is an exploration and sought power, but to be consistent and reproducible spatial conditions requires brain maturity vigilant attention by the subject to explore, and narrative skill by the browser to be impractical in children or elderly and little reliable in adolescents (ending on frontal lobe development the brain to 20 years). Various circumstances, such as the duration of the test and moods can affect results.
There are other cognitive factors, for example, has shown how, in the manner of giving the instructions, the browser may influence the natural approach explored by highly trained that is it. [15]
When he started using computerized automatic perimetry eye doctors realized that, surprisingly, even with high levels of concentration and ideal subjects, oscillations occurred at the threshold to repeat them. [16]
fluctuation or variability factor thresholds [20] (repeating in the same test or subsequent tests) is the Achilles heel of perimetry that deserves special consideration. By not prove to be the visual field a stable entity is difficult to differentiate subtle changes real.
There is a normal fluctuation of small magnitude, implicit in the very definition of threshold (50% probability).
abnormal variability depends mainly on the degree of sensitivity of departure but also of learning, fatigue, micro-fixing mistakes and bad otherwise specified. Areas with loss of sensitivity (scotomas) are potentially volatile. They are not stable gray spots in the field of vision but faded or decontrastadas areas. As mentioned above, are often not socially aware of the subject because the brain tries to "fill" [17] possibly at the expense of greater variability in bioelectrical (noise). The increase in noise leads to an increase of the signal + noise and increased uncertainty psychophysics.
Finally, the perception is the interpretation of sensed, the fluctuation of the threshold in two consecutive tests (same theoretical detection) may be a function of changes in the natural criterion of the subject explored.

perimetry Interest [Edit ]
perimetrística The scientific literature is diversified on three main aspects: a) work on the physiology and psychology of vision, b) studies of clinical (medical) and c) engineering and design instruments (inventions, validation, marketing )

Value space / via optical
perimetry's interest in the field of medicine is based on the following aphorism:
"If the visual pathway is responsible for carrying visual information to the brain, any damage optical path will result in the corresponding functional loss of visual perception. "Any loss of structure is a proportional loss in function."
From a medical perspective, aimed at translating the visual field, with the fidelity of a map, sensory integrity conductivity of retina and optic pathway [21] to the occipital cortex of the brain. Discover the fault of the retina and optic nerve interested in Ophthalmology and manifested in one eye as local depressions or craters (scotomas) or General (troughs or depressions) total or partial islet. The fault located further back in the optic chiasm , Special interest in Endocrinology affectations especially the pituitary and manifest as bilateral depressions not very symmetrical (quadrantanopsia or hemianopsia) called heteronymous. Failures in the visual pathway postquiasmáticas brain (compression, bleeding, demyelinated etc) interested in Neurology and translated by bilateral hemianopsia great regularity, congruence and symmetry for what are called homonyms, which corresponds to the blind hampers the opposite cerebral hemisphere.
By custom and economy are often referred patients to ophthalmology for the practice of perimetry. Keep in mind that many programs and strategies of commercial automated perimeters are prepared only for Glaucoma .

perimetry in glaucoma [edit ]
Main article:
Glaucoma Eye disease definition is the ultimate perimeter chronic glaucoma. [18]
The gold standard for glaucoma diagnosis turns out to be somehow a tautology precisely because the glaucoma is defined perimeter. Unlike other diseases, glaucoma has no no marker or extraperimétrico or independent gold standard (as it might be a serological test).
perimeter definition of glaucoma is extremely vague or contrived, especially when it concerns people allegedly suspicious. Often resort to expert opinion based on a few principles heuristic. The value of the chosen indicators and cutoffs, are global indexes or spatial patterns of sensory loss (mean defect, variance, clusters etc.) Depends on the kind of scope, methodology or approach the group of experts.
functional or visual field progression in glaucoma occurs in the long term in three phases: hidden, and critical thresholds increased. [19]
a) Initially there is a hidden period in which the most valid perimetry remained normal (silent). This is what is called a latent class: there is a real disease, but is undetectable. If glaucoma is a disease of perimeter definition how to pretend to shorten the pre-perimeter? : Increasing the sensitivity.
The effect is developing new criteria surround stimulation using qualitatively different: [14] colored stimuli with variable contrast sinusoidal structure, blinking, moving etc. Is a stimulation addressed to the state and their difficulties dying neuronal axonal transmission. [20]
experimental procedures which are diagnostic validation will necessarily speculative and tautological to populations at this stage of glaucoma.
1) The determination of isochronous discriminative value (sensitivity and specificity in the present) is achieved by matching with an alleged gold standard surround more laborious (full threshold strategy) but also ambiguous (the test to validate could and should be more valid than its referent).
2) The determination of the predictive value [22] (sensitivity and specificity projected into the future) can not be achieved due to lack of an independent gold standard in glaucoma. Experimenting with using Bayesian mathematics prevalence. [21]
b) The second phase or increased thresholds (diffuse or focal defects in the visual field) is shown inducing intermittent diagnostic confusion. The defects appear and disappear with great variability. According to the therapeutic effectiveness defects may take several years to consolidate and identifiable patterns.
At any time during this stage will raise the issue of the progressive / stable disease (or whatever it is, progression YES-NO) for therapeutic impact. In an essay clinical series involving consecutive perimeter concept of progression (YES-NO) parameter would be but a "soft" because it is a more than a magnitude. If the progression is a metric defined in the protocol is an agreement of experts and also is involved in the uncertainty of increasing variability.
With these reservations, perimeter consecutive series, held every six months and analyzed with special statistical programs for some brands of circumferences (analysis of events and trends) [23] , indicate whether the disease progresses or remains stable (overall as focally). [22]
The validation of these programs progression detectors suffers from the same constraints with a much greater variability. In the interest of reproducibility is more practical to always use the same perimeter and the same exploratory strategy of confidence, trying to contain the maximum information in minimum time (eg Octopus TOP 32 ©, © Humphrey SITA standard).
c) After this stage, the disease enters a critical stage of glaucoma evolved with progressive deterioration despite treatment, proper tension, which may result in blindness. [23]

Summary [edit ]
remain perimeter important issues to be resolved:
1.Encontrar and debug causes instability of repeated threshold (variability). 2.Homogeneizar
accurately defined perimeter (normal / abnormal) of glaucoma and quantification of the concept of progression.
3.Establecer the predictive ability of the test perimeter. Research 4.La
perimeter (inventions) only has meaning beyond the existing efficiency when searching for more sensitive procedures (a situation that will only with the discovery of an independent gold standard) and procedures with less variability.
( C3% ADa )

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is the total area in which an object can be seen in peripheral vision while the eye is focused on a central point. Visual field means the space that captures the eye when we keep our gaze fixed on a punto.Se should measure the visual field of each eye separately and then the binocular because there may be defects in the monocular visual fields and not be detected if makes only the binocular as there is a central field of about 60 ° which are seen by both eyes simultaneously so that any reduction to occur in this area can be supplied by the other eye, as long as it concerned a single eye, these cases the impact on driving may not be very importante.SERÁ MORE IMPORTANT WHEN THE VISUAL IMPACT disruption of the temporal side there, especially if they are large or when there is loss of one quadrant of the field, half of the field or a general reduction of all meridianos.EL FIELD VISUAL is normal if the patient sees a stimulus to 90 ° in the temporal side at 60 ° on the nasal side and 50 º upwards and 70 º to abajo.FORMAS WHERE YOU CAN MAKE
Review perimetry visual field confrontation. It is a quick and basic evaluation of visual field done by an examiner sitting directly in front. For this test, the examiner covers one eye of the patient and I asked to look into my eyes and tell when you can see his hand. Review
tangent screen visual field. The patient should sit about 1 meter (3 feet) away from a screen with a target in the center, to which should look and indicate the time that captures an object placed in their peripheral vision. Finally we made a map of the degree of peripheral vision.
automated perimetry. The patient sits in front of a concave dome and stare at a central target within the dome. A computer program flashes small lights at different places on the surface of the dome and the patient presses a button to indicate that detected the small lights in your peripheral vision. Patient responses were compared with control groups of equivalent ages for the presence of visual field defects. FIELD AMPLITUDES
VISUAL.El normal visual field is normally the following amplitude, and from the midline of the eyes ... The visual fields of each eye overlap and allow a vision binocular.Hacia lateral regions, the vision is monocular.La area of \u200b\u200bthe macula in the retina is what allows sharper vision. It is located just lateral to the entrance of the optic nerve. If the macula becomes ill, vision compromete.CONOCER Visual field length is important because it can Neurological disorders reflect that some assets, thus:
The impact generalized and / or concentric visual field occurs on: retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, cataracts, age, use of corrective lenses for certain high ametropia, retinal detachment (even if cured, etc.).
sectoral constraints and cuadrantopnosias hemianopsia, are caused by brain tumors (pituitary, etc), head injury, stroke, etc. ..
field circumscribed deficit occurs in glaucoma, retrobulbar neuritis, macular degeneration, vascular disorders, damage to the retina, etc. .. These deficits are often not impact provided that is not affected central vision and visual field of the other eye. VISUAL FIELD CHANGES
namesake of a LADO.En each eye vision commits the same hemifield (eg, left homonymous hemianopsia). This finding points to a lesion in the hemisphere opposite the visual field deficit (defect in the optic radiation or occipital cortex). HEMIAPNOSIA
BITEMPORAL.Existe a time commitment of both hemifields. This suggests a break in the fiber decussation at the optic chiasm (eg, a pituitary tumor that has grown up). Quadranopsia
HOMÓNIMA.En each eye's vision is compromised same hemifield but partially and in the same quadrant. The explanation is similar to the case of homonymous hemianopsia, but with injury to a lesser extent.
AMAUROSIS.Si the lesion affects the optic nerve, amaurosis will occur in that eye.
( )

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

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By: D. Vicente Salcedo. qualified as a canine ethologist and clinical behavior, degree granted by the Association for the Study of the Dog and Its Environment (AEPE)

Before analyzing the theme of "potentially dangerous dogs" should consider what we mean or what is the meaning of that label.

If we look in the dictionary of the Royal Academy of the English language meaning of "potential" will find the following: "What can happen or exist, as opposed to what exists", ie has the potential to be dangerous but it is not. Therefore, the next task is to determine whether there are potentially dangerous breeds.

objectively analyzing the issue, it is clear that the larger breeds have greater potential to harm small breeds. However, they have a greater potential not more aggressive than other breeds with a lower potential, in the same way that a person trained and educated in the techniques of combat or a person with strong muscles, has a greater potential for harm but experience shows that not make it any more aggressive. A person hypertrophy their muscles in a gym or learn to fight in a martial arts academy, not the more bellicose. Likewise, a policeman and a crook armed with a gun have the same potential to kill, but all agree that the police does not represent a danger to society and this because it lacks the aggression of the offender. Therefore we conclude that the dangerousness of an individual is not in strength but in their aggression . Let us therefore analyze the aggression in dogs and determine if there are more aggressive than other breeds.

aggression can be divided into two main sources: the organizational and behavioral causes. Of course, a cause does not exclude the other, and that can be taken at once. The aggressiveness of organic cause, such as hypothyroidism or any pain, not exclusive of any race and therefore not serve to determine whether a breed is more dangerous than another. While it is indisputable that certain diseases are more prone to certain breeds, such as ear infections in dogs of large ears or dysthymia in Cocker. There is also more likely in certain breeds hip dysplasia, which is responsible for removing it going breeders of many breeds now very battered by this pathology, as the German Shepherd.

On the other hand we find the cause behavioral aggression. All animals display aggressive behavior when in conflict with their instincts (survival and reproduction). We understand that this is not exclusive of Canis familiaris and common to many species, all those with ability to fight and hurt, thus excluding only those species that rely on its defense strategy mimicry and / or flight. In addition, fighting in these situations is an adaptive strategy, necessary and, therefore, common to all species. A conflict there are only three alternatives: fight, flight and avoidance and the animal will choose one or the other depending on the value of the resource that is at stake in this conflict. So a dog can escape from another animal that would harm, but is forced to fight if cornered, they eliminated their chances of escape and avoidance. As I say, this is common to all breeds and even many species, including our own: the species Homo sapiens . So every dog \u200b\u200bshow aggressive behavior when threatened its application, space and access to females, all dependent on two factors instincts. Of course, territoriality and dominance are also factors dependent on their natural instincts and therefore for all races.

So, what makes a dog shows aggressive behavior in situations where other dogs do not show such behavior? Only learning.

canine behavior is marked by the interaction between genotype and environment.


first analyze canine. The genes inherited from parents have an unquestionable influence on physical features of the dog, however not the case with behavioral traits. Geneticists have conducted studies that have shown that behavioral traits are inherited genetically at a rate close to zero for almost not inherited, unlike the fear factor, which has a higher heritability. Without doubt, fear can be a source of aggression and also of great danger, because of fear aggression can be very fierce to endanger the very survival of the animal, whether true or not that his life threatened, just that he and interpret. It is the task breeders and breed clubs to control and eliminate breeding dogs with her fearful behavior. It goes without saying that fear, as essential to the survival factor, exists in all races, but its excess is not typical of specific breeds, but specific individuals, far removed from the balance between stimulus and response or "sensory homeostasis" by an excess of fear. Thus we reach a clear conclusion: aggression is not dependent on genetics, but from experience and learning .

After analyzing the issue of aggression reached the clear conclusion that all dogs bite , In the same way that every child knows hitting, and that what makes a dog bite in situations where you should not do is just learning. As proof of this just look at the statistics to prove that deaths from dog attacks are mostly caused by dogs not classified as "potentially dangerous." But whose learning aggressive behavior? Since the dogs spend a very short period with the mother and brothers and are separated from those at an early age is not difficult to deduce that such learning is given by humans, either consciously or through ignorance. Thus, by scientific arguments, it is clear aggressive behavior stems from a dog owner malpractice rather than racial characteristics or phylogenetic .

therefore potentially dangerous dogs are there? Of course, all dogs with a weight or strength to cause damage, which covers almost all breeds and mongrels. If we add those races capable of causing injuries to children we have to add to ALL breeds and mixed there.

How do you solve the problem of canine aggression? By discipline and control, which can only be implemented through appropriate training of the owner or the help of a professional dog properly trained to enforce strict discipline and strict control over the dog, punish, not a race, but any individual that knowingly abets any dog \u200b\u200bto carry out attacks unjustified. It is thus clear and scientifically argued that the danger is not in the dog but on the bearer, in the same way that guns do not kill, do people who hide behind them and pull the trigger.

Then I take the liberty, with the permission of the reader, to leave scientific objectivity and provide my personal opinion on the current tenure law Potentially Dangerous Dogs.

From my experience, trying cases of aggression, I can see that in the vast majority of cases where my help is requested, these are small sized dogs, and I mean a very high percentage bordering on 100 %. The reason is simple: there is a high tendency for owners of small dogs and hiperapego overprotection, and that small dogs tend to be more "cute" than the big race at least until they show aggressive behavior in which the tenderness becomes dread. On the other hand, the large size dogs are usually purchased by people young and strong character, in short, people who are placed upon the dog and in many cases stand up to threats clearly showing his authority. That's the main reason that most attacks are carried out by small-sized dogs, not big dogs. Of course there are also large size dogs aggressive, but people ignorant and undesirable there are many and all kinds of dogs, however do not see so much permissiveness in large dogs given the small size. In short, we always return to the same concept: aggression in dogs is not the result of race one, but the action of owners ignorant, uninformed or morons who want stunning dogs. Always the owners.

Since the beginning of artificial selection have focused on breeding towards specialization and enhance the ability of certain breeds for specific tasks. It is true that formerly had also attacks by dogs, but aggressive individuals were killed instantly. The dog was bred for a specific function and not as a pet, creating a screen between individuals who were unsuitable to perform its functions apart from the breeding and keeping well, dogs balanced and functional. With the introduction of the dog as a pet appear new problems. How can we select dogs bite? Simply because people are not prepared to have dogs. People purchase them without the slightest notion of canine training and discipline.

Then there are the dogs selected for beauty, chosen solely by their physical characteristics and leaving out the character. So many dogs appear beautiful but unbalanced, fearful and ultimately, morons. From there harshly condemn this type of breeding, which only takes into account the physical characteristics or physical Standard tend to be neglected dog most important aspects of living with the human being is character.

Similarly condemn those who created, and keep advised today as absurd law. Why would a government that can provide the best advice from experts before enacting a law, go to a club of breeders and trainers, omitting animal behavior experts, geneticists, etc? A law was passed without the opinion of adequately trained staff in universities and in the specialties that correspond to the topic that concerns us.

The result of bad advice and people who know little of the topic has been an absurd law and now suffer crazy dog \u200b\u200bowners unfairly labeled. It is absurd to the point of creating a black list with 8 races and then create the attachment 2 with the characteristics of each dog to be classified characteristics that meet most of those 8 races, which fall into a redundancy with the only intention to crush these races. On the other hand there are many races that conform to Annex 2 and do not require licensing, such as German Shepherds, Belgian Shepherd, Mastiff of all kinds, etc..

Without doubt, the race most affected by this senseless act has been the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) This is due to its reputation as a fighting dog and the absurd campaign waged against him by the media. On the issue of dog fighting (which I condemn with great hardness) I must say that only a small percentage of APBT's down from the fight or fight today, and that race was not created for it, as many think. Furthermore invite anyone reading this article to get under the skin of a "dog fighter" and picture in the ring with his dog. These animals fight to win rounds to prevent the first arrest. Dogs must be separated when the judge indicates. How would the reader, if a fighter and his dog bit him to separate from another? Would undoubtedly do the same thing as fighters Dogs: Kill him. With it, and unwittingly conducted an artificial selection in which every dog \u200b\u200bthat bites a person, despite the high arousal state of the animal, is executed and therefore does not breed. The result is a collection of dogs trained to kill other dogs, but harmless to humans.

I can only say to those who hold this absurd law, just as we receive a course of driving and driver education before they can drive, they should educate people who want to own dogs. Problems are solved with culture and, unfortunately, in this country need a lot of culture canine

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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end the attack by a pitbull

this information requires a precise clarification, pit bulls to be fighting dogs have been bred over the years to minimize any aggression toward humans. The several cases of attacks have been because of human mismanagement of their animals, crosses between breeds bad or evil and extreme animal cruelty. The pitbull is a dog that does everything for its owner, the owner can manage the side of justice you want ... Pitbull
Having a pet is to have a utilitarian, not a gun, being a bad owner can transform your dog's breed is a fatal danger ... However
pitbull genes to weigh him, when he sees another animal is difficult to keep still, as the roosters enjoy the games. Usually dogs that run off the press and the problem just fast, but when the opponent decides to stay is in a predicament from which no exit without the help of a human. Every owner of a pit bull must always keep a stick BREAKSTEACK that gets wedged between the jaws of the dog to open its bite. Tomas the dog by the neck and other animal care and mouth care to hurt you handle your dog. AMARC your gladiator and take it with you to perhaps to punish him ... so easy ... pq water facts not so fond of fighting that will feel that is a fighter and are refreshing ... the only way if a blood pitbull fighting is to stop this ... DO NOT SUPPORT THE FIGHT, ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF YOUR DOG WITH COLLAR SACALA TRAINING AND SAFE WITH a leash. IF THE POSITION YOU MEAN YOU'LL HAVE NO PROBLEMS ALFA Nunk ... BUT DO NOT WORRY TOO is such verguanzas normal with this breed, be careful, and if you notice your dog safe is not serious injured are endured the dwarves ... Always check if you have doubts alexperto me know and we will gladly help you ...
Now if the problem is with a person SACRIFICE THE ANIMAL, I do not permit myself as a breeder or a grunt peqño pq peqños cousins \u200b\u200bI have family and I think they do not deserve to be exposed to danger ... They are mounted on my dogs and they do not do anything ... I am posting an interesting photo of an interesting way to separate a pitbull ... and put the pictures of the breakstikc THAT WOULD MORE F looooong ACIL ...

Bloody Cervix 4 Days Before Period

Lines, Families and temperament as knowing if your dog is really a pitbull

:. 1 XW Indian Bolio (ROM)
Text taken from "The world of American Pit Bull Terrier" by R. Stratton.
Here is the dog that won a single match and was retired as a stud dog. The reason why this dog was considered so valuable and decided not to peleandolo was because he was put against a dog twice a winner who was considered an ace and just could not shake it off.
What made Bolio was so great that he possessed a force that was totally disproportionate to its size, though Bolio was not a small dog. At one stop he could seize a dog that doubled in size and severely torment.
also was a shrewd fighter, capable of keeping hold of his opponent for a long time to get out of trouble.
One of his many virtues and strengths was that he liked to fight so that he felt no fatigue or feeling of delivery or surrender. This would be a good definition of what is Gameness.
Bolio, the son of "Zeke" by Bob Walace who once said:
"Few dogs can be stopped before the torments unleashed on them "!!!!.

:. The
DIBO DIBO The blood came from dogs that were raised by Feeley. Turn Feeley raised dogs that were based in Ireland and that imports were mainly from the ancient family of the "Old Family Red Nose. " Once dead
Feeley ... a man named Bruce who had worked with him and another called Slattery were responsible for perpetuating the blood that Feeley had been so hard keeping it intact for long. While the largest breeders worked carefully planned every one of his crosses, "Dibo" was the result of a breeding done by an amateur named Smith. The point is that Smith had very good specimens beyond being an amateur. Smith sold to "Dibo" while still a puppy to a person named Jensen who just wanted a pet for your young son. The boy named his pet name "DUMBO" then with the fury of the Lassie series in the U.S. but the child did not want to "DUMBO" and asked the parent a new dog, but Collie. The father contacted H. Heinzl and he offered to switch to DUMBO (DIBO) for a Collie. Howard Heinzl meanwhile had mixed feelings with this dog ... He knew that "BOUNCE" father "DIBO" and "BAMBI" mother "DIBO" were good dogs, but had doubts in the sisters of "BOUNCE" . Howard Heinzl fortunately decided to give it a chance to "DUMBO" and I got a Collie Jensen in the city for five or ten dollars and is where you change the dog and Jensen. DUMBO
fuer ebautizado DIBO the name and the yard of Howard Heinzl always stayed away and never came close to the fighting dogs that were chained. DIBO never showed signs of aggressiveness and accompanied every day to its owner in carrying out its tasks in the yard, basically a companion dog.
When Earl Tudor (one of the greatest breeders of all time) visited Howard Heinzl, the latter offered him the best of their dogs so that they could carry, yet Earl Tudor saw something special in DIBO and elected him. Well, the rest of the story is familiar to all ...!!!! DIBO
became a big dog pit and dumped all his blood, dogs pulling Tudor's Spike, Tudor's Jeff, White Rock and many other dogs that showed tremendous skill. DIBO history exemplifies both for modern breeders and fans for their historical value and instructive to those who confuse aggression with game.
:. CH. Jeep (ROM)
Text taken from website keepem Scratchin. Crenshaw's Ch Jeep
The American Pit Bull Terrier breed any dog \u200b\u200bhad as much impact as Crenshaw's Ch.Jeep. Ch Jeep was bred by J. Crenshaw and sold to J. Garrett (now in the pedigree will find it as Garrett's CH. Jeep) when the dog was a young prodigy, taking visibility into the environment. Ch Jeep
not only gave evidence of being a great warrior but also one of the greatest players of all time ROM. Father of champions and grand champions as well as from dogs one and two victories. The most spectacular success he had was to have expired on his fourth match at Ozzie Stevens' Ch Homer, going down in history as one of the largest.
To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat one was, simply count the number of females which covered and the amount of champions who came after them.
The mere idea of \u200b\u200bthinking that if we take, just to take an example, three highly respected as the Stp's dogs Gr.Ch Buck, the Ch Toro and Burton's Gr Ch Hunk and knowing that each one of them lived about what Jeep lived, which each covered the same or even more number of females that covered Jeep and bringing together all we did not get even half of champions ... gives us chills.
Some of the crosses that are most successful Jeep is the Jeep / Red Boy and Jeep / Rascal. Jeep was born in the kennel by James Crenshaw in August 1976 and was the son of Finley's Ch Bo and Crenshaw's Ch Honeybunch of this litter came Ch Charlie four champions ... (some say it was better than Jeep) Ch Missy who is in pedegrees many today, Swetman's Ch Holly who had a terrible bite and a lot of skill and of course Ch Jeep. Ch.Jeep
Ch Kato did beat in 43 minutes and 43 pounds. Ch.Jeep
did beat Cooper's Weenie in 58 minutes and 43 pounds. Ch.Jeep
he defeated Stinson's & Stepp's Black Dog at 01:05 and 42 pounds. Ch.Jeep
he defeated Gr Ch Homer O. Stevens at 3:45 and 43 pounds while leaving the story one of the most amazing matches ever seen.
As the largest breeders should not have ever met ... FOR THE SIMPLE FACT THAT WERE TWO OF THE GREATEST DOG IN HISTORY!.

:. CH. Chinaman (ROM)
Text taken from the Internet.
Chinaman born in the yard of R. Abernathy on November 29, 1977, he was one of three pups born to Abernathy's Molly Wood's Trouble (trouble = problem). Molly always had three pups and this time had been a Chinaman. Along with Chinaman born a male called Boy and a female who would be called Onyx Lady (who'll take the dueñoo Wood's trouble, Dr. Wood. Boy was to stop at the hands of G. Wright, who would win three matches. Chinaman was raised by R. Abernathy and when he came of age was taken with Dr. Wood to find out what it was made. After a short stay with Dr. Wood, it sends it to some people in California who called Vince and Bob to make a young prospect to fight and that he had lost hope in this dog.
The dog arrived in California filled with shivering and nerves weighing 42 lbs (21 kg), four pounds below his best fighting weight was 46 pounds (23 kg). Bob the army and took it to Vince. Chinaman's relationship with Vince was love at first sight and Vince protected him and prepare his first roll. After driving 3 hours, Chinaman was almost totally vomited dehydrated. When his opponent was weighed was 10 pounds more than him. The other animal was a dog named CH. Caesar Red (imagine red nose). When the fight started CH. Caesar wiped the floor with a Chinaman but then when he started to tire and drown very heartwood Chinaman, even nauseated and with a lower weight to stop Caesar arrived in 28 minutes winning the fight.
Chinaman The next bout was with "Doc" a highly respected fighter. If Doc Chinaman could contain at least the first 10 minutes thought maybe Vince has a chance. Doc Chinaman came very hard on and shut him up against his own corner GREAT !!!", Chinaman erorr bit a strong stomach and the "Doctor" died in the corner of Chinaman at 17 minutes. Chinaman was clear that he had something special. For its first two matches Chinaman was brought against two highly respected head dogs and none had major surpassed the half-hour. For their third match is very important arrangement with a dog named Red Danger dog classic 2-hour meetings between Mr. Gray's Hubcap. Vince and Bob traveled with Chinaman 7 hours and when they got the odds were 5 to 1 against the Chinaman, but this changed dramatically when the fight began, the dogs released. Chinaman I handle the dog Hubcap the corner behind him and the fight lasted 18 minutes. Hubcap was a memory in the memory of Chinaman. Chinaman was proclaimed Champion and Best in Show that day. Suddenly there was only male dogs 45 or 46 pounds on any side. Dogmans respectable (kennels) she fled like the plague to Chinaman.
When I was 7 years old, a people buy a dog R. Jackson just to take revenge against Chinaman. This dog showed a lot of skill but not enough to stop an athlete as Chinaman. This was the longest match in the life of Chinaman, had lasted 38 minutes but the end was always the same, Chinaman destroyed everything that stood before him and on his way. To all who knew him not, Chinaman was one of the most rude and also a great finisher. According to scientific test, had the air of a greyhound, according to those who saw him, he had the mouth of a crocodile (alligator). He was very astute and could end forward even with the fastest dogs, changing his style as developed according to the fight. Like all truly great.
Chinaman's name appears in many pedigrees of today. His contribution as a player so well is remarkable. His best offspring were Eigthball Ch, Ch Cotton, Ch. Chinabuck, Ch Stormy, Missy Ch, Ch Chinarose, Ninja and Ch Crock Ch. He had three sons (Brodt's Boar, Cottingham's Cotton and Smokey's Head), who surpassed the mark of three hours fighting everyone in the same weekend .!!!!! Perhaps his greatest contribution as a producer of players was his son Frisco ROM has produced many champions and Grand Champions. (The text is a little remember that old Frisco died about three years ago.) The legend.

:. ELI Boudreaux (ROM)

Eli was the product of a cross that effort Floyd Boudreaux. Eli was heavily crossed by Floyd, with the intervention of his favorite dog Blind Billy

. When Eli was 2xw
was bred to Mr. B's Spook, another Blind Billy dog \u200b\u200bdaughter and the outcome change the sporting community forever.
Three famous names come to mind from the crossing Eli / Spook and they are: Eli
Jr. / Bullyson / and a bitch named Brendy.
Eli Jr. was a fantastic 2xw and father of one of the biggest dog of all time ... the great 7xw GR. GR CH Art
. Art was CH unfortunately stolen and never recovered. Before Art was stolen the services performed by a high percentage had to be high-quality dogs Gameness. Art sufficient to create a player "ROM."
Just imagine that Art could have produced had it not been stolen. Art also had a litter brother Ch 3xw called Hurt. ****************************

Bullyson was a 2xw, 1XL and a fantastic player. Bullyson only lost against one of his sons called Benny Bob. Bob Benny
in turn lost to Jimmy Boots in a match to remember (a classic).
The "legend" Bullyson can be found in a lot of dogs today, but his most famous offspring was the great 5xw Ch Honeybunch, the female lead as "ROM" to all females. Honeybunch
turn led to the 4xw Garrett's / Crenshaw CH. Jeep. Jeep
now leads the rankings of the number "one" when "ROM" status and takes the only part of the history of the race.
Another well-known descendant was Loposay's Buster Bullyson Rom and the ever famous Midnight Cowboy. ***************************

Brendy's other daughter was crossed with his brother Eli Jr. producing P. Carver's Black Shine and the legendary anti 8xw, 1XL Ch Rascal, Black Bear, (Rascal's brother) and the world famous P. Carver's Stomponato. Rascal turn was crossed with Honeybunch and had to 3xw CH Polly, who in turn was crossed with the father of the great 6xw Jeep CH CH Bo producing at the great 7xw GR.CH Outlaw.
Another famous dog "Eli" was the GR. Nigerien Ch. Niger is one of the purest dogs "Eli" to be found today is a highly respected and blood. ***************************

The thing that made it so popular to the dogs "Eli" was so powerfully that these dogs were constructed and devastating mouths who consistently threw the offspring.
One of the best crosses that were made with the line "Eli" was the "ROM" Snooty.
Snooty was an extremely intelligent dog, and it added that he had a great style in the pit. But the problem was that this dog was so excruciating that shortly tended to run out of air. Crossings for correction
this defect realizon Eli seamlessly between dogs without sacrificing the ability of torment which followed the dog in the pit. Probably the best trip was the 4xw Ch Chinaman "Rom." Chinaman subsequently had all of this and created a superior line of dogs, Chinaman dogs consistantly throw intelligence, power, and Gamen with a lot of mouth, literalmete were all in one package.
These dogs are quick line in quality and even today continue to be an impact on the area of \u200b\u200bthe "game / sport."
would be impossible to list the number of dogs quality that came directly or Eli indirectamanete Jr, Bullyson or Brendy, because their impact on the game still continues today. They are literally hundreds of famous dogs.

Text taken from website


Although by itself has not produced many champion dogs, the genetic fingerprint is found in many famous dogs today. Red Boy and its progeny originated in the Carolina's. Most assume that a dog should be champion for player and nothing further from the truth or reality. A good example of this was Peterbilt Ch. Peterbilt was a large dog that was bred to the best females in their time and their offspring was always poor in quality, nowadays hardly found in modern dogs pedegrees blood Peterbilt Ch. The same happened with the Gr Ch Zebo. Zebo was a huge dog and devastating, devastating in the pit to fight win 7X. Old Man mountain campaigned up his fourth victory and then sold to Dave A. who made the other three. Zebo unfortunately, was low in percentage as dogmans serious player and many lost faith in his blood, beyond also lost money in bets.
This is a good example of how some dogs may occur and not others. A very important crossroads for this family of dogs was to Ch Jocko. Jocko was a smart dog with a great ability to bite, something the Red Boy's did not have. The Red Boy's
dogs were extremely game soft mouth but, with the exception of CH Chavis Yellow John. Chavis Ch Yellow John was the producer of one of the best bulldog of modern times, the Tant's Gr Ch Yellow who was a 6x-time winner gave their children a top quality dogs.
The Gr Ch Yellow John charted seconds after Crenshaw's Ch Jeep in the sporting Dog. Gr Ch Yellow John died on September 7, 1994. Yellow was the first so-called 50/50 dogs otherwise known as Red Boy / Jocko. Yellow had an extraordinary and talented sister named Stp's Ch Sassy. She had a very good seed, but was reduced by a female. Crossing Red Boy / Jocko, 50/50 dogs were pit continues to perform with excellent results even today.
Red Boy was the product of a cross between Father and Daughter. (Teal's Jeff and Mc Leod's Susie Q Gal) Teal's Jeff was the son of Teal's Sarge (father) and Teal's Lou (mother). Teal's Sarge was a pure Colby's dog out of an intersection of Colby's Dime (father) and Colby's Margie (mother).
Red Boy was a dog winner, but its recognition has been as real player. Red Boy itself established the name by which today describes a family of dogs that dominated the scene for many years until today.
The foundation of the Red Boy line can be drawn from two dogs, Bass and Bass Tramp Red Boy Cleo. Cleo was a female out Loposay's Cash and Loposay's Bobby. This combination of Red Boy / Cleo was a lot of quality for breeding females (brood female), who in turn were crossed back to Red Boy to enhance its blood. This is an example of how breeding with Blood Red Boy Red Boy was bred to produce the Bass Cleo's Cat, Cat in turn was bred again to produce Red Boy Marlowe's Venom. Venom was crossed with Marlowe's Brandy who was a daughter of Red Boy and Cleo.
The result was Marlowe's Fanny. Fanny in turn was crossed with Red Boy to produce the hard-stud dog, Bailey's Bingo. Bingo subsequently produced some of the best Red Boy of the world particularly when it was crossed with Kitten's Peaches a triple bred to Red Boy was female. Kitten's Devil aka Deacom as WCC's Deacom Rom, Crenshaw's Hunter Red ROM, Kitten's CH. Radar (a dead game dog) are three high-quality dogs that came from Bingo and Peaches. Not to mention Crenshaw's Ch Jeep that was crossed with Marlowe's Fanny resulting in the large Cobra Miller's Ch.
One of the best dogs boy network that existed was Chavis Yellow John Rom. Yellow John was not only a huge dog in the pit, was also a fantastic player. His most famous offspring was the 6xw Tant's GR. Yellow Ch. What has made the family network so successful boy was that all the dogs from its foundation proved to be very combative and tested dogs and stock dogs.
These dogs are beasts with huge air, some may say that going back to Red Boy achieves a soft-mouthed dog but is not the case with all Red Boy dogs coming to a priority list would Gameness vs Boca. Some of the most famous intersections were: Red Boy / Jocko, Red Boy / Jeep, Jeep / Rascal. These are all crossings have taken place in the game with a new performance and new crossings will come too.
docility. Refers to the ease of specimen dog to accept the man as his superior. We recall the role in the pack, not the condition of fearful and submissive slave. By means docile dog who accepts humans in the range equivalent to the leading guide of the wild dog groups. Docility, therefore, not be confused with timidity or fear of punishment part confidence, natural delivery and beneficial to a project of the future, does not negate the nature but extends it.
Sociability. The dog, animal herding, completeness is expressed only in integrated communities, hence, sociable win a copy personally and according to the plan of its kind zoo. Thus, naturally inserted in the enabling environment, to communicate without excitement or extreme impatience is inherent in the genetic impulse domesticity distinguishable from the attitude of his cousin the wolf. The lack of sociability is manifested in fear, anxiety and restlessness. Sociability and obedience are two basic behaviors that are declared in the puppy and the second month of life, and authors Daniel Tortora divided as sociable in that capacity: to family, to children and strangers about the house; Humel add the provision to other peers and socializing with different species (cats, birds, horses, cattle, etc. .)
Temperament. This covers the intensity and speed of response to external stimuli of any kind. Do not apply the term as synonymous with nature and much less aggressive. As with the sociability and docility, dog training can enhance the mood of the specimens trained. Curiosity
. There is a demonstrable axiom: You do not see or understand the world who is not Curious, who is not thirsty to investigate, find and meet (prerequisite to all learning.) Also in what we call dog complaint curiosity in the desire, pleasure and power of interest-of course-to everything surrounding and based on the ability to explore and discover territories environments, problems and resolutions new, unexpected, increasing behavior instinctive imprinting or stamping-in the words of ethólogos, and learned behavior that define where curiosity plays an important role. The presence of this quality, in my opinion is paramount to the success of any training.
Security. Represents the particularity sensitive dog to notice something unusual and thus, perhaps dangerous, threat to him as an individual and / or as part of pack (which is equivalent to the human family). Sometimes associated with the high sensitivity of the olfactory and hearing dogs, guard fitness forming a sixth sense allows preadvertir grave natural events-avalanches, earthquakes, floods, fires, storms, and resolve in advance the care of the group (peers, people or animals in their care).
Temple. In the field of canine behavior, tempering resilience describes an action or nasty or aggressive external factor. Is a prerequisite for the guard.
Courage. The word "courage" summarizes convergence pulse to face situations positively known and unknown risks that could affect the physical integrity of the individual or community group. This provision is a response control directly proportional to the sociability and the temperament of each one, without interrupting the docility. The courage opposes the feeling of flight-personal instincts-even at the expense of personal sacrifice and, by extension, the defense of the whole (of the pack, the family) not exempt from fear and individual considerations.
Aggressiveness. In dogs, we are interested in how they react physically and actively, but in a proportionate and without exaggeration, to the supposed danger (territorial threat, its congeners, of himself or close relatives in their care, whatever the genre). The attack will always obey a reason pro-life. In the wild dogs this behavior is critical for food and, consequently, is related to the predatory instinct and survival of the fittest. Possessiveness
. Said of a dog that is possessive when it is naturally predisposed to become owner of anything or anyone. Drift-sublimation-predatory behavior of wild dogs (not domestic and feral). The appropriation of beings or objects are manifested as an expression of competitiveness and space affirmative apprehended.
Combativity. The concept refers to the ability to fight vigorously against a negative external stimulus as soon as it occurs. True "spring" emotional, fighting has to speak with a firm attitude of struggle that, in some cases, up fight figures (diagrams ritualized combat) and of the outbreak of overt aggression is distinguished from other forms of struggle because it uses atavistic signs of the species (position tail, ears, hair standing on the cross, etc..). Authors such as Enzo Vezzoli a frequent claim that the fighting is associated and even possessiveness arises.