Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Is The Antidepresant Cipralex Taken For

PHYSICAL TRAINING AND DIET ( competition for a pitbull) so he trained the dogs tbn


The training lasts 12 weeks. The first 4 weeks the dog should walk ten miles a day (ie 16 km). If the dog show is at 8pm, you should start with the walk at 5pm thing in three hours this end of the walk.

The walk continues, these first four weeks is used to remove fat in the dog and bring it closer to optimum fitness.

prepare dog food at 4 weeks early:
- 1 large cup of food (good quality) of chicken and rice formula adult.
- 1 cup all-brain of Kellogs.
- 1 or 2 tablespoons garlic powder.
- 1 cube of vegetable broth.
- 2 cups ground chicken and boiled.
- 1 cup of food for chickens.

Boil chicken with garlic powder and vegetable cube once done, everything together and mix.

you cook chicken in quantity and then make it easier to prepare for future meals.

Week 5: Walk
10 miles (16 km) and immediately after the walk when the dog is still warm, put 5 minutes into the band. When they finish these 5 minutes must take the dog for the band and walk another 30 minutes so it cools slowly. Browse

the dog, if it is thin add more food if it is reduced fat, if it is dehydrated to add more water if it looks tired, let it rest. It's all about using common sense. Change water daily and do keep it clean.

The dog should not drink water from the walk and the band.

Week 6:
walk 10 miles - 10 minutes
band - let it rest for a while
- Everything being equal
- Replace water often

Week 7:
- Walk 10 miles.
- 20 minutes of band.
- Leave for the dog.

Changes: We must protect the food much

to 10 miles walking and 20 minutes of band and a 30 minute break, the dog must be a little dehydrated, so add a little liquid to food.

Feed her one hour after removal of the band.

Week 8:

walk 10 miles - 15 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 15 minutes over
Band - Walk for 30 minutes more to cool the dog and feed him 1 hour after
download of the band - Massaging muscles
Week 9:
- Walking the 10 miles.
- 20 minutes
band - Walking Other
30 minutes - 20 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the tape.
- Do not forget to change the water and that is within reach.

Week 10:
walk 10 miles - 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the tape.
- Do not forget to change the water and always clean for the dog

Week 11: Day "Sunday."
- Walk 3 hours
- 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
band - Walking slowly another 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget to change the water and that is within reach


walk 5 miles - 20 minutes
band - Walking
30 minutes - 20 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water

- Walk
5 miles - 15 minutes
band - Walking Other
30 minutes - 15 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water !!!!.

Week 12: Day "Sunday"
walk 5 miles - 10 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 10 minutes
band - let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water.

- Walk
one hour - 10 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water

- Put the dog in a quiet place.
- Walk with the dog about 40 minutes in the morning and repeat - The walk at noon, afternoon and evening. Do not forget to offer water after each walk.

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the same as Tuesday.

show is supposed to be on Saturday night so the food should be regulated, so the dog on Saturday night will not have anything in the stomach.

Make sure you have urinated before the show, regular drinking also
without dehydrating or over-hydrated, that is not giving much liquid or liquid must be balanced little dog.

to win Weight can give the dog the chicken broth and vegetables without putting anything solid, this is only done 3 hours before the show, if necessary, that if the dog is very low in weight.
sure the dog urinate before the show.


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