Thursday, April 2, 2009

Do Herpes Get Worse With Age




The history of this race is the subject of ongoing debate, true to the truth no historian could never specify exactly which races were those involved in the creation of the best fighting dog of all time, the American Pit Bull Terrier. " In the evolution of fighting animals crossing in search of copy invincible is the obsession of every keeper of the same, even today after thousands of years cock breeders continue to develop fine breeds by crossing different races maybe looking to overcome the insurmountable and made many fine cock fighters lineages emerged from these combinations. This is a good place to support the theory of large infusion of the dogman crossings had to be made in the pursuit of the perfect fighting dog.

The objective of dogman not support creating a race based on standards of any kind but simply seeking the best fighter, the main goal was to win the battles for which the winners of these dogs were crossed always with the intention of setting a dog characteristics and make top fighter, also a very important point to note is that it would be impossible to determine exactly who made the crossing as the records dogman settled formations where families of dogs were carefully kept secret for anyone to attempt to repeat the same and equal in achievement or quality of fighting dogs.

In my humble opinion this race actually born born while its main features the gameness. When the first issue of Pit Dog overcomes the instinct for survival in the genes carried by more than 16000 years in a clash between peers, without the intervention of any other party (such as the protective instinct of a female to her offspring in sometimes can lead to risk his life and fight to the death) there was a change within the community of the sport forever, was born on gameness which could be defined basically "the unwavering will to win preferring death before admitting defeat "and would be the main characteristic of this breed of dog fighters and that differ from all others.

With the passage of time became fixed many skills or characteristics that made him indisputably the best breed of dog fighters of all time, but what really made this race unique was the gameness. Do not know which or individuals who were the first who developed this quality and who had the ability to transmit to their offspring, we can only reliably support part of the story by a record where we can find specific data of fine hounds families belonging to a stage of much more recent race inevitably hides a past that can never be revealed.

First stage: The Molosos

This phase containing the evolution of dogs molosos there are several theories about this, we will describe the theory is supported by most experts, but we must clarify that it is not unique.

dive into detail on this theory, some of the origins of Pit Bull seem to come from the old molossoids that were used in war by the Assyrians in 2000 to . C. These dogs were powerful, strong and very loyal. It is not known exactly when they came to England for trade with the Phoenicians or went through the wars against the Romans during the sixth century C. These molosos were also used by the Romans in the circus games. These dogs come to England and crossed with a race that already existed there, the result of this merger threw ferocious dogs molosos originals and fights between dogs originated famous Romans and Britons in the circuses of Rome. The evolution of these molosos British continued resulting in two races, "bandog" and "Alaunt" which later gave rise to the famous old bulldog and the mastiff.

The bandog was used and bred to hunt the poachers English forest. It was a dog that barked and growled before biting, had an exceptional catch and were greatly feared, this description dates to around 1586. On the other hand the "Alaunt" was a dog with big head, floppy ears and strong legs, its defining feature is that when I did not let go dam thing to a dog so much feared.

The first event in the line of "bull-baiting" historically accepted dates back to 1209. A historian explains Stamford one day the Lord of the city, walking through the walls of his castle, he had the chance to see in a meadow two bulls fighting for the same female, until the dogs from a local butcher were launched against one of the bulls and he killed after a fierce fight. The vision of this spectacle liked both Lord who gave the guild of butchers the field where the fight had taken place, provided that each year is repeat the performance. "This kind of show enjoyed a successful and widely circulated throughout Europe, at least over six centuries between 1200 and 1800 where fighting between animals were part of the usual entertainment of all classes, from the ruling classes to the lower strata of the population. At first, the breeding of dogs for the confrontation with large animals did not intend to set a definite race but sought to maintain a set of temperamental qualities and physical functional, their common points in these animals were the fact that molossoids medium-large size with high capacity to produce damage, extreme determination, insensitivity to pain.

Step Two: molosos Evolution of merger with terriers

It was not until 1600 that the term appeared in England bulldog, used to define a specialized type of dog in the fight against the bull and morphologically differentiated by a size lighter than the traditional molosos, a very large head in relation to body, small and erect ears, upper lip pendant. The engravings and representations of the time show the striking resemblance between the old bulldog and the American Pit Bull Terrier today. The popularity of the fighting between animals began to decrease during the late seventeenth and early nineteenth centuries, until an English law of 1835 decreed the illegality of this practice throughout the country. The ban does not just curtly the organization of these shows, but gave his way to his hiding. Then, the Bulldogs were crossed repeatedly with the British terriers that were famous for their courage and ability to enter burrows of foxes, badgers, etc. can not specify all infusions of blood that were involved in these crosses must have been very different as discussed in the introduction to this text, most historians appointed primarily to a white terrier and another called Blue Paul, both races today are already extinct, leaving the possibility of more races, but more importantly to note is that these mergers were an evolution giving rise to a smart dog the old bulldog, more agile, strong and courageous, was born the "Pit Bull Terrier" or "Bull & Terrier" as termed in those days and would be used specifically for dog fighting, these large animals while it was still his phenotypic range were typically middle-class girl, strong neck and back muscles well developed, one of the main features was that changed frequently target unlike the bulldog that the jaw would not open until they could start a piece of meat, This permanent change of purpose could produce more damage attacking on several areas.

Pit Bull Terrier Here begins to take various forms and ways and that while in principle were only a breed or breed of dog fighting "Pit Bull Terrier" they do not have any defined phenotype, were very different as mentioned above as crossed only champion champion regardless absolutely nothing but qualities like dog fighting. Phenotypic change of a sector of these animals now recognized by the FC . I are the "English Bull Terriers" the creator of this change was Mr. James Hinks of Birmingham that achieved by the introduction of blood from other breeds such as the White Terrier and the Dalmatian Inglés (some authors claim that this last chance) these "Pit Bull Terrier" succeeds in making the oval-shaped skull so characteristic of the English Bull Terrier. This split or opened a path to a phenotype defined and separated from the rest of the "Pit Bull Terrier" from this point some breeders began crossing aesthetics and morphology to the "English Bull Terrier" attitudes rather than champion pit. Although in principle Mr. James Hinks of Birmingham was very challenged by the dogmas of the time since it was assumed he was distorting the courage and fighting skill of Mr. James Hinks race but opted to select a particular phenotype, in their cross I also try to select animals with the ability to fight and when this is challenged accepts the fight by getting scolded for it one of her English bull terriers exposure, a female 20 kg called PUSS in unfavorable weight against a dog CH. of the time ... turned out to be that small achievement PUSS defeat in 35 minutes and kill the bitch Ch adversary, Mr. James Hinks not only recovers from any kennel community prestige as Riner, but many copies lighter family of dogs are purchased and bred with other "pit bull terriers." So far some English Bull terriers still fighting dogs were excellent, but over the years, leaving the selection entirely as fighting dog who performed Mr. James Hinks and race but were just a few traces of his blood fighter, definitely lost the most important thing for a Pit Dog "The Game". These dogs were later used in competitions where the dog that killed more rats at a given time was up, a sad end a breed of fighting dogs.

Returning to the branch history and we are interested in fighting dogs, the pit bull terrier "not maintained or followed a clear line or phenotypic, as mentioned crossings were exclusively among dogs realizandos fighting champion trying to maintain and accentuate only the best fighting qualities and especially the "Game" in animals. U.S. quickly spread the "Pit Bull Terriers" later would be called "American Pit Bull Terrier" to the extent that records are created to authenticate the pedigree of the dogs, a pedigree that is not recognized by the FCI . These records were and are UKC (1898) and the ADBA (1909).

The lack of recognition as a breed by the FC . I plea to a group of breeders to find some kind of clear phenotypic line for the race was reconocidao was recognized this entity as currently required day a specific and well defined standard, which the breeder of fighting dogs no cares in the slightest, the "Pit Bull Terrier" were selected for their genotypic characteristics and because of this race is still not recognized.

A section of farmers to start crossing phenotypes to set a standard and try to race is accepted after the "Pit Bull Terrier" emerge two races with a more defined standard that managed to be recognized by FCI, the American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier if we go back to see pedigrees old "pit bull terriers" of the family of Mr. Colby dogs in these breeds.

:. The arrival in America and the big breeders

which loses only finds new ways ...

The fighting dogs are brought to the U.S. European immigrants who needed to leave their country to seek better life in America. The dogs were brought from Ireland, England and Scotland, countries where the breeding of fighting dogs was strongly entrenched, established in each specific lineages, but arguably with a common origin.

Dogs of Ireland were known as "Old Family" and were introduced to the U.S. for the Boston area in late 1800 and were considered the dogs home for Irish immigrants. These dogs were mostly red or red with white, black and brindle, despite being dominant colors, had been almost completely eradicated from the Irish dogs. Red being the predominant color in these animals eventually became known as "Old Family Red." Some of the old families of dogs in Ireland are: Corcoran, Lightner, Gashouse, Semmens. The breeders were very careful to preserve the best possible quality and purity of the breed.

British fighting dogs also were brought in late 1800, and were of different colors: fawn (all shades), brindle and black, in solid colors or combined with white. English breeders, like the Irish, we pursue the purity of their family of dogs. Some of the most famous old English blood of dogs are: Lloyd's Pilot, Feeley, Delihant, Henry Richmond, Tudor, etc..

There was great rivalry among dog breeders English and Irish, and often times there were confrontations between dogs from these two lines finally over time ended mixed. Also there is no specific data pedigrees of the first families since they were closely guarded. With regard to dogs seems that Scots were not raised in an optimal way in the U.S. and indiscriminately mixed with English dogs and Irish hopelessly diluted blood.

:. Recent history


best with the best ... time will tell the rest

William J.

Lightner was one of the most renowned breeders of the early twentieth century. His grandfather and father had imported dogs from Ireland direct from the Old Family, establishing a branch of this lineage in America. Of dogs stems branching Lightner called Old Family Red Nose, which was to become famous and very significant in the development of the race.

Feeley was the founder of one of the most outstanding bloodlines of fighting dogs, while he lived he was active in Chicago and based its family of dogs game at Lloyd's Pilot (imported from England by Charley Lloyd).

Dogs founders of their race were two sons of Pilot: Feeley's Jim and Feeley's Old Jesse. Feeley's Jim was a very thorough dog who sustained a Farmer's classic battle against Turk, Turk was a descendant of the Old Family of Ireland. This meeting was a confrontation between the best of the two families: Jim Turk by the English and the Irish.

John P. Colby is another breeder of the century. Colby was of Welsh origin, although many think it was Irish, by their strong preference for the dogs in that country. The family relies mainly on dogs imported from Ireland, but British dogs enter blood, specifically Lloyd's Pilot. One of his most famous dog was Colby's Pincher.

These breeders are some of the most significant in the later development of race in America. Leave copies of them which would be taken as a basis for the establishment of other lineages fine fighting dogs.


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