Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Genital Wartsacv Black


In this breed of dog fighting to continue with the same qualities that were made long ago more than 200 years, dogs were crossed based on the most important fighters, crossing the best with the best, the champion with the champions or excellent quality with some formidable fighters that the breeder is interested in your family set of dogs, and through the centuries, achieving the gameness, which is the quality of this race and what presisamente unlike any other, the Pit Bull is only necessary to this, the gameness.
The gameness or GAME or fine or finesse in the APBT is the predisposition to fight to the death. Man through the years and based on a selective breeding achievement cancel the survival instinct of the dog, any other race in a fight submissive takes positions when an issue is defeated, putting his back against the rival, or runs, the APBT GAME by more than this losing attempt to win the fight or simply die in the attempt, a dog does not admit defeat GAME.
The gameness as mentioned is unique to this race and very few individuals of the same, no good in every family there are always dogs dogs GAME OR GAME these past called "CUR" for a dog possesses the most likely GAME we will have if the whole family of dogs that worked on this quality or at least most of them, an APBT GAME can only show by a TEST or a GAME MATCH.
reality is far from any other activity, such as pulling carts, preying colgarce, ect, these activities have nothing to do with the GAME of an APBT, it must be clear, such activities are more related to their conditions natural physical. There is much confusion and a lot of misinformation about the word GAME and to inform well we agree or not with a "GAME TEST" this must be very clear! "The only place where it is shown that the dog is GAME is a long fight or a controlled trial called GAME TEST" which we will discuss below. Before I continue
clarify that "NO ONE SHOULD DO THIS KIND OF EVIDENCE" Only comment on the bases of the mechanism by way of historical information about the race. The GAME TEST
differs from each breeder, as every breeder of fine fighting dogs have different experiences and preferences about the qualities of dogs these tests vary, as well as the focus or point of view of how hard it must be the test or tests. Very basically
see the dog is very tired, no strength or air due to a particular time of struggle and that pays the stripes, the stripes are to separate the dogs, one in this case that this test was the corner of the square, it turns, we expect 30 seconds as indicated by the regulation and releases it to see if the dog wants to keep fighting, and several times when the dog is exhausted until the breeder to see the unwavering will of the animal to want to continue fighting for what states or FINE GAME and that dog just will be able to cover other dogs and go to GAME MATCH.
Then every breeder is looking for other qualities in addition to the GAME, but GAME is always the main thing because without GAME APBT does not exist, according to the qualities of the same order will also be related to the preference of the breeder, you may immediately after GAME ability is sought, to the mouth, the animal's natural air, in order and many other things that make the overall quality of a dog fight.
The time of the GAME TEST and ways to apply it and how much sparring (dogs that are used to test another in a GAME TEST) also differs from the taste of the breeder, it is always a very particular, usually GAME TEST there is no specific time, this ranges from 20 to 40 minutes general rules, you can test with a heavier dog, two dogs medium weight, with three dogs exact weight, 4, 5, 6 ... in short combinations and possibilities are many, as well as already mentioned the qualities of the sparring may also differ, some people prefer dogs mouth hard, others soft mouths, talk about a specific method or way to make an impossible TEST GAME , although there is common ground, it always differs with each breeder.
There are also those who argue that the real TEST GAME is done in a long, hard fight and a dog on a long MATCH lose much more blood pressure, a lack of oxygen in the blood, oxygenates the brain is not, the dog suffers from a muscular exhaustion with all that that implies, can hardly breathe, almost in shock this and pay the stripes without hesitation with the little strength he is returning to fight with everything against him ... this is a real dog GAME is not the same as fight 1 hour 30 minutes more harsh and intense than the 30 minutes with several dogs in a protracted battle involving many physical and psychological factors different.
I hope it has been clear that it is a GAME TEST, repeat ... ... no one should do this with animals exposed to the information provided, I feel good that the owners of an APBT know each and every one of your dog's appearance and history
. American Dog Breeders Association: A record that has existed since 1889 and recorded nicamente the American Pit Bull Terrier. Unlike the United Kennel Club, not dog fighting censorship. American Staffordshire Terrier
: The counterpart of the Pit Bull exhibition. This race was known as the Staffordshire Terrier, but the American was later added to define this race is different lineages developed bean Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
:. Ban Dog: A term that was used in a little to name a race result of the intersection of a Pit Bull and a Mastn Italian. The literal translation would be chained dog.
:. Bat Ears: Prick ears with rounded tips.
:. Breaking Stick: quasar soft wood used to separate the dog from a dam when it does not let go, is used between the teeth of the dog without leverage, once released the prey, in the mouth to prevent the dog then again Dam.
:. Catchweight: A heavyweight, any dog \u200b\u200bwith more than 52 lb weight Weight Pit.
:. Butterfly Nose: Nose is a type of meat color stains.
:. Catch Dog: Dog used to trap wild boar and livestock, these dogs are very useful in overgrown fields.
:. Chain Weight: normal weight is a caged or chained dog and also a pet.
:. Chinese Fighting Dog: A strange-looking dog that weighs about 50 lbs. This breed has the characteristics to be used in fights, has a tough leather that allows you to wriggle out of any dog \u200b\u200bto grip, it also has enormous fangs. Formerly it was said that this would be the end of the Pit Bull breed dog was dog meat for the Pit Bull.
:. Cur: It has two meanings, any dog \u200b\u200bof any breed other than a Pit Bull and any dogs including Pit Bull is no game.
:. Cur Out: demonstration of lack of Valens, abandonment.
:. Dudley Nose: Nose flesh colored (this is not the same as Red Nose).
:. Full Drop Ears: Ears totally ed. (Such as Colbys Pinscher).
:. Game Review: Test of Courage for a dog fight, there are various mechanisms and means at the discretion of the breeder, there are those who get tired before the dog test, others do not, these dogs are tested with sparring partners and they also differ on the taste of breeder, the mouth is hard, soft mouth, with different skills, the test game time generally ranges from 20 minutes to 40 on general rules and the number of dogs entering the test is varied, 1, 2, 3, April, 5, 6 etc, Game Test is very broad and diverse but all forms point to the same goal, the dog shows his game or lack thereof.
:. Keep: Another term used for the preparation of a dog that will be fought.
:. Winch / treadmill: Apparatus for exercising a Pit Bull hacindolo run on l (treadmill).
:. Natural ears, ears not cut, almost half of Pit Bull's ears as, and is a mistake to cortrselas.
:. Old Family: Old Family fighting dogs imported from Ireland in the latter half of last century, the breeders who were based in the Old Family to establish their lines were Colby, Feeley, Corvino and Lightner.
:. Old Family Reds: A segment of the Old Family that was kept pure from other families, were red, white or red and white.
:. Old Family Red Nose: A segment of the Old Family Reds that was kept pure, showed a red nose.
:. Pied: white with bronze (or a mixture of dark colors.)
:. Pit: Pit where the dogs fight.
:. Pit Weight: The weight of a dog pit, the weight MINIMUM retaining maximum power of the animal.
:. Network: Any color shade cloth, except for very light colors.
:. Red Nose: Nose copper color that regularly present members of the Old Family Red Nose. This coloracin are also the dogs of other breeds.
:. Roll / School / clothing: A practice or training.
:. Scratch: method by which a Pit Bull must demonstrate Valenta in a fight. Scratch is the separation of the dogs in a fight, where for various reasons can be brought to it and where one will have than through the pit to make contact with his opponent for the fight continue.
:. Scratch Line: A line drawn in the pit by cutting corners, on which the dog makes the attack should not be on it.
:. Spring Pole: A device for exercising a Pit Bull, consists of a piece of skin or string (where the dog bites) and a spring or spring which is attached to a height that allow the dog to grip without having to be hanged.
:. Tosa: A breed of dog fighting japons reaching 140 pounds in weight.
:. Turn: A term used in fights to refer to the movement that makes a dog so that your opponent does not hold, according to the rules that use the turn can be considered legal if it is a maneuver.
:. Turn Table: Treadmill type apparatus consists of a round wooden surface which rotates when the dog runs on it.
:. United Kennel Club: The second biggest club record of America, the American Pit Bull sponsors but does not promote fights.
:. About the letters that have the names of some dogs, the following are their meanings
:. CH - Champion (Campen): Obtained the title by winning 3 fights contract and reported in a register as the SDJ.
:. GD CH - Grand Champion (Great Campen): Obtained the title by winning 5 fights without losing any contract. If a dog loses a fight is still a champion.
:. ROM - of Merit Register (Register of Merit): You get this title for having fathered 3 children champions or grand champions. For every three children earn one point champions ROM. Garner's Frisco ROM so far has 18 points ROM. NO WIN NO NEED TO FIGHT TO BE A ROM.
:. DG - Dead Game: This title given to a dog who gave his life in a fight never letting up until the end. This title is the most important of which means that even a dog would die knowing that the depth of his gameness was such that he did not desist in their fight until his last breath. The dog must not win the fight to be dead game and of course there are dead dogs live game.
:. CW - Chain Weight / Catch Weight (weight range): This involves the dog's weight string or no treatment, preparation training. The dog was taken from his chain and taken to fight as it was.
:. When a dog's name is followed by acronyms such as:
2xw means (Two Time Winner) Twice winner, or has won 2 fights. Gan 3XW 3 fights ... etc. 1XL
mean I lost a fight. 2XL lost 2 fights ... etc.
The best dogs have these acronyms and such ..... DG. Salina's Swig 2xw - 1XL (DG) This dog won two fights and lost one showing his gameness and giving his life trying to win his last fight. Foreword


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