Monday, May 18, 2009

How To Skip Level On Cubefield

Artistic composition.


studied apart from information, prepares to cut material and other items you require, one example for each type of composition, taking into account the color, size and shape, the form must correspond to 25 x 35 of the base block 30, each exercise should be done in individual leaf.

symmetrical composition
symmetrically group consists of each of the elements of composition, creating a balancing between visible throughout the image composition. This type of composition can be vertically or horizontally, taking into account the color, shapes and sizes.

group consists of asymmetrically each and every one of the compositional elements, creating harmony, but without the rigor of keeping the balance symmetrically.


consists of selecting an element of the composition as the main object of the same, while it is located in the center of the composition space, not leaving the other elements complementing composition. It is important to always keep harmony in the composition.



point from the geometry has no definition, and that in turn consists of other points.

The point is the minimum graphic expression is the beginning of every composition. From this, form the line.

The point at the center of the composition, creates balance, when it is moved provides dynamism.

Some features plastic that meets the point, are:

  • figural patterns or patterns created by grouping and repetition.
  • become the focus of the composition.

  • succession of foster dynamism.

  • has the ability to create textures.


line to appear when the point is animated and moves, indicate position, direction and has energy.

The line is capable of expressing emotions thick line is associated with courage, strength and straight line stability, the zigzag line is excited (everything is widespread). Straight lines of equal length and width in parallel groups introduced proportional relationship factors and rhythmic intervals.

Horizontal and vertical

introduce the principle of balanced opposition of tensions. Expresses the vertical force of primary significance: gravity. The horizontal plane is a substrate. Produce a satisfying feeling, because they symbolize human experience of absolute balance.

The diagonals introduce directional pulse and dynamism.

line plastic Functions: * Create
direction vectors, to organize the basic composition.
* brings depth to the composition, especially in flat representations. Enter stage a longitudinal view, located in the table on an oblique orientation, promotes a sense of depth. In all representations in central perspective spatial depth encoded by converging lines.
* Separate plans and organizes the space. It is not an exclusive function of the line. Volume
* Da-dimensional objects. The plots of intersecting lines create a sense of volume (use of tape recorders).
* can represent both the shape and structure of an object.


There are three basic outlines: square, circle and triangle.

- Square: 4 equal sides figure willing each other at right angles.

- circle, continuously curved figure whose circumference is equidistant from the center in all points.

- equilateral triangle: figure of three equal sides, arranged together with the same angle. Each has its specific and unique features.

- square: clumsiness, honesty, integrity and dedication.
- circle: infinity, warmth and protection.
- equilateral triangle: action, conflict and tension.

From these derive from combinations all physical forms of nature and of man's imagination. The structural
we store model that allows us to recognize objects we must distinguish between the form itself and the structural form.
The structural form is reflected in the spatial features that are essential to recognize the object.

Within the representation is important compositional level foreshortening and overlap.
- Foreshortening: representation of a simple scheme diverted due to a shift in the depth dimension of the scheme from which it derives.

is possible to speak of deferential foreshortening in three representations:
- When the projection is not perpendicular to the plane, increases the dynamic hosted repect to the projection on the vertical or horizontal space.
- When not representing the most characteristic of the object. Introduces tension, dynamism, and moving away from its original form.
- Any projections involve foreshortening, all parts of object are not parallel to the plane of projection would represent would be diverted and distorted proportions. The more or less dynamic tambourine on the degree of deformation.

- Overlay: a regular representation of the form. For the overlapping objects have an identity should be perceived as in independent. The arts are very different functions.

- The first figure is favored with the rest, because it is in first place and is fully represented.
- Create routes of reading is very important to help build the internal order of the image.
- Create cohesion masses and is grouped into a single visual unit, has great visual weight and promotes the dynamic equilibrium. Composition with figures dispersed is more difficult to balance.
- favors the three-dimensionality, in compositions with frontal dominance space, avoiding objects appear as if they were glued to the bottom of the table.

The overlap is incomplete representation of form, important to check the exact point at which certain objects should be stopped to avoid mutilation.

Relations between the forms are:
- Spacing - Tap - Overlay
- Penetration - Union - Abduction
- Intersection - Matching

TEXTURE Texture is one quality that has each of the surfaces . Guidelines is the grouping of the same or similar located near one another on a two-dimensional space can have relief. We can recognize by touch, sight or both. The texture can be optical or any tactile qualities (stripe).

The repetition of lines and repetition of points creates plot that can create textures. The plastic function of the texture surface is able to raise. The textured surfaces provide opacity, heavier and have uniformity. The types are: organic and geometric.
The other function of the texture coding of space in depth.


objects, depending on your configuration, quality and direction of incident light reflected tones. Are variable amounts of light between white and black, from which the reflected particularly those that do not reflect anything.
tonal values \u200b\u200bunderpinning our understanding of forms. The tone used by itself to represent reality.
is impossible to represent the tonal range that surrounds us. Photography and film have a larger scale, but it is not possible absolute mimicry.
The intensity of a tone is altered when juxtaposed with others. A clear tone seems lighter when surrounded by a darker tone.
These changes affect the shape. The light tone expands when it is surrounded by a dark. The largest perceive what it is. The dark color seems to be compressed when it is circumscribed by a clear tone.
tone contributes to the composition of an image. The movement, balance and rhythm depend on the tonal contrast of forms.
The election sends a tonal mood.
There are images that span the spectrum but others favor a wide area. The high key is to choose shades close to white. Given its brightness, its expressive qualities suggest optimistic feelings.
The key intermediate has a moderately neutral intent.
The low key is the closest to black. His qualities are bleak and dull.


Escher's work -

The composition is distributed properly, each and every one of the elements that make up the representation, taking into account the color, size, space and form in general that will be implemented.


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