Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life Expectancy For Advanced Cirrhosis

So much of what I write, so many issues that seem apparently fruitful and important, but I can not specify any idea. I tell you what happened on that bus to Iquique, where I met Roland, is seventeen years old, is a fan of Panda, and will consider a career in engineering or systems. I chatted with him a long time, even when we stopped at La Serena and ate at a high school cafeteria gringa with a lady who was also on the bus. He told me that since the earthquake, has to take sleeping pills.

never met someone so lovely, so naturally friendly and sensible, and when we got in Copiapo for a coffee ... stole his backpack. It was carrying your computer, your credentials, all their money for the first semester of college. He could not react in another way, the blood was the face and beaten with fists seats. The assistant, or hostess, you stared with a stupid look and said it was his fault for not guarding their belongings.

I felt anger, then sadness. I was there when he spoke to his mother and then became, suddenly, a child of twelve, and cried and said "Mom, I stole everything, everything." I could not sleep all night, and noticed he does not. Just shaking and looked out the window. I told him I would pay whatever was needed, but he refused and said he would demand, as we all know will not get anywhere. When I got their email had enough presence of mind to make a joke (Ronald. .. Ronald McDonald, he said, his voice cracking.)

He got before I wake up and when I opened my eyes, had an episode of Mr. Bean on TV and looked out the window the blue sea, undisturbed.

All morning I had a stomach ache, a nuisance that did not stop. When I got to the inn and opened Twitter, I got one of the surprises most unpleasant I've had in a long time.

That brings me to the subject of resentment.

There is something against which I could never fight: my own bitterness. I'm the kind of person, the stupid kind of person who never forgets an insult. And not because of stubbornness, or for revenge. It's just one of those defects that reduce you as a person, you constantly revive a phrase that air for eight years, a banal situation in high school, some nagging groundless, seemingly small offenses that can not let go. Accompany you throughout the years with the same intensity of beliefs and moral values.

is related to the forgiveness, I suppose, and my inability to grant it. Not even myself.

But I think I can overcome it, after many years, even after all those negative feelings and has scarred me enough.

Brenda is an example of a primary partner. For years, years that extended from childhood to puberty, then a teenager, we had a rivalry that never had a truce. Although we once were friends, that I visited in her home and she in mine, suddenly there was an anger that made me sincerely believe, for a long time, Brenda was a real villain.

writing is so stupid. Always I had a cordial relationship with his family: his sister, who was my colleague, with his brother, with whom I went with some friends a few times, even with her mother, a lovely lady. But Brenda has always been the sworn enemy never overcome.

Until yesterday, after a chance encounter, I realized that I have no reason to hate her. Not even to dislike me. In fact, I realized that he had nothing against it. I see it differently now, and I guess it's time to see us, say hello and laugh all over the stupidity of the past. I do not look to be their friend, but I know that I consider a good person.

That leads me to think that perhaps in the future, stop harboring negative feelings about people, I think I have hurt. There is a very charming hope we say, and it is still immature and stupid. I only know that at this point in my life, not easily forgotten. I keep a mental log of all the jerks that I have done, and although it is completely destructive, is . I can not change just like that.

And this brings me to karma.

I believe in him. I've made myself so many jerks, and I can not change either, because these are themselves inaccessible past time. So, I guess all I wanted was to ask, you I read, oh yeah willing to enter into a collection to help Ronald to buy another computer. A specific objective and absolute transparency, so you feel a bit like that clean your karma and I also very nearly so selfish, stop feeling bad about Ron.

So ... Accept proposals, my brothers.


First, thank you very much heart to all who have joined "the noble cause", for whatever reason (Buddhism is optional.) Secondly, later in the same block of time I'll post the methods we use for the donation. It can be PayPal or bank CLABE, that the "I am discussing with my advisers." Also the option of drawing is quite interesting, and may be a more direct. Clarified that the figure is about looking together five thousand dollars for the purchase of a netbook, so there is nothing we can not achieve if each cooperate with, say, one hundred dollars.

Thanks again!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Recurring Deposit Calculator And Formula

Miscellaneous topics Arbitrary Thoughts droll presents

A selection of photos droll, considering that my vidita miserable and not a subject of study in this block (and I've gone to great concerts, I've gotten hard drugs, was raped by a teibolera, I had animal sex, alcohol congested with me, I bought prostitutes and educated about seven monkeys chattering).

selection of whiskeys a super cheap in Buenos Aires. "It gives me Glasgou in the rocks." "For me it is a Hiram Walker with that soft drink you do not know if lemon-lime or what, that number."

Search funny word in this lineup of Cartagena Colombian food. Hint: just think of this famous song by Luis Miguel: "I have all ---- you."

itself in Venezuela are aware of our expressions, but are not aware that a blanket sombrerudo hard to say "really cool, dude." In fact, say nothing, because you see that is falling to fart.

In the super El Calafate discriminate all the children of Chita and ninety-five percent of the people I know.

know I do not understand the picture because it just looks, but he killed me with laughter the first time I saw her in Santiago. Note the mutant arm of the girl, who would be awesome for kids of Photoshop Disasters. But the best is the slogan "a 7 in quality", which reminds us how sincere are these child shoe manufacturers.

Also in Santiago, the day Bachelet grabbed her things and said "bye bye, do not miss me, I'm already dead." To vista, baby (to see that not only the Metro and Figure have a sense of humor).

Selection "Pancho Villa is the host"

These finest Mexican products I found on a shelf of "food in the world," meaning that in the south, beans and tortillas are as exotic as soy sauce and jam Iranian nuggets.

In Argentina, as everyone knows, known as hot dogs and hot dogs. Thus, what name to put more original than a hot-doguería the name ... Pancho Villa? Brilliant! Eloquent! Sublime!

Now I see, this picture is not even remotely funny. While sauce is called as Mexico is called Scotch whiskey. One moment ...

And with you: the only place I care to go in the world.


Sometimes I have said here, almost in passing that during college I was a repository of many faiths. My companions, for some reason, I had much confidence, so I went back and told me the whole amount of crap they were doing. I, of course, were paid with the only currency that I know: writing all your bullshit in a tome without censorship.

Now I reread and I think it vulgar. And almost none that appear there I care, so their secrets lose interest. It's just a collection of who loved whom, by whom he left it, who saw what he thought who, who practiced zoophilia, who who was hit while who kissed who in a camp where we got into what and who the next day who said: "I know who was and who stole what and do not stain my ball, fucking, and my heartfelt reflections regard.

However, rescued a few paragraphs and I put together badly, to open in the other block a number with my worst adolescent writing. How do I know they are all texts failed, never come to light, and now, at a distance, only cause me shame, I thought that they must find some kind of redoubt final. There will never for anything except to prove that sole benefit of knowing how badly I wrote before is to know that in the future think of how bad I write now. And that's a consolation.

only recently turned his twenties, and was kind of late adolescence, who took everything very seriously (as now), but ... I had my heart

My life in college - Introduction

you seen? A chatty monkey saying hello, how are you, I'm a monkey chattering. "

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Images Of Colloid Goitre

Yesterday I learned that one of my favorite novels, The country the long shadows of Hans Ruech is based on a film about Eskimos. The novel describes so profoundly the ways of the Inuit , Northmen living at temperatures of forty degrees below zero and feed on marine animals frozen in my dreams I always imagined that Hans (Swiss, who died almost three years ago ) had spent a long time with them, learning about their way of life: hunting seasons, building igloos, the label that requires the guest to obtain sexual favors from the wife, the abandonment of the old in the sea ice, Nomadic Expeditions constants according to the seasons, rather less visible- time, and especially his philosophy, so based on this, so devoid of complexities, so alien to the white man .

not imagine that there is a conclusion about it, or make me change my idea that to write about a place, there must have been there. What makes me write about a quote from the novel that I've always liked: "So we have to go so far north that we get back to anywhere in the look we are looking south."


Last time I was thinking, not manipulate me by subjectivity, the reasons that led me to be a very egotistical.

Then I thought all the people, by definition, are egomaniacs. Normal people, at least. Then there are others, gray beings who live according to other figures, who never speak for themselves and find it unthinkable to have a block.

My conclusion: Aristotle, the Greeks, the narrative structure.

1. I like writing, I have always liked, and any history is by definition a main character. Thereupon, in constructing a parallel between reality and the written, involuntarily arises the idea of \u200b\u200bthe central figure.

always called my attention to secondary characters, and often think that they are in other stories, characters main.

2. In my life there has been a tremendous amount of pelotudeces. I have lived in different cities, I have fallen, have fallen for me, I've fallen out, I succeeded in some things, failed in others, I pursued my goals so untidy but timely, and met secondary characters that I have deeply impressed. In short, the lives of almost everyone. My story, like all others, has had bows thematic climax, slow and fast development, plot holes and late season.

3. In light of the foregoing, it is logical that I feel the protagonist of my life / story, and I say this without that whiff of feminist self-improvement books for women who have had sexual intercourse in three years. As I write, as I imagine my life more like a novel than a movie, like almost everything of importance happens to me I imagine writing almost immediately, it is natural to me all people are part of my story , not backwards. It is natural that when something great, something strange happens to me, thinking: clear, it had to happen.

4. During my trip I left a bit these concepts, because I continually met people with stories a million times more interesting than mine (which is not hard) and started to feel like the minor character who entered his life. I noticed that my participation was limited to a few weeks, a few days a week, but for me they were going to stay forever. Then I used them. To write about them.

5. The answer to my egotism is explained in the traditional structure of the story. If I am not the star of My life, and not act as such, who would then?


After exactly twenty posts about my adventures in South America, blogging again is depressing me . So now what you could write? Who would entertain my monotonous adventures in the real world? Why would return to the banalities that before I passionate? Do I have to invent another trip to get new posts with passion, charm and intensity?

currently live in a perpetual hangover. Of a liquor called life, which I enjoy for some months.