Monday, February 28, 2011

Fanfiction Harry Yaoi

The little boy watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point he asked: - "Grandpa, you're writing a story that happened to the two? Is it by chance, a story about me?

His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson:

- I'm writing about you, actually. However, more important than words is the pencil I'm using. I would like you to be like this pencil when you grow up.

The grandson looked at the pencil intrigued, and saw nothing special about him, and asked

- What's particular that pen?

Grandpa replied

- Everything depends on how you look at things. There are four qualities in him, if you can keep, will always make you a person at peace with the world.

First quality: occasionally need to stop what you're writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but in the end, be much sharper. Therefore, should be able to endure some pain, because you will better person.

Second quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. understood that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing , but something important to stay the course of justice.

Third quality: what really matters in a pencil is not the wood or its exterior, but the graphite inside. Therefore, always pay attention what happens inside you .

Fourth quality: always leaves a mark. Similarly, you should know that everything you do in life, leave traces. why try to be aware of every action .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cruise Ship Employment Security

always have the key

exit box was the same hell. And yet, Liz Murray managed to beat the game to life with the worst cards possible. A trip from the bottom rung of the social ladder to tread only the elites who have put in writing and become a best seller: "Breaking Night".

The road was an endless uphill from the zero point. Liz was born without parents, and very early had to deal with the two older children who had conceived. Hippies to them was the hand with the drug in the 70's and the beginning of the next decade, which would mark the beginning of the calendar of her daughter, were addicted terminals.

Capable of stealing money from her birthday and even a turkey for a church that had given them had something to take to the stomach on Thanksgiving. That's on good days. When cows went and starving, Liz and her sister had to pull the imagination to stand. "We ate ice cubes or would share a tube of toothpaste for dinner," says the girl, now 29, graduated from Harvard and spokesperson international youth forums.

"I learned from four years that Mom and Dad had strange habits which I reported," he explains about his early childhood in the streets of the Bronx. He attended many times, for example, the ritual of putting on the table a bunch of spoons and foreign objects "in a sort of emergency preparedness."

Things can always get worse and Murray is completely twisted. He stopped going to school, where it was not easy to integrate lice covered from top to bottom and smelling bad. Once out of class had to improvise nursing knowledge. I was 15 and his mother, AIDS. Among

vomiting syndrome withdrawal, did, however, bring him a mantra his daughter in the head. Something like "and better times." Not for her, she died right away and was buried in a wooden box. And for your daughter still take years.
Unable to cope with the rent, his father moved to a shelter for the homeless, while its sister agency a seat on the couch of a friend. Liz had worse luck and was on the street, rolling on park benches and subway cars in the city that never sleeps.

And then, at 17, decided it was time to reach those elusive "better times" announcing his mother with his arms injured by needles.

and he began to study. Completed high school in just two years, thanks to some night classes and the guardian angel that was intended. The same that led her to Harvard to visit with other students. Given that building

, Murray was clear he wanted to cross the threshold of a world usually reserved the right of admission. He learned that the New York Times gave scholarships to good students. Got one. He graduated from Harvard. Clinton met ....

now travels the world telling his story to young people who also have oil. "I was one of those people on one street away," she smiles, free of drama or resentment toward a parent who could not be: "They had many flaws, but they were incredibly loving people. I grew up understanding that message one way or another."

(Excerpted from The, 04/10/2010).

How Often Do You Get A Brazilian Wax?

The same would require an effective partner, is the secret of our effectiveness. I look at twelve points as well: silence, order, repetition, resolution, frugality, diligence, sincerity, justice, observation, clean, quiet and humility.

Lack of each of these conditions is a personal flaw in our work, we have to fight us our partners and avoid
Noel Clarasó

Silence for reflection and introspection.
Order Efficiency and method. Repeat
to generate the habit and improve with practice.
resolution to overcome the difficulties and act decisively. Frugality
to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body without superfluous needs.
Diligence for perseverance and dedication.
Sincerity and justice to make it right. Comment
to recognize changes in the environment. Clean
to create an enabling environment. Quiet
to maintain patience and
Humility, humility, to face the challenges of this journey.

are not bad advice for this

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Does Dreaming Of A Shark Mean

Twelve tips

Life has two days you can not do anything:

one is Saturday and the other is the morning.
Only one thing is certain: TODAY.

You can dream, work, enjoy, love ...

not let time go by without doing what is truly relevant and important in your life because without realizing it will spent days, weeks, months and years ... At the end ... life.

Think for a moment: What is it that you constantly put off until the right time? How much time has passed since the first time I thought about it? When do you think will be the ideal time? What circumstances must be to be the ideal time? What are the chances you get that perfect day?

say there are only two perfect time to plant a tree for twenty years ... and now.

Do not spend more time putting off your dreams and live your life TODAY.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Many Cigarettes In A Pouch


Sometimes we do not jump higher because we believe in ourselves and our immense potential. Santiago Alvarez de Mon

Trust your immense possibilities, dare to overcome your fears, your limits and your false self-imposed boundaries. If our ancestors had heeded their voices limiting the world had stopped spinning long.

Face the challenges - big and small - with determination, with courage and with dedication. Concentrates all the power of all your cells in the lens and discover that what you think today was actually smaller limits obstacles to overcome and evidence that, when overcome, I have become stronger.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Repair Aseam On Leather Couch

No limits Watch your dreams, but I know

Things are not thrown into a great speech.
Francisco Arregui, Seguros Catalana Occidente Dtor.General of

louder movement and the goals and values \u200b\u200bof a company are shown in each of their daily movements.

You must have an exciting vision, share it and make it public with maximum exposure (even with a great speech if necessary), but the really essential is to begin to work and that each of the small gains achieved over from that day are aligned with that goal and with that vision.

Gandhi, Mandela, Luther King, Kennedy ... All of them made over memorable speeches of his life but after getting out of the stands began to work to make your dream possible ... and those of many people.

Difference Open Or Closed Knee Support

essential works

There are men who fight one day and are good. There are others who fight for a year and are better. There are others who fight many years and are much better. But others struggle all their lives: these are indispensable. Bertolt Brecht

The essential world needs people, people who do not resign, fireproof people, people for whom failure is not an option, people determined to get to the end and make the necessary efforts to achieve it.

"Reward? Hopefully some recognition fugitive and fleeting but definitely the satisfaction of having done what should be done and have helped with the example for others to find their way.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Front Office Department Organizational Chart

Invent not copy!

You do not build your character doing what everybody else.
Carlos Ghosn, Nissan President

have different eyes, one ear different, a single heart, a body, a personality, an identity ... Defend your independence, your right to be different, to be free, to travel roads not traveled, to see and understand life as you like, to be yourself, live your life and choose your present and your future.

Tomorrow is not going to build those who repeat what they did yesterday, not those who copy what their neighbors or those who criticize different. Tomorrow will come from the mind, heart and hands of those who can imagine a better world and focus their energies on doing a reality.

Cervix Very Soft And Low Before Period

pharmacy Recipe: Passion, talent and effort

professional success formula is not complex, being composed of three basic ingredients are served at any pharmacy in life: passion, talent and effort. There is no other way to succeed. You must be willing and some talent, and cultivate that talent by devoting a lot, but that much time.
José Manuel Casado.
passion, talent and effort ... Are there other recipes? Account

the author in an article entitled 'The chakras of talent' that to be successful in any discipline verdedero must overcome the barrier 10,000 hours of testing, training or preparation (something like the flight hours of pilots). Whether you're a violinist, athlete, scientist or juggler: the bright, projecting, the bandwagon ... I have spent six or eight hours of training or preparation day his passion to exceed 10,000 hours and that distinguishes them from less brilliant and mediocre.

Achieving Success "(professional or not)? Passion, talent and effort.

That's all!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Much Is A Scan For My Dog


By: Edward Pinilla

All my life I reflected on the concept love, desperately look for its meaning on the outside, but given my perfectionist - efficient, I was always the wrong answer. Learning cost me a high price, but in the end, the lesson was learned and assimilated. All

disappointment brings a lesson and it produces evolution. In the way of life are part of the problem or part of the solution. That is, are students and teachers. In this process we learn to accept the painful situations as part of teaching. Ultimately we must understand that there are no casualties but "causality." Everything happens for a reason and in most cases, what happens is caused by oneself.

From my point of view, to learn to love, you must begin at home, otherwise, until they fall in love with the most valuable person in this world that you yourself do not love another person and only thing that causes it harm. That's why intimate relationships are short or just become a scene of constant bickering and arguments.

When I refer to a love "five stars", I'm talking about an ideal partner with the necessary characteristics for the relationship to produce results. Here is the meaning of the five stars.

First we must understand that the most important thing is to get a person like you, here applies the saying "birds of a feather flock together." On finding a match requires respect for yourself, it is a partner team coming together to produce synergy, which is the sum of various energies.

The first star is related to ESTEEM. If someone loves himself will always be full of dreams and goals. They'll have an effective, proactive search for your own good and thus that of others. Otherwise it is a reactive person, a victim who is always looking for excuses to justify their mistakes.

A proactive

feel love for himself, understands that only he or she is solely responsible for what happens in life, understand that luck is not by chance but from his own action, and that the only way opportunities to achieve is causing the events happen.

The second star means THE PHYSICAL . If high self-esteem, that person will take care of your image, try to be well presented (a) and to establish good personal relationships. Avoid being confrontational (a) and as far as possible be a mediator (a). On the contrary, a person who neglects her appearance, it matters little its image. The body is our vehicle that leads to all parties and therefore we must give without exceeding the proper use in foods, beverages and other harmful substances.

The third star is THE INTELLECTUAL. This is knowledge. One couple comes together to share knowledge and it must be productive, otherwise the relationship deteriorates and goes into the routine. The human brain suffers from bulimia, which means that he feeds information, if not provided adequate, vomiting or negative responses in most cases, depression.

The fourth star is THE EMOTIONAL. Through human speech express our feelings. Emotions are given by way of thinking. Every feeling is the son of thought. Two people come together to be happy, not unhappy. The emotion is related to emotional intelligence. This includes several processes: understanding and knowing my emotions, have self-control and understand the reactions of others.

The fifth star is: THE SPIRITUAL. Spirituality is the relationship you have with that higher being, no matter what the customs or beliefs. Spirituality must produce internal changes and the complete domination of ego.

personal or business coaching and conference call cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sprite On A Pork Chop

¿Success ... ¡Aja!

Success depends on how we manage our attitude towards life
Jorge Mas

successful Adopt a position to choose what they want to do, how and when you do it and do it! ... Above all do it!

The action is the door to success. Positive attitudes or come alone and stay there forever. It should be fed back daily small successes that every day you closer to your target after each action.

Be yourself, defend your personal brand and enjoy it. In the world there is too much mediocrity, too much uniformity, egalitarianism too easy, too many jealousies limiting excessive risk aversion, too conformist and excessive unjustified cries. We talk too much on the circumstances, the environment, others, and some of our lack of effort, our small little mistakes and our faults.

assumes the responsibility of leading your life and build something worthwhile with it, for you and for others.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amusing Things To Write In Wedding Cards

Survives: changes

Whoever wants constant happiness and wisdom, must accommodate frequent changes. Confucius

Change is in the root of human nature and existence of all things. All living things change from birth to death, but even inanimate things constantly mutate. Even the stones are changed, the rivers change course, the clouds disappear and reappear and walk the dunes. Nothing is immutable. Everything changes.

"Survive? Survive is to adapt to this change permanent, learn to surf on the crest of the wave, be flexible and adaptable as bamboo knowing steadfastly maintain a constant direction and a goal despite the circumstances.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Griha Pravesh Messages


By: Edward Pinilla

pinillafl @

tells a story that one day the devil set up a shop to sell all his tools with which disables humans. Exhibited in a glass case, the envy, jealousy, resentment, doubt, anger and all that were considered low efficiency.

Someone asked what happened satan, you're going to withdraw from the business? He said not only do I get rid of those that are very useful to me, to stay with a very powerful with which I will destroy the human being faster. What is it? Asked this person. DEPRESSION

There is no mental state to destroy the most powerful human being that depression, it produces various thoughts and emotions that build up on the person, causing rapid destruction.

Daily humans have 60 000 thoughts which are repeated the next day about 99%, this indicates that if we thought in disgrace, tomorrow will reproduce the same and so on until you decide to change. Sure, the changes will not be possible while you and only you make the decision to change, no matter the price you pay.

Thoughts have power and impact on emotions, these are the causes of illnesses, separations, frustrations, depressions and make reality take the course we set in our mind.

If you do not believe me, just do the following exercise to show you the power of thought. If you physical pain somewhere in your body, work better. Close your eyes, looks up toward the front, imagine you are holding a lemon and take it to your mouth, then bite and feel like the acid juice fills your mouth, now tell mentally "my mouth full of saliva , a lot of saliva "and feel like you mouth full of saliva. Order now mentally it hurts the area is anesthetized, you can say "my arm is numbed" or the area that hurts, and feel like in that part of the pain subsides and is removed.

From the viewpoint of the Latin root, meaning depression despondent, defeated. In other discouraging words. The first thing a child is born is breathe, breath, when someone is about to die produces discouragement or the last breath. Depression is that, is to detract from strength to life is to live in reverse, this means that many people die at 40 or earlier and cease to exist 5 or 10 years later.

depression is caused by the accumulation of thoughts in the unconscious mind. The human mind is divided into two parts: conscious mind, which has 5% of the capacity of memory and the unconscious that is 95%. It is here where the rudder to move our boat and directs the destiny of our life. This mind is programmable and does so from birth.

There are several strategies to prevent depression, but the best of them is changing the way of thinking, because that is where the root of any conflict or problem abroad.

The human brain suffers from bulimia, a disorder known by the need to consume food and then vomit. The same happens in the brain, it has to consume food that is appropriate for information, but it provides him vomit up what you saved to your memory.

face adversity in life, whatever it is, apart disease, dismissal from a job, death of a relative, it is, if no response is stored, the brain commands (vomit) depression.

So it's best to feed the mind and prepare to respond adequately to any conflict of motivation with readings, discussions with positive people.

Consider that those three aspects we define ourselves, as we think, feel and talk.

personal or business coaching, and conferences, call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472