Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Griha Pravesh Messages


By: Edward Pinilla

pinillafl @ hotmail.com

tells a story that one day the devil set up a shop to sell all his tools with which disables humans. Exhibited in a glass case, the envy, jealousy, resentment, doubt, anger and all that were considered low efficiency.

Someone asked what happened satan, you're going to withdraw from the business? He said not only do I get rid of those that are very useful to me, to stay with a very powerful with which I will destroy the human being faster. What is it? Asked this person. DEPRESSION

There is no mental state to destroy the most powerful human being that depression, it produces various thoughts and emotions that build up on the person, causing rapid destruction.

Daily humans have 60 000 thoughts which are repeated the next day about 99%, this indicates that if we thought in disgrace, tomorrow will reproduce the same and so on until you decide to change. Sure, the changes will not be possible while you and only you make the decision to change, no matter the price you pay.

Thoughts have power and impact on emotions, these are the causes of illnesses, separations, frustrations, depressions and make reality take the course we set in our mind.

If you do not believe me, just do the following exercise to show you the power of thought. If you physical pain somewhere in your body, work better. Close your eyes, looks up toward the front, imagine you are holding a lemon and take it to your mouth, then bite and feel like the acid juice fills your mouth, now tell mentally "my mouth full of saliva , a lot of saliva "and feel like you mouth full of saliva. Order now mentally it hurts the area is anesthetized, you can say "my arm is numbed" or the area that hurts, and feel like in that part of the pain subsides and is removed.

From the viewpoint of the Latin root, meaning depression despondent, defeated. In other discouraging words. The first thing a child is born is breathe, breath, when someone is about to die produces discouragement or the last breath. Depression is that, is to detract from strength to life is to live in reverse, this means that many people die at 40 or earlier and cease to exist 5 or 10 years later.

depression is caused by the accumulation of thoughts in the unconscious mind. The human mind is divided into two parts: conscious mind, which has 5% of the capacity of memory and the unconscious that is 95%. It is here where the rudder to move our boat and directs the destiny of our life. This mind is programmable and does so from birth.

There are several strategies to prevent depression, but the best of them is changing the way of thinking, because that is where the root of any conflict or problem abroad.

The human brain suffers from bulimia, a disorder known by the need to consume food and then vomit. The same happens in the brain, it has to consume food that is appropriate for information, but it provides him vomit up what you saved to your memory.

face adversity in life, whatever it is, apart disease, dismissal from a job, death of a relative, it is, if no response is stored, the brain commands (vomit) depression.

So it's best to feed the mind and prepare to respond adequately to any conflict of motivation with readings, discussions with positive people.

Consider that those three aspects we define ourselves, as we think, feel and talk.

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