Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Much Is A Scan For My Dog


By: Edward Pinilla

All my life I reflected on the concept love, desperately look for its meaning on the outside, but given my perfectionist - efficient, I was always the wrong answer. Learning cost me a high price, but in the end, the lesson was learned and assimilated. All

disappointment brings a lesson and it produces evolution. In the way of life are part of the problem or part of the solution. That is, are students and teachers. In this process we learn to accept the painful situations as part of teaching. Ultimately we must understand that there are no casualties but "causality." Everything happens for a reason and in most cases, what happens is caused by oneself.

From my point of view, to learn to love, you must begin at home, otherwise, until they fall in love with the most valuable person in this world that you yourself do not love another person and only thing that causes it harm. That's why intimate relationships are short or just become a scene of constant bickering and arguments.

When I refer to a love "five stars", I'm talking about an ideal partner with the necessary characteristics for the relationship to produce results. Here is the meaning of the five stars.

First we must understand that the most important thing is to get a person like you, here applies the saying "birds of a feather flock together." On finding a match requires respect for yourself, it is a partner team coming together to produce synergy, which is the sum of various energies.

The first star is related to ESTEEM. If someone loves himself will always be full of dreams and goals. They'll have an effective, proactive search for your own good and thus that of others. Otherwise it is a reactive person, a victim who is always looking for excuses to justify their mistakes.

A proactive

feel love for himself, understands that only he or she is solely responsible for what happens in life, understand that luck is not by chance but from his own action, and that the only way opportunities to achieve is causing the events happen.

The second star means THE PHYSICAL . If high self-esteem, that person will take care of your image, try to be well presented (a) and to establish good personal relationships. Avoid being confrontational (a) and as far as possible be a mediator (a). On the contrary, a person who neglects her appearance, it matters little its image. The body is our vehicle that leads to all parties and therefore we must give without exceeding the proper use in foods, beverages and other harmful substances.

The third star is THE INTELLECTUAL. This is knowledge. One couple comes together to share knowledge and it must be productive, otherwise the relationship deteriorates and goes into the routine. The human brain suffers from bulimia, which means that he feeds information, if not provided adequate, vomiting or negative responses in most cases, depression.

The fourth star is THE EMOTIONAL. Through human speech express our feelings. Emotions are given by way of thinking. Every feeling is the son of thought. Two people come together to be happy, not unhappy. The emotion is related to emotional intelligence. This includes several processes: understanding and knowing my emotions, have self-control and understand the reactions of others.

The fifth star is: THE SPIRITUAL. Spirituality is the relationship you have with that higher being, no matter what the customs or beliefs. Spirituality must produce internal changes and the complete domination of ego.

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