Thursday, December 17, 2009

Colorful Running Spandex AUDIOBOOK "PLEASE BE HAPPY" (Andrew Matthews) - Law ... The Secret of Attraction

AUDIOBOOK "PLEASE BE HAPPY" (Andrew Matthews) - Law of Attraction ...

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Karajan Orchestra Layout

CH - Champion (Champion): Obtained the title by winning 3 fights in a row under contract and reported in a register as the SDJ or breeders' associations made some game dogs.
Example: South American Luig
GRD CH - Grand Champion (Grand Champion): Obtained the title by winning 5 fights without losing any contract. If a dog loses a fight is still a campeón.O if a dog already won their 5 matchs and lost the sixth grand champion remains.
Example: Roque Chavez GRD. CH. 5XW tires.

GRD CH - Grand Champion (Grand Champion): Obtained the title by winning 5 fights without losing any contract. If a dog loses a fight continues a campeón.O if a dog already won their 5 matchs and lost the sixth grand champion remains.
Example: Sanche'z GRD. CH. Mosca 5XW 1XL

ROM - Register of Merit (Register of Merit): You get this title for having fathered 3 children champions or grand champions. For every three children earn one point champions ROM.
Example: Garner's Frisco ROM has 13 points ROM. This means that 39 children fathered champions or grand champions. NO WIN NO NEED TO FIGHT TO BE A ROM.

DG - Dead Game: This title is given to a dog who gave his life in a fight never letting up until the end. For me this is the most prestigious title that means that a dog knowing that going to die the depth of his gameness or fineness was such that he did not desist in their fight to his last breath. The dog must not win the fight to be dead game and there are no dead dogs live game.

XW "It means that it has won a match or fight, 2xw means (Two Time Winner) Twice winner, or has won 2 fights. 3XW won 3 fights ... etc
Example: Morticia Sanche'z 2xw

XL-You mean they lost a match or fight. 2XL means (Two Time Loser) Two-time loser ... etc. You can give bladed previously won a match and losing the last played.
Example: Shadow Sanche'z 1XW 1XL

The best dogs have these acronyms and such ..... DG. Salina's Swig
2xw - 1XGL (DG)
This dog won two fights and lost one showing his gameness and giving his life trying to win in his last fight. His

: Leo Kinard, Maurice Carver, Bert Clouse, Earl Tudor, Bob Hemphill,
Bob Wallace, George Saddler,
Jos: Floyd Boudreaux, Rob Lewis, Don Maloney, Scotty Nelson. Chavis





patrick pratt





Mountain Man and Jake



Wallace & Mason

Bullyson vs Benny Bob - the son who beat his father







December 1891, Farmer's Turk defeats Feeley's Jim in a match historical-4: 58

Howard Heinzl (The Reverend Howard Heinzl) and "mugs"



Tudor, Maloney and Greenwood's "Strider" bitters

Maurice Carver whether Kern's "Mike"

black widow

Bobby Hall, Frank Fitzwater if Maurice Carver (1970)


Ed Crenshaw & Reno

Norman Hooten (Centru) & Butcher Boy

Andre Giroux & Gr Ch Hank

Earl & Flo if cainele lor Keynote

Dean Plemons, Earl Tudor, Howard Heinzl, Jimmy Wimberly, Bob Hemphill - 1956

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Genital Wartsacv Black


In this breed of dog fighting to continue with the same qualities that were made long ago more than 200 years, dogs were crossed based on the most important fighters, crossing the best with the best, the champion with the champions or excellent quality with some formidable fighters that the breeder is interested in your family set of dogs, and through the centuries, achieving the gameness, which is the quality of this race and what presisamente unlike any other, the Pit Bull is only necessary to this, the gameness.
The gameness or GAME or fine or finesse in the APBT is the predisposition to fight to the death. Man through the years and based on a selective breeding achievement cancel the survival instinct of the dog, any other race in a fight submissive takes positions when an issue is defeated, putting his back against the rival, or runs, the APBT GAME by more than this losing attempt to win the fight or simply die in the attempt, a dog does not admit defeat GAME.
The gameness as mentioned is unique to this race and very few individuals of the same, no good in every family there are always dogs dogs GAME OR GAME these past called "CUR" for a dog possesses the most likely GAME we will have if the whole family of dogs that worked on this quality or at least most of them, an APBT GAME can only show by a TEST or a GAME MATCH.
reality is far from any other activity, such as pulling carts, preying colgarce, ect, these activities have nothing to do with the GAME of an APBT, it must be clear, such activities are more related to their conditions natural physical. There is much confusion and a lot of misinformation about the word GAME and to inform well we agree or not with a "GAME TEST" this must be very clear! "The only place where it is shown that the dog is GAME is a long fight or a controlled trial called GAME TEST" which we will discuss below. Before I continue
clarify that "NO ONE SHOULD DO THIS KIND OF EVIDENCE" Only comment on the bases of the mechanism by way of historical information about the race. The GAME TEST
differs from each breeder, as every breeder of fine fighting dogs have different experiences and preferences about the qualities of dogs these tests vary, as well as the focus or point of view of how hard it must be the test or tests. Very basically
see the dog is very tired, no strength or air due to a particular time of struggle and that pays the stripes, the stripes are to separate the dogs, one in this case that this test was the corner of the square, it turns, we expect 30 seconds as indicated by the regulation and releases it to see if the dog wants to keep fighting, and several times when the dog is exhausted until the breeder to see the unwavering will of the animal to want to continue fighting for what states or FINE GAME and that dog just will be able to cover other dogs and go to GAME MATCH.
Then every breeder is looking for other qualities in addition to the GAME, but GAME is always the main thing because without GAME APBT does not exist, according to the qualities of the same order will also be related to the preference of the breeder, you may immediately after GAME ability is sought, to the mouth, the animal's natural air, in order and many other things that make the overall quality of a dog fight.
The time of the GAME TEST and ways to apply it and how much sparring (dogs that are used to test another in a GAME TEST) also differs from the taste of the breeder, it is always a very particular, usually GAME TEST there is no specific time, this ranges from 20 to 40 minutes general rules, you can test with a heavier dog, two dogs medium weight, with three dogs exact weight, 4, 5, 6 ... in short combinations and possibilities are many, as well as already mentioned the qualities of the sparring may also differ, some people prefer dogs mouth hard, others soft mouths, talk about a specific method or way to make an impossible TEST GAME , although there is common ground, it always differs with each breeder.
There are also those who argue that the real TEST GAME is done in a long, hard fight and a dog on a long MATCH lose much more blood pressure, a lack of oxygen in the blood, oxygenates the brain is not, the dog suffers from a muscular exhaustion with all that that implies, can hardly breathe, almost in shock this and pay the stripes without hesitation with the little strength he is returning to fight with everything against him ... this is a real dog GAME is not the same as fight 1 hour 30 minutes more harsh and intense than the 30 minutes with several dogs in a protracted battle involving many physical and psychological factors different.
I hope it has been clear that it is a GAME TEST, repeat ... ... no one should do this with animals exposed to the information provided, I feel good that the owners of an APBT know each and every one of your dog's appearance and history
. American Dog Breeders Association: A record that has existed since 1889 and recorded nicamente the American Pit Bull Terrier. Unlike the United Kennel Club, not dog fighting censorship. American Staffordshire Terrier
: The counterpart of the Pit Bull exhibition. This race was known as the Staffordshire Terrier, but the American was later added to define this race is different lineages developed bean Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
:. Ban Dog: A term that was used in a little to name a race result of the intersection of a Pit Bull and a Mastn Italian. The literal translation would be chained dog.
:. Bat Ears: Prick ears with rounded tips.
:. Breaking Stick: quasar soft wood used to separate the dog from a dam when it does not let go, is used between the teeth of the dog without leverage, once released the prey, in the mouth to prevent the dog then again Dam.
:. Catchweight: A heavyweight, any dog \u200b\u200bwith more than 52 lb weight Weight Pit.
:. Butterfly Nose: Nose is a type of meat color stains.
:. Catch Dog: Dog used to trap wild boar and livestock, these dogs are very useful in overgrown fields.
:. Chain Weight: normal weight is a caged or chained dog and also a pet.
:. Chinese Fighting Dog: A strange-looking dog that weighs about 50 lbs. This breed has the characteristics to be used in fights, has a tough leather that allows you to wriggle out of any dog \u200b\u200bto grip, it also has enormous fangs. Formerly it was said that this would be the end of the Pit Bull breed dog was dog meat for the Pit Bull.
:. Cur: It has two meanings, any dog \u200b\u200bof any breed other than a Pit Bull and any dogs including Pit Bull is no game.
:. Cur Out: demonstration of lack of Valens, abandonment.
:. Dudley Nose: Nose flesh colored (this is not the same as Red Nose).
:. Full Drop Ears: Ears totally ed. (Such as Colbys Pinscher).
:. Game Review: Test of Courage for a dog fight, there are various mechanisms and means at the discretion of the breeder, there are those who get tired before the dog test, others do not, these dogs are tested with sparring partners and they also differ on the taste of breeder, the mouth is hard, soft mouth, with different skills, the test game time generally ranges from 20 minutes to 40 on general rules and the number of dogs entering the test is varied, 1, 2, 3, April, 5, 6 etc, Game Test is very broad and diverse but all forms point to the same goal, the dog shows his game or lack thereof.
:. Keep: Another term used for the preparation of a dog that will be fought.
:. Winch / treadmill: Apparatus for exercising a Pit Bull hacindolo run on l (treadmill).
:. Natural ears, ears not cut, almost half of Pit Bull's ears as, and is a mistake to cortrselas.
:. Old Family: Old Family fighting dogs imported from Ireland in the latter half of last century, the breeders who were based in the Old Family to establish their lines were Colby, Feeley, Corvino and Lightner.
:. Old Family Reds: A segment of the Old Family that was kept pure from other families, were red, white or red and white.
:. Old Family Red Nose: A segment of the Old Family Reds that was kept pure, showed a red nose.
:. Pied: white with bronze (or a mixture of dark colors.)
:. Pit: Pit where the dogs fight.
:. Pit Weight: The weight of a dog pit, the weight MINIMUM retaining maximum power of the animal.
:. Network: Any color shade cloth, except for very light colors.
:. Red Nose: Nose copper color that regularly present members of the Old Family Red Nose. This coloracin are also the dogs of other breeds.
:. Roll / School / clothing: A practice or training.
:. Scratch: method by which a Pit Bull must demonstrate Valenta in a fight. Scratch is the separation of the dogs in a fight, where for various reasons can be brought to it and where one will have than through the pit to make contact with his opponent for the fight continue.
:. Scratch Line: A line drawn in the pit by cutting corners, on which the dog makes the attack should not be on it.
:. Spring Pole: A device for exercising a Pit Bull, consists of a piece of skin or string (where the dog bites) and a spring or spring which is attached to a height that allow the dog to grip without having to be hanged.
:. Tosa: A breed of dog fighting japons reaching 140 pounds in weight.
:. Turn: A term used in fights to refer to the movement that makes a dog so that your opponent does not hold, according to the rules that use the turn can be considered legal if it is a maneuver.
:. Turn Table: Treadmill type apparatus consists of a round wooden surface which rotates when the dog runs on it.
:. United Kennel Club: The second biggest club record of America, the American Pit Bull sponsors but does not promote fights.
:. About the letters that have the names of some dogs, the following are their meanings
:. CH - Champion (Campen): Obtained the title by winning 3 fights contract and reported in a register as the SDJ.
:. GD CH - Grand Champion (Great Campen): Obtained the title by winning 5 fights without losing any contract. If a dog loses a fight is still a champion.
:. ROM - of Merit Register (Register of Merit): You get this title for having fathered 3 children champions or grand champions. For every three children earn one point champions ROM. Garner's Frisco ROM so far has 18 points ROM. NO WIN NO NEED TO FIGHT TO BE A ROM.
:. DG - Dead Game: This title given to a dog who gave his life in a fight never letting up until the end. This title is the most important of which means that even a dog would die knowing that the depth of his gameness was such that he did not desist in their fight until his last breath. The dog must not win the fight to be dead game and of course there are dead dogs live game.
:. CW - Chain Weight / Catch Weight (weight range): This involves the dog's weight string or no treatment, preparation training. The dog was taken from his chain and taken to fight as it was.
:. When a dog's name is followed by acronyms such as:
2xw means (Two Time Winner) Twice winner, or has won 2 fights. Gan 3XW 3 fights ... etc. 1XL
mean I lost a fight. 2XL lost 2 fights ... etc.
The best dogs have these acronyms and such ..... DG. Salina's Swig 2xw - 1XL (DG) This dog won two fights and lost one showing his gameness and giving his life trying to win his last fight. Foreword

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How Long Does Plan B Remain In Your System


condition or Pit Bull dog for show or for combat is an individual effort. Your success will depend upon the Amount of time and effort "You are willing to spend on your dog. This keep is based upon the idea That Anyone can bring a dog up to, say, 50% of historical Potential for strength and endurance. A top amateur can train a dog to 75%, while a top professional can consistently show dogs at around 90% - or more of their potential. This method will take you step-by-step through a complete training cycle for a combat dog.


It is my theory that if dog A and dog B are equal in natural ability and gameness and dog A has been better prepared (conditioned) for his fight than dog B, then dog A should win the match; and he will 9 times out of 10. In this keep we will try to do everything possible to help our dog's chances of winning while not doing anything to hurt him in any way. I believe that, in training, if you do 10% or 15% more for your dog than your opponent does for his, then you will win-at least 4 times out of 5. 1 might add that it is the little things that count in the long run. You must follow the general formula of this keep, if you wish to see the maximum benefit and the best results.


Your dog has to learn to fight and even though he has a lot of natural desire he needs practice to make perfect. Start rolling him 10 minutes at a time at 15 or 16 months and then every 6 weeks thereafter. Every other time add 5 more minutes to the roll so that at 2 years he goes 25 minutes. By this time your dog will have enough experience to know for sure what's going on.


There is only one good way to test your dog. At 26 or 27 months roll him into a dog bigger than him for 30 minutes then put a fresh dog on him for about 1 0 minutes and scratch them 4 or 5 times. If your dog acts good and scratches good through this then he is ready for a match.

Feeding and Weight

It is best for the dog and easier on your pocket book to keep your dog within 3 or 4 pounds of his fighting weight all the time. Excess weight and fat just strain the heart and vascular system. If your dog is more than 3 pounds over match weight, then prior to the keep you should put him on a low fat, high protein diet. Weigh your dog each day just prior to feeding. Never try to take off more than one pound per week. Any more will weaken him.

Your feed should consist of 1/4 to 1/2 pound of lean meat and cottage cheese and 1-1/2 to 2 1/2 cups of Purina protein dog feed once per day, depending on the size of the dog. Neck meat off of a bull is the best meat you can get. Always feed the meat in big pieces so it will take longer to pass through the dog. Quite often you can find an animal by-products factory in your area. These places pick up fresh, dead or crippled livestock from farmers, and you can buy fresh beef or horsemeat at around. 10 or.12 cents a pound. Never feed your dog more than he will eagerly eat. If for some reason he doesn't eat eagerly, take the feed away until his next scheduled feed -- this will bring his appetite around. Always weigh or measure the feed. No guesswork. If you weigh the meat and measure the dry feed, then as you weigh your dog each day, you can increase or decrease his feed to control his weight. Do not try to fight your dog too thin, as it will weaken him. Always watch the dog's stool every day for any unusual signs such as blood or diarrhea. His stool will give you a daily indicator of his general health. Always keep fresh water available to the dog. Bottled mineral water is also very good for him. Allow your dog to cool out after working him before giving him any water.

Feeding at night is the best, as a general rule. Most matches are at night and it is important for your dog to be empty at the time of the match. No feed the last 24 hours before a match. No water the last 12 hours. Try to be as regular as possible about the time of feeding. In hot weather your dog will eat better at night when it is cool.

Give your dog a One-A-Day vitamin + Iron and one tablespoon of Clovite conditioner in his feed each day.

Wash his feed bowl before you feed each day and give him fresh water every day.


Before you start the keep you should give your dog several days or even 2 or 3 weeks of 10 or 15 minutes workouts. Either roadwork or on a treadmill is fine. This will get him used to working and will toughen his feet. Always pay careful attention to his feet for cuts, bruises, or for wearing his pads thin. I like to paint his pads with Bonocain until they get tough. Bonocain is also good for any injuries to his pads. Always avoid over-working your dog. If he gets overly tired or starts breathing rough and straining during a work out, stop and walk him until his breathing becomes normal and easy. As you gradually increase his work, your dog will get a little more exhausted, but he should take the amount of work in this keep with no difficulty. If the situation arises that he can't take the daily increases, give him the amount of work he can take for a few days. He will soon be ready to get back on schedule. Remember too, dogs have their bad days just like humans. If he doesn't act really eager during a workout, rest him that day. That will sharpen him back up. Hand walking is one of the best ways to get your dog in top condition. It is a little harder on the trainer, but it really pays off in the pit. You cannot overwork your dog by walking him. If you have the time, up to 5 miles per day is ideal. Always walk your dog 1/2 mile before and after each workout. This is the least amount of walking you can get by with and still get top condition.

The amount of work called for in this keep will bring your dog to a peak of condition. But if your dog runs especially hard, you may have to give him a little less work. If you have a lazy dog, it will just take a lot of patience on your part. If you have a lazy dog, you can let him run after a cat one day and a chicken the next. Or you can experiment around and possibly find some other animal he likes especially well. This work schedule is the most desirable but you should be flexible enough to fit it to each individual dog according to his ability. Remember, some dogs just have a lot more natural wind than others. This schedule is listed both in miles and in minutes on a treadmill. If you use a mill, it is very important that it runs free and doesn't make your do pull too hard.


Sunday - No work. In the afternoon give him a 2 cc injection of Combiotic and 2 tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia

Monday - 3 miles or 15 minutes

1/2 teaspoon B-15

Tuesday - 3 1/2 miles or 18 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15, 1 /2 cc male hormone 1/2 cc B-12

Wednesday - 4 miles or 21 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B- 15

Thursday - 4 1/2 miles or 24 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Friday 5 miles or 27 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15, 1/2 cc male hormone 1/2 cc B-12

Saturday 5 1/2 miles or 30 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B- 15


Sunday - Rest - 1/2 Tsp. B- 15

Monday - 6 miles or 33 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B- 15

Tuesday - 6 1/2 miles or 36 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15, 1/2 cc male hormone 1/2 cc B-12

Wednesday - 7 miles or 39 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Thursday - 7 1/2 miles or 42 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Friday - 8 miles or 45 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15, 1/2 cc male hormone 1/2 cc B-12

Saturday - 8 1/2 miles or 48 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15


Sunday - Rest - 1/2 Tsp. B-15

Monday - 9 miles or 51 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Tuesday - 9 1/2 miles or 54 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B-1 5, 1/2 cc male hormone 1/2 cc B-12

Wednesday - 10 miles or 57 minutes

1/2 Tsp. B- 15

Thursday- 10 1/2 miles or 1 hour

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Friday- 11 miles or 1 hr. 3 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15, 1/2 cc male hormone

Saturday- 11 1/2 miles or 1 hr. 6 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15


Sunday - Rest - 1/2 Tsp. B-15, 2 cc Combiotic

Monday - 12 miles or 1 hr. 9 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Tuesday - 12 1/2 miles or I hr. 12 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-1 5. 1/2 cc male hormone, one 1/2 cc B-12

Wednesday - 13 miles or I hr. 15 min.

1/2 Tsp. B- 15

Thursday - 13 1/2 miles or 1 hr. 18 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Friday - 14 miles or 1 hr. 21 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15, 1/2 cc male hormone 1/2 cc B-12

Saturday - 14 1/2 miles or I hr. 24 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15


Sunday - Rest - 1/2 Tsp. B- 15

Monday - 15 miles or 1 hr. 27 min

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Tuesday - 15 miles or 1 hr. 30 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15, 1/2 cc male hormone
1/2 cc B-12 (This will be the last injection of B-12)

Wednesday - 15 miles or 1 hr. 30 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-15

Thursday - 15 miles or 1 hr. 30 min.

1/2 Tsp. B-1 5

Friday - 15 miles or 1 hr. 30 min.

1 Tsp. B- 15, 1/2 cc male hormone

Saturday - 15 miles or 1 hr. 30 min.

1 Tsp. B-15


Sunday - Rest - 1 Tsp. B-15

Monday - 10 miles or 1 hr.

Tuesday - 10 miles or I hr.

Wednesday -5 miles or 30 minutes

Thursday- Hand walk 3 miles

1 Tsp. B-15

Friday- Hand walk 2 miles

1 Tsp. B-15, Approximately 24 hours before the match give 1cc Male Hormone

Saturday - Rest and quiet

3 hours before the match give 1 Tsp. B-15

1 hour before the match insert a glycerin suppository in the dog's rectum to be sure he empties. Hand walk slowly until time to wash your dog.

This keep is based on a Saturday night fight. If you fight on Friday, start one day earlier. For a Sunday fight, one day later.


If you must travel your dog over 100 miles, you should stop every 100:miles and hand walk your dog 8 or 1 0 minutes.

During the keep you should take your dog for a ride in the car once or twice each week, taking him for a longer ride each time. This will get your dog used to traveling and will make the ride to the match a lot easier on him.

If you have to travel over 300 miles, you should go a day early so your dog will get a one-day rest before the match.

Never try to match or condition a wormy dog. He must be free of parasites. If your dog has had Hookworms, it will be at least 3 months before he is fully recovered. Hookworms hurt both his blood count and his wind.

Vitamin B-1 2 will cause your dog to overheat if used the last 1 0 days before the match.

If you use a treadmill, always stay with him during his workouts. Don't go eat supper or watch TV. Remember anything can go wrong. Do not match your dog too light with this keep. It is better to match a pound heavier than a pound lighter. All injections are in the thigh muscle with a 1/2 inch 26 gauge needle. Shoot in the left leg on Tuesday and the right leg on Friday or vice versa. Always wash your opponent's dog to be sure you don't get your dog poisoned. Buy yourself a rule book and study it so you will know the rules well. During workouts, talk to your dog; praise him and encourage him, Pet him often. Remember, the more your dog likes you and trusts you, the longer and harder he will fight for you.

In Conclusion

There are no great secrets in conditioning. Any dog fighter that does his own conditioning can tell you that the only secret is dedication.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Modyfikacje Gsm Warszawa

Terminologies I promised

CH - Champion (Campeón) : You get this title by winning 3 fights in a row under contract and reported in a record as any ASSOCIATIONS SDJ or game breeders dogs.
Example: South American Luig
GRD CH - Grand Champion (Grand Champion): Obtained the title by winning 5 fights without losing any contract. If a dog loses a fight is still a campeón.O if a dog already won their 5 matchs and lost the sixth grand champion remains.
Example: Roque Chavez GRD. CH. 5XW tires.

GRD CH - Grand Champion (Grand Champion): Obtained the title by winning 5 fights without losing any contract. If a dog loses a fight is still a campeón.O if a dog already won its 5 matchs and lost the sixth grand champion remains.
Example: Sanche'z GRD. CH. Mosca 5XW 1XL

ROM - Register of Merit (Register of Merit): You get this title for having fathered 3 children champions or grand champions. For every three children earn one point champions ROM.
Example: Garner's Frisco ROM has 13 points ROM. This means that 39 children fathered champions or grand champions. NO WIN NO NEED TO FIGHT TO BE A ROM.

DG - Dead Game: This title is given to a dog who gave his life in a fight never letting up until the end. For me this is the most prestigious title that means that a dog knowing that he would die depth or fineness his gameness was such that he did not desist in their fight until his last breath. The dog must not win the fight to be dead game and there are no dead dogs live game.

XW "It means that it has won a match or fight, 2xw means (Two Time Winner) Twice winner, or has won 2 fights. 3XW won 3 fights ... etc
Example: Morticia Sanche'z 2xw

XL-You mean they lost a match or fight. 2XL means (Two Time Loser) Two-time loser ... etc. You can give bladed previously won a match and losing the last played.
Example: Shadow Sanche'z 1XW 1XL

The best dogs have these acronyms and such ..... DG. Salina's Swig
2xw - 1XGL (DG)
This dog won two fights and lost one showing his gameness and giving his life trying to win in his last fight.

How To Skip Level On Cubefield

Artistic composition.


studied apart from information, prepares to cut material and other items you require, one example for each type of composition, taking into account the color, size and shape, the form must correspond to 25 x 35 of the base block 30, each exercise should be done in individual leaf.

symmetrical composition
symmetrically group consists of each of the elements of composition, creating a balancing between visible throughout the image composition. This type of composition can be vertically or horizontally, taking into account the color, shapes and sizes.

group consists of asymmetrically each and every one of the compositional elements, creating harmony, but without the rigor of keeping the balance symmetrically.


consists of selecting an element of the composition as the main object of the same, while it is located in the center of the composition space, not leaving the other elements complementing composition. It is important to always keep harmony in the composition.



point from the geometry has no definition, and that in turn consists of other points.

The point is the minimum graphic expression is the beginning of every composition. From this, form the line.

The point at the center of the composition, creates balance, when it is moved provides dynamism.

Some features plastic that meets the point, are:

  • figural patterns or patterns created by grouping and repetition.
  • become the focus of the composition.

  • succession of foster dynamism.

  • has the ability to create textures.


line to appear when the point is animated and moves, indicate position, direction and has energy.

The line is capable of expressing emotions thick line is associated with courage, strength and straight line stability, the zigzag line is excited (everything is widespread). Straight lines of equal length and width in parallel groups introduced proportional relationship factors and rhythmic intervals.

Horizontal and vertical

introduce the principle of balanced opposition of tensions. Expresses the vertical force of primary significance: gravity. The horizontal plane is a substrate. Produce a satisfying feeling, because they symbolize human experience of absolute balance.

The diagonals introduce directional pulse and dynamism.

line plastic Functions: * Create
direction vectors, to organize the basic composition.
* brings depth to the composition, especially in flat representations. Enter stage a longitudinal view, located in the table on an oblique orientation, promotes a sense of depth. In all representations in central perspective spatial depth encoded by converging lines.
* Separate plans and organizes the space. It is not an exclusive function of the line. Volume
* Da-dimensional objects. The plots of intersecting lines create a sense of volume (use of tape recorders).
* can represent both the shape and structure of an object.


There are three basic outlines: square, circle and triangle.

- Square: 4 equal sides figure willing each other at right angles.

- circle, continuously curved figure whose circumference is equidistant from the center in all points.

- equilateral triangle: figure of three equal sides, arranged together with the same angle. Each has its specific and unique features.

- square: clumsiness, honesty, integrity and dedication.
- circle: infinity, warmth and protection.
- equilateral triangle: action, conflict and tension.

From these derive from combinations all physical forms of nature and of man's imagination. The structural
we store model that allows us to recognize objects we must distinguish between the form itself and the structural form.
The structural form is reflected in the spatial features that are essential to recognize the object.

Within the representation is important compositional level foreshortening and overlap.
- Foreshortening: representation of a simple scheme diverted due to a shift in the depth dimension of the scheme from which it derives.

is possible to speak of deferential foreshortening in three representations:
- When the projection is not perpendicular to the plane, increases the dynamic hosted repect to the projection on the vertical or horizontal space.
- When not representing the most characteristic of the object. Introduces tension, dynamism, and moving away from its original form.
- Any projections involve foreshortening, all parts of object are not parallel to the plane of projection would represent would be diverted and distorted proportions. The more or less dynamic tambourine on the degree of deformation.

- Overlay: a regular representation of the form. For the overlapping objects have an identity should be perceived as in independent. The arts are very different functions.

- The first figure is favored with the rest, because it is in first place and is fully represented.
- Create routes of reading is very important to help build the internal order of the image.
- Create cohesion masses and is grouped into a single visual unit, has great visual weight and promotes the dynamic equilibrium. Composition with figures dispersed is more difficult to balance.
- favors the three-dimensionality, in compositions with frontal dominance space, avoiding objects appear as if they were glued to the bottom of the table.

The overlap is incomplete representation of form, important to check the exact point at which certain objects should be stopped to avoid mutilation.

Relations between the forms are:
- Spacing - Tap - Overlay
- Penetration - Union - Abduction
- Intersection - Matching

TEXTURE Texture is one quality that has each of the surfaces . Guidelines is the grouping of the same or similar located near one another on a two-dimensional space can have relief. We can recognize by touch, sight or both. The texture can be optical or any tactile qualities (stripe).

The repetition of lines and repetition of points creates plot that can create textures. The plastic function of the texture surface is able to raise. The textured surfaces provide opacity, heavier and have uniformity. The types are: organic and geometric.
The other function of the texture coding of space in depth.


objects, depending on your configuration, quality and direction of incident light reflected tones. Are variable amounts of light between white and black, from which the reflected particularly those that do not reflect anything.
tonal values \u200b\u200bunderpinning our understanding of forms. The tone used by itself to represent reality.
is impossible to represent the tonal range that surrounds us. Photography and film have a larger scale, but it is not possible absolute mimicry.
The intensity of a tone is altered when juxtaposed with others. A clear tone seems lighter when surrounded by a darker tone.
These changes affect the shape. The light tone expands when it is surrounded by a dark. The largest perceive what it is. The dark color seems to be compressed when it is circumscribed by a clear tone.
tone contributes to the composition of an image. The movement, balance and rhythm depend on the tonal contrast of forms.
The election sends a tonal mood.
There are images that span the spectrum but others favor a wide area. The high key is to choose shades close to white. Given its brightness, its expressive qualities suggest optimistic feelings.
The key intermediate has a moderately neutral intent.
The low key is the closest to black. His qualities are bleak and dull.


Escher's work -

The composition is distributed properly, each and every one of the elements that make up the representation, taking into account the color, size, space and form in general that will be implemented.

Friday, May 15, 2009

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kates Playground Red Shoes

doferenciar between pitbull, amstaff and staph

Proximamante ...: the main differences between similar stories tresterriers with similar characteristics but different purposes.

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rules reproduced here were written by Al Brown for many years. Its rules were a definite improvement on the rules of the United Kennel Club, unlike UKC rules, are still used today.

modern coaches often use what they call "Cajun Rules", but basically the rules of Al Brown with slight alterations, for example, instead of rule 12 A, in which the dog has 3 seconds to leave your corner, it is usually given 10 seconds to go and meet the other dog. Also, a count of 30 seconds out of grip is generally used, and the dog is always scratching below the first (unless both dogs are down, in every position of advantage.)

RULE No. 1: the principal will select an arbitrator who is familiar with the rules, and that is satisfactory to both sides. The referee, then indicate your timekeeper (the person who takes the time.) Each manager will select the man who will act as his second in command or cornerback, whose tasks are to wash the dog opponent and stay close to the corner of this dog as an observer.

Rule No. 2: Each handler must provide 2 towels and a sheet to be used by your opponent. Any manager may require that the opposing handler and his corner are discovered arms to the elbows, also the manager should test the water of the dog from his opponent before or after the contest (until the referee has rendered its decision the competition).

RULE # 3: no water, no sponges, towels or anything else allowed in the arena at any time, except for the referee, who may possess an adequate breaking stick and a pencil, a copy of these rules. The ring shall be not less than 14 square feet, and where possible, with edges (edges) of 30 inches tall, with a floor covered with canvas, on which is painted or marked with chalk, 12 ½ feet apart, and a center line halfway between the output lines.

Rule No. 4: The referee shall toss a coin into the air, so that managers choose. The coin toss winner decides which dog will be washed first and also have the choice of the corner.

RULE No. 5: Dogs should be washed on the sides of the ring, with warm water and powders for this purpose, they are approved and then rinsed. The first dog to be washed, will be brought and held in the tube by his handler and washed by the opposing corner. When pronounced clean by the referee, the dog should be rinsed in a tube of warm water and dried with a towel as best as possible, then should be wrapped with the sheet provided, and taken to his corner signaled by his handler and accompanied the man who washed it. These are the only 2 people who are allowed near the dog until the dogs are released .. Now, the other dog must be brought and placed in the tube by his handler and washed with water pro cornerback same opponent.

Rule No. 6: The referee now ask: "Are both corners ready?", If so, "cornerback, outside the arena! "..."¡ Careen their dogs !"..."¡ release him !. " The timekeeper recorded the time and recorded for future reference.

RULE # 7: any dog \u200b\u200bto jump out of the ring is automatically declared the loser of the contest, and scratches are not necessary and does not require or allow the dog to scratch the dog jumped. The dog that is left is declared the winner.

RULE No. 8 if a dog starts to show its fangs, the referee shall instruct the drivers to grab their dogs and remain so until the handler can try to calm your dog. If this is not possible, the referee shall separate the dogs with the proper breaking stick and then try to calm the dog by using a pencil. The referee then ordered the handlers to prepare their dogs in the center of the ring and about 2 feet away. Then the referee will call "loose." This is in no way a back, or maneuver, and has no relevance to future scratches.

Rule No. 9: This rule is for a scratch-and-back is clean in the contest until the dogs stop fighting, then the Rule No. 13 is taken into account. The first dog to turn its back must scratch first, then turn must scratch (no matter what dog's back), until one dog fails to scratch and thereby loses the contest.

RULE No. 10: for a back is "clean" the dog that has been accused of back should turn his head and shoulders and front legs away from your opponent and regardless of whether the dogs are playing otherwise or not.

RULE No. 11: The referee shall announce all back, but ask any driver back on any dog. If the referee declares that there has been back, he will instruct the managers to "RAISE free of holds" as soon as possible, and if any of the dogs accidentally get to make a grip with the other dog handlers sit the dogs immediately and make an ongoing effort to raise the dogs, and free of holds. When raising the dogs will be taken to their respective corners and face seeing another side than his opponent. The timekeeper shall note the time and it will count (but not aloud), and the referee shall notify the handler whose dog must scratch.

RULE No. 12: after 25 seconds, the timekeeper yell "Get ready!". At these instructions each handler will be on line and careará his dog at his opponent with his head and shoulders of your dog slightly protruding from between the legs of his handler, and 4 feet on the surface of the canvas . Alos 30 seconds, the timekeeper will yell "Let Go" and the handler whose dog must scratch, must instantly remove your hands from contact with his dog, and also release any pressure applied to her legs in the body of your dog. And the dog must instantly start across and the handler must remain behind the starting line until your dog has completed his scratch, or that he has announced his decision. No time limit of time required to complete this scratch, but, when released with the words "OUT", the dog should begin to cross into your opponent. May not go exactly right, it could fall, crawling, pulling, forced himself to cross, but while doing a sustained effort, and DO NOT HESITATE OR STOP until he has reached out and touched his opponent. The opposing handler released the dog when you see fit, after the order of "Let Go", however, you should do about dogs have touched each other.

RULE N º 12 A: This is a rule for those managers who want to tell you their dogs in the same corner. Is exactly the same, in all respects with Rule No. 12, except that after 30 seconds when the timekeeper announces "Let Go", the referee shall count aloud at intervals, preferably of about one second, ONE ... TWO ... TIME (three to ten seconds), and the dog must be out of his corner and on the way, before the referee announces "Time" or lost.

RULE # 13: if dogs have apparently stopped fighting, if they are weak, tired, annoyed, and regardless of whether both dogs are down or dog is down and the other is standing on him, but no dog has a hold, the referee asked if they are willing to have their dogs scratch, to win or not. If they agree, should proceed with that, but if a manager is not willing, then the referee will instruct the timekeeper to record the time and announce the time in two minutes. If either dog breaks time, then, nothing has changed, but if the final two minutes, the dogs are in the same relative positions, and no dog has a hold, the referee orders the handlers to handle their dogs ( FREE THAT HOLDS THE RISE). When they are lifted, the dogs will be taken to their respective corners, and the procedure in the corner is the same as when he announces a move back or normal. If no back or above maneuvers to establish the order from scratch, the dog who has gone longer without a grip (usually the dog that has been down all the time) goes to scratch first, then once they are free holds, it should raise the dog and another dog will be scratched. If a dog fails or refuses any scratch, then the dog that failed to lose the contest. If both dogs fail to scratch, the referee will announce a no-contest, but if both dogs make their initial scratches, handlers by mutual agreement request the referee a decision of a tie. The referee then announced a tie. Otherwise, the contest will continue, but this way: At any time the dogs are no holds and no fight, the referee ordered that the dogs are handled and scratched alternately until one dog fails to scratch and therefore , lost. No attention at the back (after the Rule No. 13 is invoked), except for a possible chance to maneuver.

RULE No. 14: faults that cause is lost in a contest:
A. - Leaving the arena, with or without the dog, before the referee has the final decision.

B. - receive anything from outside the pit, or allow anyone who is out of the ring touch or assist the dog.

C. - Pushing, tapping, throw or in any way encourage the dog to cross the starting line, but encouraging him by voice.

D. - Stepping out of the starting line before the dog has completed his scratch or the referee has declared.

E. - Jump on the floor of the arena, or hitting the edges of the ring, scream, or give orders to opponent's dog, or (in the opinion of the referee) will do anything to distract or interfere with any dog \u200b\u200bwhile scratching or fighting to affect the results of the competition.

F. - Interfering with the opposing handler or touch any dog \u200b\u200buntil the referee gives the command to handle the dogs.

G. - Use a "FRICTION", "POISON", or "shot" in any dog.

RULE No. 15: If any outside interference before the contest has concluded, the referee has full authority to declare a "NO-CONTEST!" And announce the date and location will resume the contest, according to decision the same referee (the referee also chair). The referee also insist that the dogs are washed and weighed (in his presence) and dogs will weigh on the weights specified in the original articles of agreement, and do this as many times as necessary to conclude the contest.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

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color perception.

The color is not only important because it serves to be used as an artistic medium. Also because it has effects on color perception humana.El study refers to the scientific nature of it and the influences and symbolic relations, physiological and psychological desprenden.Josef this is proposed in the text Albers Interaction of Color that color deceives us, not all feel the same and that we have a poor visual memory. Ludwig Wittgenstein in On Color text explains how the existing nomenclature of the color is bad because there are many shades and a few names.

From: the light source: By the light we perceive the object and its chromaticity differences depending on the lighting on the object, there variations in perception. The light can be artificial or sunlight solar.La change with the position of the sun from blue to red in the morning to burn, or change again depending on the season. Artificial light may be yellow from filament lamps (bulb) or blue from the fluorescent light tube Blanca.The Purpose: The characteristics of the object (transparency, brightness, opacity, shape and size) affect the perception of color. Matter is not the one with the color, this is just perception that we perceive as the molecular constitution of the object makes it absorb and reflect specific wavelengths of luz.El Subject: Refers the observer, who looks at the object and perceives color. Not all feel the same. Not all animals perceive as Our Programs eye is composed of cones to help with daytime and color vision and sticks to help with night vision and acromática.LA SENSE OF COLOR IS ONLY OUR BRAIN AND WOULD NOT WITHOUT OBSERVER PERCEPTION, BUT WOULD NOT COLOR.LOS OBEJTO COLOREl EFFECTS color can have physical effects that result in short-term physical sensations that are forgotten. But on a few occasions can generate emotional shock depends on the sensitivity of the subject. This psychological effect translates into a mood that generates vibration shock not only the soul but also in some other status sentido.SINESTESIAEs sensory / perceptual n which meet the 5 sentidos.A Here are some insights into the color of some of the most important synaesthetes. · Kandinsky: I speak of the color associated each musical instrument, the color associated with the movement and temperature. · Alexander Scriabin: the colors relate to the sound and translate their music to color. · Arthur Rimbaud: associating the colors to the letters. Each member represents a specific color. · Munsell: color theory and proposes the term from posimagen which explains the negative image that remains in the eye of a person after he has seen something visual for a while. The negative is formed either with the complementary color or the opposite color. · Johannes Itten, suggests the 3-dimensional color. Hue, saturation, and brillo.Debe also noted that the color carries a symbolic meaning that varies in each culture, including each person. And we must be aware also that the harmony of color is very concerning as demonstrated Itten, Wolfgang Hering Rumfold and for whom the term harmonic color was validated by the result of a mixture of two others. For some the harmonious result was gray, others white, last etc.Therefore must understand that since the color is as natural frequencies and waves of light in everyday life can be captured in electronic color screens across the convention RGB (Red, green, blue) color or printed on the convention CMYK (cyan, yellow, magenta and black). (

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visual process and its characteristics.

often compare the functioning of the eye with a camera. The pupil would act as a diaphragm, the film retina, cornea, lens and lens is equivalent to zoom the camera view to get a good approach. The analogy does not end here, as well as in the camera the image formed on the retina is inverted. But this is no problem because the brain is responsible for giving the back to see it properly.

sensitivity and vision rates
As in the picture, the amount of light plays an important role in vision. Thus, in good lighting conditions (more than 3 cd/m2) as happens during the day, the vision is clear, detailed and very well distinguish colors is photopic vision. Lower levels to 0.25 cd/m2 color disappears and the sense of vision is more sensitive to blue and light intensity. It is called scotopic vision. In intermediate situations, the ability to distinguish colors decreases as the amount of light down from a high sensitivity to yellow to blue. It is the vision mesiópica.
Under these conditions, we define sensitivity curves of the eye to visible light for a given observer pattern having a maximum wavelength of 555 nm (yellow green) for photopic vision and a 480 nm (blue-green) for scotopic vision. Maximum displacement of the curve by decreasing the amount of light received is called the Purkinje effect.
sensitivity curves ojo.Toda light source that emits near-maximum values \u200b\u200bfor daylight vision (555 nm) will produce optimum energy efficiency for maximum light sensation in the eye with minimal power consumption. However, if the source does not provide good color rendition can lead to counterproductive results.

The accommodation is called accommodation to the eye's ability to automatically focus on objects at different distances. This function is carried out in crystalline form to the effect varies. But this capacity is lost over the years due to loss of elasticity that suffers, is what is known as presbyopia or eyestrain and increases the focal length and the minimum necessary amount of light to form a sharp image.

Adaptation Adaptation is the ability of the eye to adjust automatically to changes in light levels. Is due to the ability of the iris to regulate the opening of the pupil and photochemical changes in the retina. To go from dark to light environments the process is very fast but otherwise it is much slower. After a minute is acceptable adaptation. As time passes, we see better in darkness and half hour and we see quite well. Complete adaptation occurs after an hour.

visual field
Returning to the example of the camera, the human eye also has a visual field. Each eye sees about 150 degrees above the horizontal plane and the overlay of both are comprised of 180 º. In the vertical plane only about 130 degrees, 60 degrees above the horizontal and 70 degrees below.
visual field of each eye is monocular type, without a sense of depth, with the vision in the area of \u200b\u200boverlap of the two fields of type binocular. The sense of depth or three-dimensional view of the brain occurs when two images overlaid and interpreted.

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retake the huge list of outstanding items . Next on the list is "stereopsis" but I was going to be a very weighty article, so first I will talk about what that implies that we have two eyes, and that will serve for the next article where and we'll get to heart of what is vision tridimiensional.Casi all humans are born with two eyes, like the vast majority of vertebrate animals. And yet, people just have to see an image concept is as if only we had a visual organ. If both eyes have healthy and we covered one with the other can read and see far and near. Our visual acuity would always be 100%. So, why do we need to have two eyes?. "For if one stops working?. Actually it is for more things, but schematically, the advantages of having two eyes are: - Increase our visual field-Get a virtual image "improved" using the two images coming from each eye. This is what I would call proper binocular vision, and binocularity.
Expanding the visual field
A human eye can perceive only what is exactly in front of you, what is left to one side can be seen within a certain range (although Peripheral vision is less clear, is enormously helpful.) In the horizontal plane, a human eye spans 120 degrees. When the eye is looking straight ahead, the visual field on the outside (ie, right in the right eye and counterclockwise in the left eye) is 90 º or 95 º. And on the inside (the nose) of about 60 degrees. Therefore, the "corner of my eye" we can cover much visual field, but on the inside hinders us nose and nasal bridge. Of course, moving the eye and head 150 degrees we move those around us, and that coordination between eye movements and neck do we have a perception of our environment rather complete.
But if we consider the two eyes working simultaneously, the whole visual field is extended to 180 degrees (or slightly more). Not bad. That means that when we do activities that require peripheral vision such as driving, notice quite a difference if we go with one eye covered. The road ahead we see eye uncovered equally clear, but cars come down the side of eye covered, do not see them until they cross in front of us. As driving is most noticeable when not using the left eye because overtaking and traffic the other direction we come from the left.
combining the information from both eyes
Each separate eye has a visual field of about 150 degrees, but the eyes do not work independently on the contrary, both eyes are focusing at the same point. If the human visual system was designed like a chameleon, acting so that each eye separately, could look at different areas and could have a whole field of view up to 300 º. But the opposite is true, both eyes focus at the same point. That means that much of the visual field of one eye overlaps with another. That is, an object that we see with one eye, if you're not peripheral, we also see another. Therefore, the brain receives information "redundant," a large part of the visual field is perceived by both eyes. This has two advantages: - Firstly, a possible defect or problem in one eye, is solved by another. As an easy example: the visual field of one eye has a so-called blind spot, which is a small area where we see (in this article by my colleague Shora is well explained). This will go unnoticed for several reasons and one of the reasons is that the blind spot of one eye is paid for by the other, which in this area that other eye sees well. Another example because where one eye "covers" the failure of another, when displayed in a vitreous opacities, the "little threads" or "points" black, which I explained in this article .- It allows us a better view of the three dimensions. We'll explain in the following article. Advantages
partially excluding
If we turn to this idea, the two advantages offered by having two eyes, are excluded to some extent. The increase in visual field when using both eyes is obtained precisely because of the field do not share the eyes, which does not overlap. That is, the area is not binocular. In particular if humans are around 30 degrees on each side externa.Y other hand, the advantages of seeing a part of our environment with both eyes at once we get it precisely because of the visual field area is common to both. Therefore, if some fields overlap visual visual field will be much together but little binocularity, and if there will be much overlap much binocularity but little increase in overall visual field. In our case we have a lot of binocular field, approximately 120 ° in different animals, depending on how the eyes are placed on the face and how they coordinate their actions, get more advantages of one type or another. Ever greater sacrifices peripheral field binocularity, and the same in reverse: many sacrifices binocularity periférico.Tomemos field such birds. They have a very sharp head, and his eyes are on each side: one clearly goes to the left and one right. Just a small angle from the front in which both eyes can see the same object. In this case, the birds are slaughtered for binocularity have a very wide visual field. In general, almost all have a common visual field of more than 270 degrees, and many are close to 360 º. So you can see almost any angle. By contrast, their perception of three dimensions is less than other especies.Por other hand, there are the primates. The monkeys initially used the trees (and many species of primates still do) to escape predators, food, travel, etc. It was essential that it could calculate the distance to climb or jump from branch to branch. So in your case is important to have good binocularity, to get a good view in three dimensions. Because the monkeys face is not sharp and the eyes are focused forward, much of the visual field is common for both eyes. Of course, that means they can not have a visual field as wide as a bird, ejemplo.Y we, as primates, have the same features as our binocularity is good. The binocularity

We're talking all the time on this concept, but we have only explained how binocular vision. What gives us that the visual fields of each eye overlap? In humans, binocularity is the normal situation, and requires several conditions have to give. If one fails, do not get binocular.Los vision requirements include: - The two eyes must be focused in one place. That means they have to look the same object. When this can not have a squint. This coordination between eye and another has to be strict, millimeter. Will not work with one eye look "more or less" you are facing the other. The central vision in one eye has to match exactly with the center of the other eye. So when we move the eye, both eyes move together and parallel. Strictly speaking the eyes are not parallel, but their axes are on a converging path in the object set: a line from the center of the retina, passes through the center of the cornea and reaches the object. In order to join each of the two axes. What happens is that when the object is far enough from these converging lines are almost parallel .- The brain has to be "learned" to see with both eyes. Of the two theoretical images coming from each eye, the brain gets "create" which is a mixture of both. Learning is needed at the beginning of our life .- We need to have an acceptable vision for both eyes. If one eye sees nothing, but all other requirements are met, it is logically impossible to have binocular vision. Reduced vision in one or both eyes may reduce binocularity (ie, we have, say "binocularity partial ") These are the requirements for binocular vision. But what exactly is the "binoculars"?. Then we provide 3 features, and each is based on the prior. That is, ordered in the following list, the 2 nd needs to be of 1, and 3 º needs the 2 nd. It may be the case then you have only the 1 st property, or have the 1 º and 2 º, or have all three (which we discussed in "binocularity partial) The features are: - Merger Motor: The ability to focus exactly at the same site with two eyes, it means that (almost) any time the eyes are perfectly aligned. This implies a complex mechanism in which if one eye starts to wander, without automatically focuses and we realize we do not see any movement. If the quality of the image from each eye is sufficient, and childhood was developed binocular vision in the brain, we have this resource of motor fusion. This resource a good way to avoid that we misaligned eyes. Although there is a tendency to squint, to some extent the merger will monitor and avoid driving strabismus. In fact, this is unusual: most of us have what is called "latent strabismus." Near vision or far, the visual axes will often have a slight tendency separated or crossed too. And never (or rarely) we will see, precisely because the motor fusion inhibits this trend and we can guarantee a correct alignment .- sensory fusion: the brain "fuses" the two images into one. Therefore, for a good part of what we see, perceive objects through two different sites. The basic form of sensory function simply involves the use of the two images, so that a small defect in the image of an eye can compensate with the other .- Stereopsis: Also called three-dimensional vision. It is the result of good sensory fusion. Examples

To understand the above, nothing better than a few case studies. We have a person who by circumstance, completely lost and quickly set the vision in one eye. The requirements for binocularity, we said that acceptable vision is needed for each eye. In this case, of course, lose binocular vision. And as we have completely lost vision in one eye, loss of binocularity is complete. Therefore, we have no motor fusion, or sensory fusion or stereopsis. We said that the motor fusion is a kind of "protection" against strabismus as the eye can not see, can go slowly creeping. And so it is often the case that over time displayed a squint, and the cause is what I explicado.Ya the way, one can understand one reason why the blind are usually wearing dark glasses. Blind eyes are not parallel, often have strabismus, and is aesthetically more acceptable goggles that cover the ojos.Pongamos another example, now think that we lose sight (of one or both eyes) but not as much as the previous case. Now assume that a person who needs to graduation, has not corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Binocularity requirements for compliance, at least in part. Therefore, the first "step" what have binocular vision, ie the motor fusion. That person will not have to squint not wearing glasses. But not complete sensory fusion and stereopsis may not be achieved. Therefore, if you see a movie at a cinema in 3D, is likely to fail to appreciate the feeling of seeing in three dimensiones.Otro example, a person with a squint of a lifetime. Strabismus can be large and noticeable, or it may be so small that it goes unnoticed. This case is similar to the first example, as soon as there is a small (or large) misalignment of the eyes almost completely lost binocularity. But unlike the first example, here is something that happens suddenly, but is the normal situation of the patient. So there will be changes in strabismus. But when the eyes are diverted, it is normal that there is no sensory fusion. That is, the brain uses both eyes to see. Choose one, and ignores the information from the other (this "loss" in a sense has its advantage, strabismus because these children do not suffer from double vision, something you do often occur in adult strabismus). In strabismus that are easily noticed, the eye that is "ignored" is that it is biased. In these cases, no stereopsis, so that neither the film in 3D or three-dimensional sheets (those of the "magic eye") will serve to mucho.De However, in cases of strabismus usually does not cause great surprise that perception D fails. Intuitively, the patient knows that the wandering eye "no use" like a normal person. Is most striking, however, a case of strabismus small, so small that nobody has realized that the person turns the eye forever. Or, even, may distort the child's eye was already resolved, but could not develop binocular vision. In either case, and other (a lazy eye intensive, for example), we find a normal person without strabismus (apparent) and with a vision (visual acuity) was also normal. You may find that you do not see the three dimensions in the 3D movie, or one of those blades 3D.Pero good that's a subject of this article.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Is The Antidepresant Cipralex Taken For

PHYSICAL TRAINING AND DIET ( competition for a pitbull) so he trained the dogs tbn


The training lasts 12 weeks. The first 4 weeks the dog should walk ten miles a day (ie 16 km). If the dog show is at 8pm, you should start with the walk at 5pm thing in three hours this end of the walk.

The walk continues, these first four weeks is used to remove fat in the dog and bring it closer to optimum fitness.

prepare dog food at 4 weeks early:
- 1 large cup of food (good quality) of chicken and rice formula adult.
- 1 cup all-brain of Kellogs.
- 1 or 2 tablespoons garlic powder.
- 1 cube of vegetable broth.
- 2 cups ground chicken and boiled.
- 1 cup of food for chickens.

Boil chicken with garlic powder and vegetable cube once done, everything together and mix.

you cook chicken in quantity and then make it easier to prepare for future meals.

Week 5: Walk
10 miles (16 km) and immediately after the walk when the dog is still warm, put 5 minutes into the band. When they finish these 5 minutes must take the dog for the band and walk another 30 minutes so it cools slowly. Browse

the dog, if it is thin add more food if it is reduced fat, if it is dehydrated to add more water if it looks tired, let it rest. It's all about using common sense. Change water daily and do keep it clean.

The dog should not drink water from the walk and the band.

Week 6:
walk 10 miles - 10 minutes
band - let it rest for a while
- Everything being equal
- Replace water often

Week 7:
- Walk 10 miles.
- 20 minutes of band.
- Leave for the dog.

Changes: We must protect the food much

to 10 miles walking and 20 minutes of band and a 30 minute break, the dog must be a little dehydrated, so add a little liquid to food.

Feed her one hour after removal of the band.

Week 8:

walk 10 miles - 15 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 15 minutes over
Band - Walk for 30 minutes more to cool the dog and feed him 1 hour after
download of the band - Massaging muscles
Week 9:
- Walking the 10 miles.
- 20 minutes
band - Walking Other
30 minutes - 20 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the tape.
- Do not forget to change the water and that is within reach.

Week 10:
walk 10 miles - 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the tape.
- Do not forget to change the water and always clean for the dog

Week 11: Day "Sunday."
- Walk 3 hours
- 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 30 minutes
band - Walking slowly another 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget to change the water and that is within reach


walk 5 miles - 20 minutes
band - Walking
30 minutes - 20 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water

- Walk
5 miles - 15 minutes
band - Walking Other
30 minutes - 15 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water !!!!.

Week 12: Day "Sunday"
walk 5 miles - 10 minutes
band -
Walk another 30 minutes - 10 minutes
band - let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water.

- Walk
one hour - 10 minutes
Band - Walk for 30 minutes
- let it rest
- Give to eat one hour after downloading the band
- Do not forget the water

- Put the dog in a quiet place.
- Walk with the dog about 40 minutes in the morning and repeat - The walk at noon, afternoon and evening. Do not forget to offer water after each walk.

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the same as Tuesday.

show is supposed to be on Saturday night so the food should be regulated, so the dog on Saturday night will not have anything in the stomach.

Make sure you have urinated before the show, regular drinking also
without dehydrating or over-hydrated, that is not giving much liquid or liquid must be balanced little dog.

to win Weight can give the dog the chicken broth and vegetables without putting anything solid, this is only done 3 hours before the show, if necessary, that if the dog is very low in weight.
sure the dog urinate before the show.