Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can I Trust Cheaptickets.com

Post to use as an extension of my therapist, but what

The problem, I discovered today is that I do not know what my personality. How I really am. I have not clear. Then it makes me relate to people. With some rudimentary personality appears, to me it is easy to drive: we laugh, we talk, we go to our homes. In other case is less defined, then say things, I get red, I am going home. I have the baton with other granted and I rejoice in that ego thing diffuse and stays there, I go to my house. In other'm too honest, then I cry and talk about my theories and my world view and I remember my favorite things (my favorite quotes, my favorite moments in the film, my feelings favorite, my favorite conclusions made from my own life), and I feel some connection, some invisible bridge, and then I go home. But in any case no one is equal and what I have with each other is lost, and nobody is like that tamed fox. Not entirely.

why I find it, what's the word?, Not funny but not annoying, but a feeling out there in the middle, the alarmed ask me why I changed my nick fucking Twitter. And the answer seems sad, because somehow adulthood is the final stop-or intermediate-to which no one wants to go, as comfortable as we are there, in our perpetual adolescence, as reluctant as we are to mature.

The issue is simple: because I was tired of being Lilián the nerd. I'm not a nerd, that is, not only 'm a nerd. It is fair to say with any objectivity, any kind of consideration egomaniac, I'm a lot more things than a nerd. There are many things beyond, boundless. Things that can not be summarized in a nickname. No personality can. I guess it's good for many, to be known on Twitter as @ or @ fresitahermosapunk elbuenoschiles. For me, in many ways, it was good for some time. The reality is that we wanted to be me. Lilian Lopez Camberos. The Lilian did not fit, so the issue of pure names not bad. I suddenly felt it was time to drop those wireless teenage angst that I am reluctant to leave behind, and take who I am today.

Moreover, after a scholarship and Fonca idea of \u200b\u200btaking an apprenticeship as a writer, I can not afford to have the shadow of the nerd above me. I plan, if lucky enough to publish my book of short stories next year. I am in process of imagining and writing notes on my novel, which is more like a story whose outlines ruminate and characters are revealed only to me. Then there is the whole process up close and personal self. Or not. In fact it was only at the nerd.

"In the same vein, a few posts ago I talked about the idea of \u200b\u200bkilling the blog. This post, for example, I started writing in Tumblr. Things are easier there, but photos are lost without direction and much visual garbage. The reality is that my blog, my dear blog, which I never give up, I thought to get there (as mentioned by Gaby Saturday) to its logical conclusion, now I'm embarrassed a lot. I do not recognize there. I do not recognize it in posts like or this or this or it . Hell, not even recognize myself in it , I wrote a few months ago. I think that at this tender age, I have 24 years-is very easy to change. And do it quickly. I am not, nor by accident, the same as in 2005 began writing a blog called The Island at Noon. I'm another person, in many different ways. There are flames, burning embers, the person I always was: my own life, the education I received, the type of culture that I used and the people I met, and that kind of experience that do not die and remain from he was nineteen. But while many things have happened that we inevitably feel that every time I leave more of that person. That's fine.

Then, as if it really important, I feel that this blog does not reflect who I am today. Five years were important, but already experienced . I can not extend it, or cling to them as if they were the support of my boat, then perhaps they are only decoration. Uncomfortable decor, such as photos of adolescence: horrible, embarrassing, disappointing. Of course, it would be nice to think that I can keep writing here and compare what was written in 2005-2006, I can write in 2015. But will it have any sense? Should not I leave this blog as a beautiful and painful memories of my youth, and follow forward to what follows? I do not even feel comfortable writing as promptly of what happens to me every day, with exact fidelity and unnecessary: \u200b\u200bif a taxi driver found idiot if I went to Oaxaca, or I was in New York (not thought possible and, as unexpectedly) that if I ate some tacos that hurt me, if I got scolded on my work or my boss three years ago was an idiot. What matters. I did not come into the world to vent my life. There is another goal, I'm looking for him, and I do not know ... I know this is not.

For now, I do not know what to do with this. I do not like rereading past records. My self shatters all the nonsense of this world y. .. I do not know. Let's leave it at that any more. In the not knowing.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rikers Island Visiting Hours For November


Communication is the basis in life, if we can not communicate we will have serious difficulties that others will understand.
The first communication begins with yourself 24 hours a day, 14 we communicate with ourselves. This is what is known as the "internal dialogue", we communicate while we're in the shower, when we go on the bus or the car and when we are alone.
This paper determines your destiny. The second communication to the outside, but it depends on what is within you. As a human being is the result of inner world.
The best way to know is someone who is, see how they think, how you feel and he talks, based on this know if it is a man of success or failure.
then be taken into account rules as the triangle of communication to learn how to properly express the words, tone of voice and body language.

Can Gallbladder Polyps Causes Fatty Liver


By: Edward Pinilla


God created man to be healthy and happy. In the human brain became able to produce a highly powerful hormone that can cure any disease complicated it is.

This hormone called endorphins. Studies have shown that it is 120 times more powerful than morphine, which is derived from the poppy and used in surgical procedures and anesthesia.

However, for the brain to produce it required five features required diligence and discipline.

The first condition is, EXPECT THE BEST, this mental state is made of faith. believe in the most important person, yourself.

When you believe in yourself, your body chemistry begins to change, the immune system is activated, causing the body to produce the necessary defenses to regenerate.

The second condition is ENERGY. Every day to make up at least 5 minutes of exercise, walk, take a mental shower, tell yourself nice phrases, words of encouragement that require you to be active and ready to face any situation with courage, no matter how difficult .

The third thing is, EVOLUTION. Human evolution or involution. Ie improve, become paralyzed or backwards.

Evolve requires learning something new. Be prepared to learn a 1% per day, and thus to reach the year, has learned a 365%.

The human brain suffers from bulimia, has to be eating at all times. What food consumed by the brain? INFORMATION. When you does not answer he needed, automatically produced from the stocks that are inside. This is why many people become depressed or sad. Lack information to face that they see as a problem.

The fourth condition is emote. Humans are emotional by nature, constantly transmit and receive emotions. Some are unpleasant and others welcome. Try every day smiling at everyone who is in his way, notice how you respond the same way.

When you smile, 15 muscles are activated in the face as he gets upset when required to work 25 to muscles. There are angry that more effort to smile.

Some people rising, are scheduled for the day. Some do not hello, "grunt" and this makes your body is full of toxins, which usually cause disease.

For this reason, doctors say that over 80% of illnesses are psychosomatic. That is, are generated by our moods. They emotionally charged negative. Discuss when a patient has seen a happy person happy or sick.

Finally, for the endorphin is indispensable spirituality. This is not religion to understand better. There are very religious people who have nothing of spiritual and there are very spiritual people who are nothing religious. Is the relationship with your creator or those higher in energy than you think.

For endorphins at work. Look at a baby, play with him, after a while you will notice that starts to drool, this is a sweet saliva even know enjoyable. This is actually endorphins.

The secret is in the saliva. When the throat is dry, the body is producing adrenaline in abnormal amounts but when saliva is secreting endorphins.

To prove better and if you have the fortune of having a partner of which is love (a), kiss your partner in love, caress and find that after a while begins to salivate. This sweet-scented saliva, is the wonderful endorphin.

The day humans discover and discipline the body to activate this wonderful laboratory. God and nature will smile with happiness.

So if you now have an illness that seen from the logic is impossible to cure, understand that inside is the remedy to heal completely.

To do this, start changing your thinking, because their way of thinking depends on his life.

Coaching, training persons or companies and conferences, call 3153737644.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Milena Velba And Bras


By: Edward Pinilla

goticasdevida@hotmail.com . Ar

Failure in life is a very simple process basically consists of not believing in you doubt your talent and follow three steps: never try, paralízate and leaves. Contrary to this, success requires effort, discipline and unwavering faith in the most important person there is: YOU. Writers

success and personal growth, they differ on the procedure to succeed. Interpreting several of them, published the 7 steps you can apply if you decide to become a winner.

The first is: TRY . The winners understand that to achieve what they propose should take on challenges, break your comfort zone and be willing to pay the price required to change the life that they want.

Keep in mind that success is often elusive and only revealed to those who persist in looking for him. If you encounter difficulties or do not find the constant search results change the procedure, but never change the objectives or goals. In an attempt

must specify the objectives, implementing universal laws such as planting, think big and keep a positive mental attitude permanently.

The second step is: EFFECTIVE PLANNING . This refers to determine in detail the strategies to be applied to get how to develop your goals and objectives. This should apply procedures such as, do it now and not wait for later and more walk the mile.

The third condition is: ADVERTISING . This will contact the right people to get the job done.

speak psychology studies that are the result of the ten most influential people around us, as they are well be you. Be very careful when choosing your friends, if a negative person, his comments will affect your way.

The fourth level refers to the RESULTS. In this procedure requires effective communication skills, active listening, relationships, how to please people, how to win friends, empathy and the triangle of communication.

Early results are not expected, if this happens, you should not be discouraged because success is constant learning. If something goes wrong do not be discouraged and consider what Albert Einstein said "insanity is doing the same, the same and the same waiting for life to change," he fails to do the same thing and get different results.

The fifth step is related to: TEAMWORK. We are witnessing a new era of information, which began with the birth of the Internet. We ended the industrial era.

This new era brings new conditions to follow and under the new world order, so the world moves on two premises: fast and slow.

to achieve excellence is advisable to choose a team, the "lone rangers" hardly succeed in these times, it takes a team of friends and colleagues to continue your way of thinking, remember that "birds of a feather flock together."

That team must implement the strategy of geese flying in "V" they do so to gain more speed and break the wind, then rotate to help and not get tired.

The sixth condition is: CONFLICT RESOLUTION . Any person who is intended to achieve to be extraordinary, you must know about this subject, this includes not only have knowledge of human relations and public, but also learn to face the difficulties and problems when are presented.

It is therefore necessary to understand that there are no problems, there are teachings and lessons that life presents to measure the ability of the person and make someone more skilled, ready to win.

The seventh step is: GRATITUDE . Thank you for all that happens, it is formed what is known as FE, this is a mental state that draws your mental uivalente eq. This is where success is seen as a process and not as a goal.

personal or business coaching, and conferences, call 315 3737644 .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Capsaicin Cream Where To Buy Singapore

Noon Island New York vintage

Today had to be in Lomas de Chapultepec before nine o'clock. I took a taxi in Rome at eight thirty and I put these headphones. It took me two hours to arrive. Of Diana the Huntress to Peripheral hour and a half did, and did not arrive, so I talked to that reached in Santa Fe I told the driver we were going to Santa Fe lost. He could not hear instructions. He turned to the fool. I got nervous, first, then put me in a bad mood. Then I started I notice that the pressure down, felt my purse and Dalays, but there was how to take them. Then I had a panic attack. I wanted to get out and knocking the cars, especially the truck with the announcement of the longest spinning tunnel Latin America "and get on the chests and tearing his shirt and start to mourn and wet pants that had no seats. I wanted to open the door and go running and crying, with long black rivers across the cheeks, hair disheveled, bleeding knuckles. I wanted to tell the driver that I get nervous and, incidentally, he was an idiot and, incidentally, was a bastard and, incidentally, to go fuck your mother. They gave me desire to flee the City, this city so beautiful and inhabitable, as never before felt.

I got in a random street black hole that is Santa Fe, its aridity composed of concrete and glass skyscrapers in the middle of streets and cars, "and took another taxi. I arrived at my meeting and he scored that, supposedly, be my boss. I heard strange mumbling and a pasteboard, and I waited for someone to come down for me. Fifteen minutes later I noticed that he actually had scored a Zacatecas company and I had run out of credit at a stretch. Panic attack, Dalays in the bag nothing to take them. I went and looked for a shop, I found a pharmacy, bought a water and Telcel Amigo card, I took my tranquilizers without much hope and turned to score. I went to my board, I entered a room with glass walls and a projector and people dressed in costume. I said hello and sat timidly in a corner and wished that the world was over at that time.

Later, returning to civilization, I went to Guadalajara Pialadero and ate a cake of shrimp and toasted aguachile and looked sadly at an unruly child who ate a cake company of mother and grandmother, thinking: "Why so spoiled child, I would be him." Then I saw her earrings and I realized I was a child. How strange.

I walked back and went through my old building and found the well-known keeper of love. I greeted him and asked how I was stupid thing because twenty minutes later he was talking about God and the honesty and sense of life. Panic attack, I can not abuse drugs, I need a call to save my life.

Bingo. Incoming Call my roommate. "Glad I gave him, Don Daniel, gotta go, do well, pray for the good of my soul, goodbye." Coyoacán a ride later, I went to my therapist and I cried in his presence and I blew snot with a tissue. Returned to the subway on foot, crying in the darkness of the streets, with a rare sense of relief.


a month ago, Platelet suddenly called me and asked if I wanted to interview the next day Damián Alcázar . I told him PEROPORSUPUESTOQUESÍ. That night, I ate a yogurt ice cream. Note: I am lactose intolerant. Later that night, I hugged my toilet so we formed a close and lasting friendship. Half an hour of sleep later, with fever, vomiting (oh, I'm as honest), headache, ribs and eyelid, we went to San Miguel de Allende.

I have more damn lucky the world is not very often that I get sick, but when I get sick it is as if every cell of my body to become undead in there occurred the zombie apocalypse . So sick, I spent great. Damian ... How do I describe? It is divine. Is gentlemanly. Gentle. It's smart. It is attractive, with a particular charm and contagious, with a deep voice and cooing, with an enviable collection of hats.

I must be honest. It was a tough week, because I was moving. Between that and my newly diagnosed colitis, type the text as best I could. The best I could under the circumstances. Someone will say I am very "self" I am "perfectionist" I like the "self-flagellation" (someone like a therapist, I say), but I can not feel it could be better. I could write something better. Damian deserved better. That Leopard deserved better. Sorry! This is a paragraph from someone who justified the unjustifiable.

Nevertheless, they can read the final version here or here penultimate version. Surely not notice the difference. That's good. But I did the notice, because I have my neurosis and I tattooed elocutio arm. You can imagine.

Some photos of this beautiful day:

sick Here's a picture of the whole artistic crew work in progress. Meanwhile, while I was apuntitos heatstroke. You know, one who works hard.

Damian is well handsome * faints *

arrrrrtístico Quihobo with my angle.

We these ruins and there was a group of bandits with very twentieth century clothing, early, costume department Telenovelas Televisa 1993.

Well, uh, ruins and, therefore, that.


Noten my dead dog's eyes. But I held stoically. And while I complained at every opportunity possible, of course.

Chespirito Don's son Himself! It seems to me like David Duchovny, what Antara think?

this daddy if you remove it chaste.

The photographer, Atonatiuh Bracho, Cacho, is really talented.

And the classical group picture.

Read the reportajete and buy the magazine, fine father and has two very beautiful home, really, is a collector .