Thursday, November 25, 2010

Milena Velba And Bras


By: Edward Pinilla . Ar

Failure in life is a very simple process basically consists of not believing in you doubt your talent and follow three steps: never try, paralĂ­zate and leaves. Contrary to this, success requires effort, discipline and unwavering faith in the most important person there is: YOU. Writers

success and personal growth, they differ on the procedure to succeed. Interpreting several of them, published the 7 steps you can apply if you decide to become a winner.

The first is: TRY . The winners understand that to achieve what they propose should take on challenges, break your comfort zone and be willing to pay the price required to change the life that they want.

Keep in mind that success is often elusive and only revealed to those who persist in looking for him. If you encounter difficulties or do not find the constant search results change the procedure, but never change the objectives or goals. In an attempt

must specify the objectives, implementing universal laws such as planting, think big and keep a positive mental attitude permanently.

The second step is: EFFECTIVE PLANNING . This refers to determine in detail the strategies to be applied to get how to develop your goals and objectives. This should apply procedures such as, do it now and not wait for later and more walk the mile.

The third condition is: ADVERTISING . This will contact the right people to get the job done.

speak psychology studies that are the result of the ten most influential people around us, as they are well be you. Be very careful when choosing your friends, if a negative person, his comments will affect your way.

The fourth level refers to the RESULTS. In this procedure requires effective communication skills, active listening, relationships, how to please people, how to win friends, empathy and the triangle of communication.

Early results are not expected, if this happens, you should not be discouraged because success is constant learning. If something goes wrong do not be discouraged and consider what Albert Einstein said "insanity is doing the same, the same and the same waiting for life to change," he fails to do the same thing and get different results.

The fifth step is related to: TEAMWORK. We are witnessing a new era of information, which began with the birth of the Internet. We ended the industrial era.

This new era brings new conditions to follow and under the new world order, so the world moves on two premises: fast and slow.

to achieve excellence is advisable to choose a team, the "lone rangers" hardly succeed in these times, it takes a team of friends and colleagues to continue your way of thinking, remember that "birds of a feather flock together."

That team must implement the strategy of geese flying in "V" they do so to gain more speed and break the wind, then rotate to help and not get tired.

The sixth condition is: CONFLICT RESOLUTION . Any person who is intended to achieve to be extraordinary, you must know about this subject, this includes not only have knowledge of human relations and public, but also learn to face the difficulties and problems when are presented.

It is therefore necessary to understand that there are no problems, there are teachings and lessons that life presents to measure the ability of the person and make someone more skilled, ready to win.

The seventh step is: GRATITUDE . Thank you for all that happens, it is formed what is known as FE, this is a mental state that draws your mental uivalente eq. This is where success is seen as a process and not as a goal.

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