Sunday, November 28, 2010

Can Gallbladder Polyps Causes Fatty Liver


By: Edward Pinilla

God created man to be healthy and happy. In the human brain became able to produce a highly powerful hormone that can cure any disease complicated it is.

This hormone called endorphins. Studies have shown that it is 120 times more powerful than morphine, which is derived from the poppy and used in surgical procedures and anesthesia.

However, for the brain to produce it required five features required diligence and discipline.

The first condition is, EXPECT THE BEST, this mental state is made of faith. believe in the most important person, yourself.

When you believe in yourself, your body chemistry begins to change, the immune system is activated, causing the body to produce the necessary defenses to regenerate.

The second condition is ENERGY. Every day to make up at least 5 minutes of exercise, walk, take a mental shower, tell yourself nice phrases, words of encouragement that require you to be active and ready to face any situation with courage, no matter how difficult .

The third thing is, EVOLUTION. Human evolution or involution. Ie improve, become paralyzed or backwards.

Evolve requires learning something new. Be prepared to learn a 1% per day, and thus to reach the year, has learned a 365%.

The human brain suffers from bulimia, has to be eating at all times. What food consumed by the brain? INFORMATION. When you does not answer he needed, automatically produced from the stocks that are inside. This is why many people become depressed or sad. Lack information to face that they see as a problem.

The fourth condition is emote. Humans are emotional by nature, constantly transmit and receive emotions. Some are unpleasant and others welcome. Try every day smiling at everyone who is in his way, notice how you respond the same way.

When you smile, 15 muscles are activated in the face as he gets upset when required to work 25 to muscles. There are angry that more effort to smile.

Some people rising, are scheduled for the day. Some do not hello, "grunt" and this makes your body is full of toxins, which usually cause disease.

For this reason, doctors say that over 80% of illnesses are psychosomatic. That is, are generated by our moods. They emotionally charged negative. Discuss when a patient has seen a happy person happy or sick.

Finally, for the endorphin is indispensable spirituality. This is not religion to understand better. There are very religious people who have nothing of spiritual and there are very spiritual people who are nothing religious. Is the relationship with your creator or those higher in energy than you think.

For endorphins at work. Look at a baby, play with him, after a while you will notice that starts to drool, this is a sweet saliva even know enjoyable. This is actually endorphins.

The secret is in the saliva. When the throat is dry, the body is producing adrenaline in abnormal amounts but when saliva is secreting endorphins.

To prove better and if you have the fortune of having a partner of which is love (a), kiss your partner in love, caress and find that after a while begins to salivate. This sweet-scented saliva, is the wonderful endorphin.

The day humans discover and discipline the body to activate this wonderful laboratory. God and nature will smile with happiness.

So if you now have an illness that seen from the logic is impossible to cure, understand that inside is the remedy to heal completely.

To do this, start changing your thinking, because their way of thinking depends on his life.

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