Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Capsaicin Cream Where To Buy Singapore

Noon Island New York vintage

Today had to be in Lomas de Chapultepec before nine o'clock. I took a taxi in Rome at eight thirty and I put these headphones. It took me two hours to arrive. Of Diana the Huntress to Peripheral hour and a half did, and did not arrive, so I talked to that reached in Santa Fe I told the driver we were going to Santa Fe lost. He could not hear instructions. He turned to the fool. I got nervous, first, then put me in a bad mood. Then I started I notice that the pressure down, felt my purse and Dalays, but there was how to take them. Then I had a panic attack. I wanted to get out and knocking the cars, especially the truck with the announcement of the longest spinning tunnel Latin America "and get on the chests and tearing his shirt and start to mourn and wet pants that had no seats. I wanted to open the door and go running and crying, with long black rivers across the cheeks, hair disheveled, bleeding knuckles. I wanted to tell the driver that I get nervous and, incidentally, he was an idiot and, incidentally, was a bastard and, incidentally, to go fuck your mother. They gave me desire to flee the City, this city so beautiful and inhabitable, as never before felt.

I got in a random street black hole that is Santa Fe, its aridity composed of concrete and glass skyscrapers in the middle of streets and cars, "and took another taxi. I arrived at my meeting and he scored that, supposedly, be my boss. I heard strange mumbling and a pasteboard, and I waited for someone to come down for me. Fifteen minutes later I noticed that he actually had scored a Zacatecas company and I had run out of credit at a stretch. Panic attack, Dalays in the bag nothing to take them. I went and looked for a shop, I found a pharmacy, bought a water and Telcel Amigo card, I took my tranquilizers without much hope and turned to score. I went to my board, I entered a room with glass walls and a projector and people dressed in costume. I said hello and sat timidly in a corner and wished that the world was over at that time.

Later, returning to civilization, I went to Guadalajara Pialadero and ate a cake of shrimp and toasted aguachile and looked sadly at an unruly child who ate a cake company of mother and grandmother, thinking: "Why so spoiled child, I would be him." Then I saw her earrings and I realized I was a child. How strange.

I walked back and went through my old building and found the well-known keeper of love. I greeted him and asked how I was stupid thing because twenty minutes later he was talking about God and the honesty and sense of life. Panic attack, I can not abuse drugs, I need a call to save my life.

Bingo. Incoming Call my roommate. "Glad I gave him, Don Daniel, gotta go, do well, pray for the good of my soul, goodbye." Coyoacán a ride later, I went to my therapist and I cried in his presence and I blew snot with a tissue. Returned to the subway on foot, crying in the darkness of the streets, with a rare sense of relief.


a month ago, Platelet suddenly called me and asked if I wanted to interview the next day Damián Alcázar . I told him PEROPORSUPUESTOQUESÍ. That night, I ate a yogurt ice cream. Note: I am lactose intolerant. Later that night, I hugged my toilet so we formed a close and lasting friendship. Half an hour of sleep later, with fever, vomiting (oh, I'm as honest), headache, ribs and eyelid, we went to San Miguel de Allende.

I have more damn lucky the world is not very often that I get sick, but when I get sick it is as if every cell of my body to become undead in there occurred the zombie apocalypse . So sick, I spent great. Damian ... How do I describe? It is divine. Is gentlemanly. Gentle. It's smart. It is attractive, with a particular charm and contagious, with a deep voice and cooing, with an enviable collection of hats.

I must be honest. It was a tough week, because I was moving. Between that and my newly diagnosed colitis, type the text as best I could. The best I could under the circumstances. Someone will say I am very "self" I am "perfectionist" I like the "self-flagellation" (someone like a therapist, I say), but I can not feel it could be better. I could write something better. Damian deserved better. That Leopard deserved better. Sorry! This is a paragraph from someone who justified the unjustifiable.

Nevertheless, they can read the final version here or here penultimate version. Surely not notice the difference. That's good. But I did the notice, because I have my neurosis and I tattooed elocutio arm. You can imagine.

Some photos of this beautiful day:

sick Here's a picture of the whole artistic crew work in progress. Meanwhile, while I was apuntitos heatstroke. You know, one who works hard.

Damian is well handsome * faints *

arrrrrtístico Quihobo with my angle.

We these ruins and there was a group of bandits with very twentieth century clothing, early, costume department Telenovelas Televisa 1993.

Well, uh, ruins and, therefore, that.


Noten my dead dog's eyes. But I held stoically. And while I complained at every opportunity possible, of course.

Chespirito Don's son Himself! It seems to me like David Duchovny, what Antara think?

this daddy if you remove it chaste.

The photographer, Atonatiuh Bracho, Cacho, is really talented.

And the classical group picture.

Read the reportajete and buy the magazine, fine father and has two very beautiful home, really, is a collector .


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