Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can I Eat Chlorophyll While Taking Thyroxine Uk

Adapt and learn

The ability to learn faster than competition is the only source of sustainable competitive advantage. Arie de Geuss

and the ability to learn is not necessarily a matter of resources but of desire, creativity, ingenuity and determination. Learning has never been easy, always has been an effort to adapt, an investment of time and resources always scarce and immediately gives up the expectation of something better.

But learn and adapt is the only thing that can give us a future.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's The Best Car Tv Antenna


Science is the desire to know the causes. William Hazlitt

is impossible for the world and life, with its intrinsic richness and nuances, can be boring and monotonous. There are thousands of things that our attention and millions of challenges to take in every moment.

to value life is not important to a lot or learn more. What is really necessary, crucial, yet keep the curious eyes of a child to learn to see what is hidden from us adults.

no curiosity, no interest in understanding, no desire to explore your life is over and the world stops spinning.

Groping On The Train Movie

are not problems are obstacles

Problems are problems because you see them as problems. Today, you see your problems as obstacles. Obstacles, there is no challenge. With challenge, no purpose. With purpose, no fulfillment. Yehuda Berg

Obstacles, challenges, purpose ... realization. Nice and curious concatenation.

The obstacles are there to be overcome, so that TU's beat it. Can you imagine a life without obstacles? Could be easier but infinitely more boring and dull and meaningless. Accepts

obstacles as challenges, facing the challenge and Set yourself in order to overcome them. With all this and realized you are reborn, is rich, is to grow and be stronger because, in essence, done is to find meaning in everything you do. And sense the difficulties disappear.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pregnancy Symptoms Slime

The trap of desire

An old story that a stonemason passed by the house of a wealthy merchant. Was amazed by the power and riches that had that gentleman and, without thinking twice, wanted to become a wealthy man. The magic heard her request and transformed. Thus, the stonemason was spent enjoying all the luxuries that money offered.

Summer came and the sun was shining brightly high in the sky, undeterred by the businessman's eyes which had turned the stonecutter. Exhausted by the heat and amazed by the power and strength of the sun, wanted to take his place. Said and done, magically became the sun, and went to light the world. But suddenly, a huge black cloud came between him and the earth, blocking its light. "How powerful that storm cloud is!" He thought. "I wish I cloud." Y it happened. Downloaded

storms across the planet, but felt something was missing. The wind pushed back and forth and soon began to feel jealous of its lightness. Wanted to have his strength and freedom and, after unwillingly became breeze. Blew and blew, and the trees and houses were down to their will. there was only one thing that I could not move: a huge rock. "Nothing is more robust and powerful than the great stone," he thought. "I wish to become an equal."

After a short time, with rock, he heard the sound of a hammer and chisel crisscrossing its surface hard knocks. Surprised he asked: "What can be more powerful than a rock? ". And when he looked he saw before him a stonecutter.

(From La Vanguardia)


Ensure that your ambitions do not prevent discover your enormous potential and enjoy your present.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Watch South Park Itouch

By: Edward Pinilla

Although it seems difficult to accept, our inner world is made several characters that determine the behavior. Ego, Super ego, higher self and inner child. When these come into conflict, alterations in the person, creating difficulties, pain and even disease.

We will focus on the inner child, because this is the character who most influence over others. Studies have shown that the 0 to 6 years is 85% of personality, this means that this is the age at which the child is learning, absorbing everything that comes from abroad. Positive or negative, is forever etched in your mind, determining their destiny as an adult.

Life is like a movie, depending on what we experienced in childhood play on our mental screen adults, these childhood events, represented in pain, love, humor, adventure, tragedy, drama, conflict, poverty or disease.

If your relationship with your parents was aggression, punishment or abuse, relationships with others be submissive, fear, rebellion and conflict. If, on the other hand you had a good relationship with your parents, where there was respect and love, there will be acceptance, tolerance, interaction and self-esteem.

The human mind has several stages of evolution. The first is the PANIC - DEPRESSIVE , imagine a baby several months, hungry, unsatisfied desire, the mother gives milk bottle or breast and stops crying, he was satisfied his desire. An adult who did not exceed this level, accountable to an unfulfilled desire to "violence" very common in our society that seeks to resolve all by force.

The second stage is the LIABILITIES - DEPENDENT , follow the example of the baby, when it reaches the age of 3 or 4 years, this child, pulled a gun on the floor or nagging about something you want and not is given. Mom punishes him, upon which the infant reacts with feeling crying, mom gives him compassion and pampering is about delivering what he screamed. An adult who follows this stage and not exceeded, will respond to any difficult situation "unfortunate." This behavior is usually handling, dependency, lack of affect and low self esteem, in this period of evolution lie who threaten their lives.

The third state is PERFECTIONIST - EFFICIENT, here lie those for whom the world is moving under the rules, when something does not go as they wanted, their reactions will be conflict. A perfectionist always have trouble because they pretend that others behave as he or she, and others seek to impose their way of life that they believe is the best there is. Some rules are thus exceed their leads to be too moralistic or fanatics.

These first three states are characterized because they act this way people are manipulative, conflicting excessively demanding, dependent and its behavior manifest low self-esteem.

The fourth level of learning is the EFFECTIVE than efficient, which makes things in exchange for something. The efficient, is master of his actions, demand the respect for self manifested towards others. Always look for our own good, has high self-esteem, goals and claimed to be the best at everything, is independent and assertive in their decisions. Understand that everything good has a price change and is willing to pay, always expecting the best of life.

These behaviors are related to the way parents treat their children at home. Most conflicts we humans are due to inheritance Mom and Dad left us in the first years of life.

The next chapter will reveal a simple formula to heal your inner child.

personal or business coaching, and conferences, call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472

Friday, March 18, 2011

Small Bumps Genitals Rabbits.

not your words empty of meaning "Great difficulties

If you say something and not bother anyone, is that we've said absolutely nothing!
Michael Crichton (referred to by Risto Mejide)

go is not annoying or provoking, this is not about to hurt, or neglected or to be intolerant, it is not spitting words: words are things that you offer to others.

However, if your message does not bother anyone, if not move consciences, if not lead to changes is that nobody is listening or not, or is an empty message, a message useless and expendable. A dead message.

Words must move to reflection and action, change and enrichment of individuals and societies. Try it you really have to say is not blurred by an excess of caution or self-censorship misunderstood. If your message is content is likely to bother anyone but it is the sincere expression of your personality and contribution to human knowledge.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Party Titles For Invites

? Great Men

A timid and hesitant all find it impossible, because then it seems
Walter Scott

Ni Columbus, or Galileo, or Armstrong, ni ... timid. Nor none of them were undecided. Were they afraid? Did they have doubts about their objectives, goals and ambitions? I do not know.

probably were so scared and so many doubts about their challenges as any of us could have. But his big challenge was to overcome that fear, overcome these doubts and move forward with their projects despite the difficulties of the road. They made their targets something larger and greater than their fears and went ahead.

Does anyone believe that the passage of the three ships was a boating? What trip to the moon was just a stunt? Sure there were problems, extreme problems and moments of weakness. What matters, what made these men unique people, was his ability to overcome them and continue to pursue their dreams.

In the next difficulty to introduce you today ask what is easier, overcome this and reach the moon? If the answer is I believe, probably overcome this difficulty and move on and that will make you a little harder and a little bigger.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brazil's Primary Employment Structure

The cost of ignorance

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
Derek Bok - Harvard University

Spending time, effort and money in training is not an expense but an investment. This observation, originally addressed to organizations, is also relevant to the individual level: if you do not want to be overwhelmed by the frantic pace of change should stop periodically and upgrade, renew, enrich, recover lost value. Our dedication

work (and in other areas of life too) gain value with the experience but we lose the same rate (or more) obsolescence. Training is to fight against that is to remove these oxide layers that accumulate where they should not, is to make a preventive maintenance task, is to upgrade our software and grow our assessment.

The alternative is to lose value every day, is to close the doors of the future, but be prepared for new opportunities, limit our options and get into a dead end and one-way. The

that life provide more or fewer opportunities may be just luck but luck is for those who work for which it strives to seek and keep up.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Write A Note For Congratulation For Pregn

Be part of the solution not the problem

Do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do.
John Wooden, basketball coach

Life is full of opportunities, options, things you can do and are waiting for you to discover them and put your hands the work. Forget

and excuses, forget and "yes but ..." and starts to do what you can do. As if by magic, circumstances conspire to be resolved gradually and one by one each and every one of the many problems you find in the road.

The world would be easier if we fail to complain and every one of us took their place as part of the solution.

Want to overcome difficulties? The key is action.

Patricia Richardson Farting


By: Edward Pinilla

One of the universal laws concerning the harvest, "collect what we sow "but where it begins to apply this law?, in our minds is through our thoughts where to start planting.

Daily, we have 60 thousand thoughts, which are repeated the next day 99%, that is if you thought today unfortunately I think it useless to do something you know you can, because tomorrow you will think the same.

thoughts are in order, are opinions first, then beliefs, convictions and finally anchors. To illustrate this better, imagine a table with a support, two, three and a full table with four legs. It is when they are anchors that our mind has clarity and security from a fact.

Most people walk around the world blaming others for his misfortunes, not understanding that they themselves are responsible for your life. When think of something good to generate good feelings, otherwise produces feelings of anger and pain.

To understand better, try to fathom what you're thinking now is what will happen in 4 or 5 years, these anticipándote the future and the best is that you're creating in your mind unconscious. We are like antennas that emit signals that occur within us.

Unfortunately, most people do not understand the power of thoughts. When something goes wrong with our outside because inside there is disorder. The mind has two ways to store what comes through the senses and become thoughts. Fast Memory Access and Random Access Memory , when a thought is left in the first memory is because we have given importance and constantly repeat it, otherwise pass to the second memory, without affecting our reality because there is stored so it does not matter.

If today you are suffering, doubt, something hurts, you have insomnia or are you uneasy, it is because you have thoughts repressed in memory for quick access. This time I'm going to reveal a formula effective to help you rid of those thoughts that bother you so much and keep you from being happy.

First of all you have on hand a pencil and paper, do not you do it on the computer, because this exercise is a way to talk to our unconscious mind.

What you do is type in that role all the unpleasantness of your life than you think. You do this by starting with the phrase "I'M TIRED OF" and write everything that bothers you, for example, I'm tired of being treated badly, shortage of money, to discuss with my boss, spouse (or) of that everything goes wrong, in order to consider everything that is wrong. If you have to mourn, to feel depressed or angry, do it, is best, because what the aim of this exercise is to get all those repressed emotions that affect your life every day and not leave you alone.

Then read that you wrote in that role, maybe you will feel disgust or repugnance that you know is wrong. Well, now break that role, trample him, throw it to the floor and finally gets a lighter and burn it, look closely as it burns before your eyes, because that is burning inside you.

Then take another sheet and write down everything the opposite of that unpleasant. Start saying "I CHOOSE" , for example, be happy, never again get angry when I call attention, not to argue with my wife (o), be abundant, and whatever you decide.

This exercise is necessary to repeat it several times a day because of the repetition is the key, to move out of your mind those bad memories and start planting positive thoughts.

personal or business coaching, and conferences, , , call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472

Baking In An Electrolux Microwave


By: Edward Pinilla

The mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Fears are creations of mind that we ourselves invented, are states of mind that you assume to be real and that will take you to where you want to go.

Fear and Faith, are brothers with creative power. The first appeals to you all that bad and harmful to what you fear and the second also has the power to give life to something good that you assume as true and real.

Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich, talks about the big six ghosts of fear. Fear of poverty, criticism, illness, loss of love, old age and death. All other fears are of minor importance and can be grouped into these six.

Human beings can not give life to anything that has not previously been created in your mind through thinking. Every thought becomes its physical equivalent. Every day we have 60 thousand thoughts that are repeated the next day by 99%. Your way of thinking determines your financial destiny, professional, social, family and health.

Creator endowed man with absolute control over a single thing in life: YOU THOUGHT . The way of thinking about something or life, you and only you choose. Who would allow someone to change his mind is failing is because their self-esteem. When you feel that another human being is thinking for yourself or need to consult followed another without asking yourself first (a), these missing the most important person there is: YOU

Every thought creates a feeling and emotion. There are seven main emotions that are used most often in the process of creating a different life and positive. Desire to change and have something, L Faith, Sex, Excitement, romance and hope. Control these emotions through their continued use and begin to see changes in your life so wonderful.

The human mind can not hold both positive and negative emotions, implements the domain that occupies his thoughts most. It is our responsibility to appropriate positive feelings and these constitute the greatest influence on our mind, it is necessary to make use of habit.

Aristotle said: "Excellence is an art that is acquired through training and habit." Habit is generated by the constant practice of something so repetitive, that creates custom, which in turn leads to the destination or lifestyle.

There are seven major emotions that we must avoid in our lives, for they are the cause of much destruction and tragedy: Fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, superstition and Cholera.

Everything we fear what is attracted into our lives and becomes part of it. Generally most of us live by blaming others for our misfortunes, without considering that we are the creators of them. In the unconscious mind is incubated from children that fear that maybe we were given by another and that we assume as true, without understanding that we can change reality just changing the way we think.

Who's Afraid of poverty, which is perhaps the most destructive fear that exists, eliminating any possibility of life to succeed, destroy all hope of changing his life and drags those who are near him or her.

We ourselves may be prophets of our lives and predict the future accurately. All that man can conceive in your mind you can achieve, of course this requires perseverance and strategy arm of faith, the domain of emotions and other energy to get where you want.

personal or business coaching, and conferences, , , call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lipstick Mark Tattoos

A wise one afternoon, arrived in the city of Akbar.

People did not give much importance to his presence and his teachings failed to interest the public. Even after some time became a source of laughter and ridicule of the inhabitants of the city.

One day, while walking down the main street of Akbar, a group of men and women began to insult him. Instead of pretending that the ignorant, the wise man approached them and said the men bendijo.Uno:

- "Is it possible that, in addition, whether you deaf? Horrible things and you shout out answers us with beautiful words !. "

"Each of us can only offer what he has," was the reply of the wise.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sleeper Sofa Thessaloniki

Sage on teachers and shortage of teachers

When I studied 7 of GBS (similar to the eleventh grade now) I failed an assessment the subject of language. The syntactic analysis of subordinate clauses (What a great thing!), Was not subject teacher mio.El, Rodrigo Segarra agreed with me that during the next quarter will present a daily five subordinate clauses that I invented, correctly analyzed . It was not a punishment. It was a commitment - your commitment - that beyond his professional duties had all their help to overcome that here the hechos.Treinta dificultad.Hasta years later I still remember this episode with a mixture of nostalgia and great admiration. And I think that he derived many lessons to learn and remember. From my point of view the most relevant is the importance of the teacher and the profession not only of teacher but an educator, I believe that experience under my personality, made me different, stronger, more accountable, I learned to accept my mistakes and strive to overcome the difficulties (not to say that a daily rate of five sentences I became a specialist in short time (;-))).

this mean that teachers have the ability and the great responsibility of shaping the future people, to help grow tomorrow's work in our businesses and lead countries.
But being a teacher goes well beyond giving 25 hours of class per week. Is to maintain a strong commitment to each student is to be a permanent reference young people need to help them find their way. And this is not done in class language, 'kill' or in English: this is done during every minute of every day, showing - or rather living up to - values \u200b\u200band attitudes of today's society carece.La story that inspired the article makes me realize an unforgivable error on my part: despite the past 30 years I still remember the experience as something that really changed my way of being, never expressed my agradeciento Rodrigo Segarra for it. Beyond parsing, I learned that quarter is something that I would know how to convey as the great legacy that is to know if it's my excuse hijos.No but this text will serve at least as public recognition to those teachers who made me what I am, who dedicated his work and his call to build a personality, if not better because of my limitations and not by their lack of dedication or effort.

and also serve to give pause to professionals in education today about their role in society, about the immense responsibility rests on their shoulders and on what should be their commitment to each student each September reach their classrooms: will be largely what they make of them and some, even thirty years, will be grateful.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stomach Stick Out After Food

mediocrity or greatness

Mediocrity, possibly, is to stand before the greatness and not realize.

But the greatness does not look at the buildings, empires, in luxury or opulence. Do not look at those who flaunt what they have or in which boast of what they do or - worse still - of what they say.

The greatness is in a smile at the insults, with a look of compassion for the needy, to share scarce resources when things are complicated, to have kind words when someone needs our understanding, in the play of a child or the expression of the beloved. Greatness

not spare us but there is much more than you imagine if we look with eyes and heart in the right direction.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mario Salieristremeng


By: Edward Pinilla

One day God is did open an office in Bucaramanga to resolve problems directly. Turn accounted for a 42 years old, an angel answered and immediately proceeded to take your order.

The man said: good relationship with my wife is not quite right, my children also, in my company's business will not But my health is a bit tricky and my economy needs a boost. The Angel took the order and after a while came back with an envelope in his hand. The man rebuked him: "I do not understand what this is? What you do not understand sir, "said the Cherub. Well then, I thought about God as all my problems would be solved at once, as if by magic.

The angel answered, Lord at this store are given fruit seeds, if you want the life that is asking for do it yourself!

Life in essence is a continuous learning, a path full of challenges that lead us to where we want to, but if there is no reason that travel, the route will become tortuous and fatigue. Motivation

motivare comes from the Latin verb that means taking action, that is the best way to stay motivated is acting. To achieve this it is necessary to have a life plan, goals to which you want to get that force you to get up early out of bed with excitement to get them and thus break the routine.

There are some rules to stay motivated. The first is GOOD START THE DAY, arise during the day giving thanks for health, for who you are, for the opportunity you have today. Then wash with cold water, and the mirror starts to say things easy on yourself (a) provides that a habit, a habit is recalled that the constant repetition of events, learn to speak well and be positive always ..

The second rule is, ALWAYS CHOOSE TO BE IN GOOD MOOD . Please note that love and other emotions are not cumulative, every day we communicate through our emotions, if you send a smile back that same smile, but it is a bad sign, that it will receive. Say to start the day: I am healthy, I feel happy, I feel wonderful!, repeat and you'll see the effect it produces.

then stimulate your senses. Pay close attention to what you hear, see, eat, touch, and talk. Recent studies have shown that we are the result of the 10 most influential people around us. Who do you surround yourself?. You choose who you want to be. Remember birds of a feather flock together!

Also, learn to BE THANKFUL. establishes a habit to thank five people per day do you favor and go multiplying more and more until it is part of you. Gratitude is the foundation of faith. A grateful person creates friends, otherwise ungrateful enemies accumulate.

live for today. Only the present matters, the past has been dead for a moment, he learns to live. Always listen to your heart. Those afflicted suffer or live is because they hold a grudge from the past, have not let go of yesterday. Live with intensity as if today were your last day, and most importantly lives without judging anyone, nor blame others for things they did or did not do. Worry about yourself, for the most important person in creation.

Learn to reward you. Congratulate yourself every time you do something nice or that you care about. Ask yourself every day what I did good today? When you answer, rejoice and embrace yourself to yourself (a) why did you feel good.

EVOLVE. At the start of the day, ask yourself how I can be better today?, This is to avoid falling into mediocrity and conformity.

personal or business coaching, and conferences, call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472

Shades Of Blonde Chart Koleston Wella


By: Edward Pinilla

One day a professor of mathematical logic died and went to heaven. He was welcomed by an angel who gave him the option of heaven or hell. He said he had to do before you can decide. The angel took him first to hell where he found several people around a large table, above which were several delicious meals and exquisite, but noticed that people were sad, thin and discouraged, the approach to detail was surprised by the size of the forks and knives of a meter long.

Then the angel said: "God is unjust, he will eat with those covered so great." God is not unjust, "said the cherub, and took him to heaven to see the other option. Upon arrival found a similar table with the same foods but with people happy and satisfied. Noted that they were approaching the yourself covered in a meter long, but unlike the hell, people used to cut the slices covered large holders to feed who was in front.

The metaphor refers to the kindness and respect we feel towards others, of course that these emotions can conceive and feel only when you have succeeded in removing the heart of ghosts from the past or hidden resentments in inside the human mind.

human beings were created to live in harmony and happiness, but when these conditions are broken, the unconscious rebels attacking the body in constant and increasing somatization as cancers, ulcers, gastritis, depression, anxiety, pain, fear and all kinds of diseases known.

The unconscious is like the Pandora's box that preserves the history of our life, he is recording every detail, every moment of everything that happens in our outside, is like a black box plane that preserves all the conversations that occur in the cabin.

Looking at the life of a human being who was born in circumstances of abuse and contempt, the person recorded in his mind to those voices, looks, beatings and other injustices that remain clearly alive inside, because the unconscious has no will, does not afford the time. He played that movie many times as necessary until the person decides to fight those moods.

Most human beings have loaded with unpleasant memories for a long time without realizing it have changed our behavior towards others. If you are someone confrontational, remembers what happened at home during your childhood, maybe Dad was so, and you adopt your personality?

Without wishing our ancestors left us a legacy as they were, and unconsciously we accept it, adopting our lifestyle. Some people do not understand that they are parts or pieces of several others.

The bitterness and regret opening the door to disease. Want to heal any physical ailment quickly?, Start by forgiving those who hurt you in any way or mistreated you in the past. If you really want to advance free and happy, you have no choice but to let go of the past and enjoy the present.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta used say: "Forgiveness is a decision, not a feeling, because when we forgive no longer feel the offense, we no longer feel resentment. Sorry, that alone will forgive your soul and which have offended you. "

Forgiveness is the gateway to love. We can not feel two emotions at once. Love and hatred are not consistent but inconsistent.

Without realizing it, sleep with the enemy, ourselves. In my personal life the strongest enemy I've ever had to deal with is myself.

In life, evolution or involution. You choose the way forward.

personal or business coaching, and conferences, call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The silence of good

I do not mind the cry of the violent, the

corrupt, dishonest, of unethically.
What worries is the silence of the good.

Martin Luther King II

existence becomes more complex and more difficult when faced with injustice, when violence or corruption move you to action to prevent them.

But that is the only way to prevent that violence, corruption, dishonesty and unethical to break into every corner of our house and end up poisoning everything.

are like dust and dirt: you have to remove permanently and become permanent.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Strke Victims-communicating

hurt people hurt others. Break the chain today. Facing the anger in solidarity, contempt with compassion, cruelty with kindness. Get the bad side with a smile. Forgive and forget to find a culprit. Love is the weapon of the future. Michael Berg

The secret is to break the chain. The heroes are those who break the chain, which are capable of changing the world by changing their attitude and solidarity to face the wrath, giving compassion when they received contempt, giving a kind word there where most needed.

To change the world it is necessary to break many strings but they are not physical chains of cold metal and large chain links but attitude.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Symptoms Of Herpes In The Stomach

chain breaks or mad "dance? As the pen

The deaf believe that the dancers are mad

Analyzes the situation before making judgments.
often explain things simply when you have all the information.
not see many crazy down the street when you have a clear field of view and a more open mind.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fanfiction Harry Yaoi

The little boy watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point he asked: - "Grandpa, you're writing a story that happened to the two? Is it by chance, a story about me?

His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson:

- I'm writing about you, actually. However, more important than words is the pencil I'm using. I would like you to be like this pencil when you grow up.

The grandson looked at the pencil intrigued, and saw nothing special about him, and asked

- What's particular that pen?

Grandpa replied

- Everything depends on how you look at things. There are four qualities in him, if you can keep, will always make you a person at peace with the world.

First quality: occasionally need to stop what you're writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but in the end, be much sharper. Therefore, should be able to endure some pain, because you will better person.

Second quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. understood that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing , but something important to stay the course of justice.

Third quality: what really matters in a pencil is not the wood or its exterior, but the graphite inside. Therefore, always pay attention what happens inside you .

Fourth quality: always leaves a mark. Similarly, you should know that everything you do in life, leave traces. why try to be aware of every action .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cruise Ship Employment Security

always have the key

exit box was the same hell. And yet, Liz Murray managed to beat the game to life with the worst cards possible. A trip from the bottom rung of the social ladder to tread only the elites who have put in writing and become a best seller: "Breaking Night".

The road was an endless uphill from the zero point. Liz was born without parents, and very early had to deal with the two older children who had conceived. Hippies to them was the hand with the drug in the 70's and the beginning of the next decade, which would mark the beginning of the calendar of her daughter, were addicted terminals.

Capable of stealing money from her birthday and even a turkey for a church that had given them had something to take to the stomach on Thanksgiving. That's on good days. When cows went and starving, Liz and her sister had to pull the imagination to stand. "We ate ice cubes or would share a tube of toothpaste for dinner," says the girl, now 29, graduated from Harvard and spokesperson international youth forums.

"I learned from four years that Mom and Dad had strange habits which I reported," he explains about his early childhood in the streets of the Bronx. He attended many times, for example, the ritual of putting on the table a bunch of spoons and foreign objects "in a sort of emergency preparedness."

Things can always get worse and Murray is completely twisted. He stopped going to school, where it was not easy to integrate lice covered from top to bottom and smelling bad. Once out of class had to improvise nursing knowledge. I was 15 and his mother, AIDS. Among

vomiting syndrome withdrawal, did, however, bring him a mantra his daughter in the head. Something like "and better times." Not for her, she died right away and was buried in a wooden box. And for your daughter still take years.
Unable to cope with the rent, his father moved to a shelter for the homeless, while its sister agency a seat on the couch of a friend. Liz had worse luck and was on the street, rolling on park benches and subway cars in the city that never sleeps.

And then, at 17, decided it was time to reach those elusive "better times" announcing his mother with his arms injured by needles.

and he began to study. Completed high school in just two years, thanks to some night classes and the guardian angel that was intended. The same that led her to Harvard to visit with other students. Given that building

, Murray was clear he wanted to cross the threshold of a world usually reserved the right of admission. He learned that the New York Times gave scholarships to good students. Got one. He graduated from Harvard. Clinton met ....

now travels the world telling his story to young people who also have oil. "I was one of those people on one street away," she smiles, free of drama or resentment toward a parent who could not be: "They had many flaws, but they were incredibly loving people. I grew up understanding that message one way or another."

(Excerpted from The, 04/10/2010).

How Often Do You Get A Brazilian Wax?

The same would require an effective partner, is the secret of our effectiveness. I look at twelve points as well: silence, order, repetition, resolution, frugality, diligence, sincerity, justice, observation, clean, quiet and humility.

Lack of each of these conditions is a personal flaw in our work, we have to fight us our partners and avoid
Noel Clarasó

Silence for reflection and introspection.
Order Efficiency and method. Repeat
to generate the habit and improve with practice.
resolution to overcome the difficulties and act decisively. Frugality
to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body without superfluous needs.
Diligence for perseverance and dedication.
Sincerity and justice to make it right. Comment
to recognize changes in the environment. Clean
to create an enabling environment. Quiet
to maintain patience and
Humility, humility, to face the challenges of this journey.

are not bad advice for this

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Does Dreaming Of A Shark Mean

Twelve tips

Life has two days you can not do anything:

one is Saturday and the other is the morning.
Only one thing is certain: TODAY.

You can dream, work, enjoy, love ...

not let time go by without doing what is truly relevant and important in your life because without realizing it will spent days, weeks, months and years ... At the end ... life.

Think for a moment: What is it that you constantly put off until the right time? How much time has passed since the first time I thought about it? When do you think will be the ideal time? What circumstances must be to be the ideal time? What are the chances you get that perfect day?

say there are only two perfect time to plant a tree for twenty years ... and now.

Do not spend more time putting off your dreams and live your life TODAY.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Many Cigarettes In A Pouch


Sometimes we do not jump higher because we believe in ourselves and our immense potential. Santiago Alvarez de Mon

Trust your immense possibilities, dare to overcome your fears, your limits and your false self-imposed boundaries. If our ancestors had heeded their voices limiting the world had stopped spinning long.

Face the challenges - big and small - with determination, with courage and with dedication. Concentrates all the power of all your cells in the lens and discover that what you think today was actually smaller limits obstacles to overcome and evidence that, when overcome, I have become stronger.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Repair Aseam On Leather Couch

No limits Watch your dreams, but I know

Things are not thrown into a great speech.
Francisco Arregui, Seguros Catalana Occidente Dtor.General of

louder movement and the goals and values \u200b\u200bof a company are shown in each of their daily movements.

You must have an exciting vision, share it and make it public with maximum exposure (even with a great speech if necessary), but the really essential is to begin to work and that each of the small gains achieved over from that day are aligned with that goal and with that vision.

Gandhi, Mandela, Luther King, Kennedy ... All of them made over memorable speeches of his life but after getting out of the stands began to work to make your dream possible ... and those of many people.

Difference Open Or Closed Knee Support

essential works

There are men who fight one day and are good. There are others who fight for a year and are better. There are others who fight many years and are much better. But others struggle all their lives: these are indispensable. Bertolt Brecht

The essential world needs people, people who do not resign, fireproof people, people for whom failure is not an option, people determined to get to the end and make the necessary efforts to achieve it.

"Reward? Hopefully some recognition fugitive and fleeting but definitely the satisfaction of having done what should be done and have helped with the example for others to find their way.