Monday, March 14, 2011

Baking In An Electrolux Microwave


By: Edward Pinilla

The mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Fears are creations of mind that we ourselves invented, are states of mind that you assume to be real and that will take you to where you want to go.

Fear and Faith, are brothers with creative power. The first appeals to you all that bad and harmful to what you fear and the second also has the power to give life to something good that you assume as true and real.

Napoleon Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich, talks about the big six ghosts of fear. Fear of poverty, criticism, illness, loss of love, old age and death. All other fears are of minor importance and can be grouped into these six.

Human beings can not give life to anything that has not previously been created in your mind through thinking. Every thought becomes its physical equivalent. Every day we have 60 thousand thoughts that are repeated the next day by 99%. Your way of thinking determines your financial destiny, professional, social, family and health.

Creator endowed man with absolute control over a single thing in life: YOU THOUGHT . The way of thinking about something or life, you and only you choose. Who would allow someone to change his mind is failing is because their self-esteem. When you feel that another human being is thinking for yourself or need to consult followed another without asking yourself first (a), these missing the most important person there is: YOU

Every thought creates a feeling and emotion. There are seven main emotions that are used most often in the process of creating a different life and positive. Desire to change and have something, L Faith, Sex, Excitement, romance and hope. Control these emotions through their continued use and begin to see changes in your life so wonderful.

The human mind can not hold both positive and negative emotions, implements the domain that occupies his thoughts most. It is our responsibility to appropriate positive feelings and these constitute the greatest influence on our mind, it is necessary to make use of habit.

Aristotle said: "Excellence is an art that is acquired through training and habit." Habit is generated by the constant practice of something so repetitive, that creates custom, which in turn leads to the destination or lifestyle.

There are seven major emotions that we must avoid in our lives, for they are the cause of much destruction and tragedy: Fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, superstition and Cholera.

Everything we fear what is attracted into our lives and becomes part of it. Generally most of us live by blaming others for our misfortunes, without considering that we are the creators of them. In the unconscious mind is incubated from children that fear that maybe we were given by another and that we assume as true, without understanding that we can change reality just changing the way we think.

Who's Afraid of poverty, which is perhaps the most destructive fear that exists, eliminating any possibility of life to succeed, destroy all hope of changing his life and drags those who are near him or her.

We ourselves may be prophets of our lives and predict the future accurately. All that man can conceive in your mind you can achieve, of course this requires perseverance and strategy arm of faith, the domain of emotions and other energy to get where you want.

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