Monday, March 14, 2011

Patricia Richardson Farting


By: Edward Pinilla

One of the universal laws concerning the harvest, "collect what we sow "but where it begins to apply this law?, in our minds is through our thoughts where to start planting.

Daily, we have 60 thousand thoughts, which are repeated the next day 99%, that is if you thought today unfortunately I think it useless to do something you know you can, because tomorrow you will think the same.

thoughts are in order, are opinions first, then beliefs, convictions and finally anchors. To illustrate this better, imagine a table with a support, two, three and a full table with four legs. It is when they are anchors that our mind has clarity and security from a fact.

Most people walk around the world blaming others for his misfortunes, not understanding that they themselves are responsible for your life. When think of something good to generate good feelings, otherwise produces feelings of anger and pain.

To understand better, try to fathom what you're thinking now is what will happen in 4 or 5 years, these anticipándote the future and the best is that you're creating in your mind unconscious. We are like antennas that emit signals that occur within us.

Unfortunately, most people do not understand the power of thoughts. When something goes wrong with our outside because inside there is disorder. The mind has two ways to store what comes through the senses and become thoughts. Fast Memory Access and Random Access Memory , when a thought is left in the first memory is because we have given importance and constantly repeat it, otherwise pass to the second memory, without affecting our reality because there is stored so it does not matter.

If today you are suffering, doubt, something hurts, you have insomnia or are you uneasy, it is because you have thoughts repressed in memory for quick access. This time I'm going to reveal a formula effective to help you rid of those thoughts that bother you so much and keep you from being happy.

First of all you have on hand a pencil and paper, do not you do it on the computer, because this exercise is a way to talk to our unconscious mind.

What you do is type in that role all the unpleasantness of your life than you think. You do this by starting with the phrase "I'M TIRED OF" and write everything that bothers you, for example, I'm tired of being treated badly, shortage of money, to discuss with my boss, spouse (or) of that everything goes wrong, in order to consider everything that is wrong. If you have to mourn, to feel depressed or angry, do it, is best, because what the aim of this exercise is to get all those repressed emotions that affect your life every day and not leave you alone.

Then read that you wrote in that role, maybe you will feel disgust or repugnance that you know is wrong. Well, now break that role, trample him, throw it to the floor and finally gets a lighter and burn it, look closely as it burns before your eyes, because that is burning inside you.

Then take another sheet and write down everything the opposite of that unpleasant. Start saying "I CHOOSE" , for example, be happy, never again get angry when I call attention, not to argue with my wife (o), be abundant, and whatever you decide.

This exercise is necessary to repeat it several times a day because of the repetition is the key, to move out of your mind those bad memories and start planting positive thoughts.

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