Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Error Exiting Tally Internal Error


Human beings were designed exclusively to succeed. The brain is composed of 100 billion neurons, the view has diaphragms 200 thousand, 600 thousand decibels the ear and the body contains about 2 million automatic thermal cells.

Daily, we have 60 thousand thoughts, which are repeated the next day 99%. A thought can not see, but if you can measure, the scientists determined that each has 0.2 volts of power.

Thoughts have the power to materialize, that is, if you think you're healthy, because that is what you get, but if you think otherwise, it will be a sick person.

Life is simple, just a matter of finding the key and apply. "We become what we think and get what we give." Just you and nobody but you has the power to do with your life heaven or hell. This requires you to analyze what you put in your mind, because there, the process of creation.

Analyze your way of thinking, it is unpleasant, pessimistic, because get empty, disease and conflict in your reality, but on the contrary, you are optimistic, pleasant, good opinion of yourself (a); receive good gifts of life.

In this way, life, death, success, failure, health, illness, love, hate, excitement, boredom, money, poor and everything else depends what you sow in your mind, as Plato said "all human achievement born in the garden of ideas."

But how do to change the way you think? This requires that you first acquire consciousness that only you and nobody else that you are solely responsible for what happens around you, that is, if today you have problems, debt, illness or other unpleasant situation, it is because thou created with your thoughts.

Of the 24 hours a day, 14 we spent talking to ourselves, is what is known as the "internal dialogue." Think about what you say to yourself (a) every day and on that basis determined as your life.

What to do, change your internal dialogue and see different results in your life. As Albert Einstein said "Insanity is doing the same, and the same, waiting for life to change" if you want any changes in your life, start to turn around your thinking and you'll see as things begin to order your around.

The human mind is divided into: conscious and unconscious minds. The first has 5% and the 95% of memory capacity. The awareness is represented by the senses: smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight, and the second is composed of beliefs, emotions, thoughts, paradigms and mental programs, the mind is like the hard disk memory, since there are stores all the information we use in our lives.

Accordingly, we see no eyes or hear with your ears, see with the recorded program to interpret reality. The senses are only recipients of external stimuli, they carry information to the brain, where the unconscious mind reacts to that stimulus based on what is stored there.

A clear example is what happens to people who suffer from jealousy or jealous, they interpret reality based on what they experienced in childhood or in another stage of life, which were scored and created a program mental distrust of the opposite sex.

So starting today, if you want to change your life and do things for which you were designed, look very well as plants in the garden your mind.

Put there love, success, and other things, and you will not be barriers that prevent you from doing that they crave.


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