Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Error Exiting Tally Internal Error


Human beings were designed exclusively to succeed. The brain is composed of 100 billion neurons, the view has diaphragms 200 thousand, 600 thousand decibels the ear and the body contains about 2 million automatic thermal cells.

Daily, we have 60 thousand thoughts, which are repeated the next day 99%. A thought can not see, but if you can measure, the scientists determined that each has 0.2 volts of power.

Thoughts have the power to materialize, that is, if you think you're healthy, because that is what you get, but if you think otherwise, it will be a sick person.

Life is simple, just a matter of finding the key and apply. "We become what we think and get what we give." Just you and nobody but you has the power to do with your life heaven or hell. This requires you to analyze what you put in your mind, because there, the process of creation.

Analyze your way of thinking, it is unpleasant, pessimistic, because get empty, disease and conflict in your reality, but on the contrary, you are optimistic, pleasant, good opinion of yourself (a); receive good gifts of life.

In this way, life, death, success, failure, health, illness, love, hate, excitement, boredom, money, poor and everything else depends what you sow in your mind, as Plato said "all human achievement born in the garden of ideas."

But how do to change the way you think? This requires that you first acquire consciousness that only you and nobody else that you are solely responsible for what happens around you, that is, if today you have problems, debt, illness or other unpleasant situation, it is because thou created with your thoughts.

Of the 24 hours a day, 14 we spent talking to ourselves, is what is known as the "internal dialogue." Think about what you say to yourself (a) every day and on that basis determined as your life.

What to do, change your internal dialogue and see different results in your life. As Albert Einstein said "Insanity is doing the same, and the same, waiting for life to change" if you want any changes in your life, start to turn around your thinking and you'll see as things begin to order your around.

The human mind is divided into: conscious and unconscious minds. The first has 5% and the 95% of memory capacity. The awareness is represented by the senses: smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight, and the second is composed of beliefs, emotions, thoughts, paradigms and mental programs, the mind is like the hard disk memory, since there are stores all the information we use in our lives.

Accordingly, we see no eyes or hear with your ears, see with the recorded program to interpret reality. The senses are only recipients of external stimuli, they carry information to the brain, where the unconscious mind reacts to that stimulus based on what is stored there.

A clear example is what happens to people who suffer from jealousy or jealous, they interpret reality based on what they experienced in childhood or in another stage of life, which were scored and created a program mental distrust of the opposite sex.

So starting today, if you want to change your life and do things for which you were designed, look very well as plants in the garden your mind.

Put there love, success, and other things, and you will not be barriers that prevent you from doing that they crave.

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Forgiveness is one of the noblest acts that a person can consume, but as healing has been underutilized resource. It has been scientifically proven that forgiveness is an effective medicine, as a kind of symbolic knife that cuts the umbilical cord that binds us to the pain, nourishes and preserves. The positive impact on the physical and spiritual health improves our quality of life in general.
But forgiveness is not an easy task because it demands strength and courage of the person who feels offended. Contrary to what many think, forget a tort is an act of strength, not weakness, because it involves a great deal of will to overcome the animal part of human beings and overcome the urge for revenge.

Resentment is a bad feeling, because when we remember an offense or think about the person or circumstance that caused unpleasant sensations experienced, frustration, grief, anger, helplessness and anxiety. This toxic load flooded our minds, is installed in our bodies and cause us anxiety and unhappiness.
has been shown to anger, bitterness and resentment are feelings that connect us directly with arterial hypertension and other diseases in addition to causing discomfort such as headaches, indigestion, muscle tension and cramps.
But none of the physical discomforts that produce hatred and resentment are comparable to the damage caused in us the psychological aspect: we go out and pillage the spirit of positive energy.

In most cases, the offense produced feelings of anger, pain and resentment and often the desire to avenge the cause of the injury, insult or humiliation and collect "eye for an eye" and "tooth for a tooth" .
The person who refuses to forgive and fosters resentment continues to suffer from whom he hurt in the past and although much has been spoken of the "sweet taste of revenge" is shown to be able to forgive offers more advantages - long-term to charge an offense.
The results of some scientific research have shown that victims who forgive their assailants experience physical and psychological improvement than those that do not. Who refuses to forgive himself remains in a load of negative feelings and this causes the act of aggression was more prolonged in time. But they are not alone
religious sects that proclaim the benefits of forgiveness, but psychology also contends that the bitterness, anger and desire for revenge damage the body and soul, because they provoke and create negative emotions in the brain preventing the operation of a calm and balanced person.
According to the latest scientific research, when the mood remains wanting revenge or retaliation, the brain and promote the human body toxins that act on the body and affect the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous.
Dr. Frederick Luskin, a professor at the School of Medicine, Stanford University and founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project (an institution that studies the effects of forgiveness in humans) ensures that forgiveness frees us to live a full and healthy mind , body and spirit.
According to studies by Luskin (who also authored the book "Forgive for Good") when a person forgives an offense raises its vitality, appetite, sleep patterns and energy. Anything that diminishes the anger, pain and depression, may also reduce blood pressure and make people more optimistic, energetic and vital. BENEFITS OF FORGIVENESS

researchers say that the pardon issue brings the following benefits:
- Decreased levels of anger and hostility.
- increased feelings of love.
- Greater ability to control anger.
- Increased ability to trust others.
- Release of the feelings associated with past events.
- Help to avoid the repetition of certain negative patterns.
- Significant improvement in such psychological disorders and health in general.
- Benefits both who gives and who receives it.
- strengthens and solidifies the relationship.
big a challenge for the value our culture attaches to self and ego. It shows us that forgiveness is a sign of weakness. It is not true, because forgetting an offense, outrage, ridicule, slander, insult or abuse is a courageous act that implies the highest integrity.
While forgiveness is an act that is so positive and therapeutic many people refuse to do so for several reasons, including:
- think that this attitude is a way to show that "right"
- consider it a form to control situation or to maintain some illusion of control.
- This is used as a means to avoid intimacy.
- deal with it to avoid deeper feelings of sadness, despair, pain, abandonment and rejection.
- feel there is a way to be heard, punishment or retaliation.
- Use this attitude as to insist that the problem is yours, not someone else.
- Understand that by doing so achieve the continuation of life as it is and evade the clarity that could provide a change to which fear.

Caroline Myss, bestselling author of "Anatomy of the Spirit", says keep the grudge is like you have done physical injury and every minute I opened it to feel terrible and painful it is.
The American psychologist Michael E. McCullough and his staff studied the personality of the vengeful, processes and skills required to forgive and the salutary effects derived therefrom. g also concluded that forgiveness can optimize the quality of life, blood pressure, immune system and prevent depression, anxiety.
Forgiveness helps us reduce the resentment, anger and irritation, feelings that develop in the person a sense of guilt, anxiety and agitation. The bitterness, anger and revenge damage the body and soul, because they provoke emotions on the brain and prevent a peaceful and balanced performance.
Forgive! because forgiveness is an instrument of reconstruction and meeting and through him we will not only promote our physical health but also to calm our spirit, inner peace and divine grace.

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Failure in life is very simple, only requires three steps. The statistics warn that only 5 percent of the population is successful, what happens to the remaining 95 percent?

This story reflects what ordinary people do often. It happened in the far west in the region of Colorado in the United States was late XXIX.

A man infected by the "gold rush", named Darby, went to the area in search of his fortune. He bought a plot, the registered in your name and began digging with pick and shovel.

After weeks of hard work was rewarded with the discovery of gold ore. However, technically needed machinery to dig land and extract the gold.

started toward his home town in Williamsburg and the evidence in his hands told his family the find. Together they raised the money needed to buy sophisticated machinery to dig the mine.

Darby returned to the mine with an uncle. The acquisition of machinery worked, it managed to extract an ore wagon, which was sent to the smelter, with this demonstrated that they possessed one of the richest mines in Colorado.

However, those hopes began to fade after several weeks, months of not finding the true grain, which had disappeared before their eyes. Continued to work frantically, but it was clear, "the grain was gone."

Finally, they decided to leave work. Machinery sold to a junkyard and took the train back home.

The man who had bought the mine and machinery, called a mining engineer to analyze the land and verify that there was no gold. After several weeks of investigation, they discovered the error. The Darby, abandoned their mission to a meter away from where they stopped digging.

The opportunity to become millionaires, was abandoned a few feet away. This error led to Darby, became one of the most successful insurance salesmen U.S..

Amigo (a) lector (a), failure contains three steps, I hope you dispose of your life if you want to succeed.

These are: Try not to paralyze and Quit. The latter was followed Darby, removed from his life any chance of success.

The doors always open for those who choose to follow, for whom there is no word defeat. Life is full of stories of men and women who have surrendered to adversity.

Also note something, whenever it decides to go after a goal, be some difficulties. But, understand something, this is the language of nature to test their endurance and their ability to learn and successfully overcome these adversities.

When you understand the language of life, learn that there are no problems, only lessons and life lessons.

seems that nature or God himself, are against mediocrity. God wants all human beings to succeed, but always requires something in return.

As someone would say "every sacrifice brings its reward, or more." Everything in life has a price, get ready to pay and when you overcome adversity, no matter how long it takes you, find that you want.

Napoleon Hill says "more gold has been extracted from the thoughts of men than of earth."

And he is right, the key to success in life is inside, that's where you must dig with insistence, to find the vein that runs through the looking so bright golden.

If you have any problem or challenge in life, decided not to try, because I never know if it will succeed.

But if you also do nothing, freezes, then nothing will happen. And, finally, decided to resign because he feels tired, will undoubtedly be a failure.

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There are 8 ways that every human being goes through to define their destiny. Some people unknowingly are creating your future at the expense of others and spend their lives believing they are victims when they are themselves give life to reality.

There are only two ways to live: o, "is part of the problem or part of the solution." Those who choose the first condition will always be obstacles to their own life and others, who choose the second option are masters of themselves and understand that helping others helps them as well, because life always brings back what we give others.

You destination starts in your mouth and through WORDS. Spoken language is the beginning of creation, be careful what emit through your lips because you're giving yourself a mandate.

One story goes that a king called his wise men to the palace and asked them to bring the dirtiest part of the human body for several days were collected looking for the answer to that found and requested an audience with the sovereign.

front of him, gave him a tongue on a platter, the king asked why?, They said, "my lord with her criticism, destroy others, scream, offend and end up with feelings of any human.

Then the king told them to bring the cleaner body. A few days brought the sovereign sages the same language in a tray, he asked again why?, They said, "Your Majesty, with her praise, exalt, praise, edify and make a great human being."

The second characteristic that is your destiny, is: the unconscious mind. All the words that you offer, are received by your ears, and these are carried up the mind where mental programs, beliefs, paradigms and fears. If someone says he's sick, that will be a strong order for the brain to give its equivalent in the body, or if say that the stew was violent, it will give you a bad stomach ache.

The third step is through THOUGHTS. These are the result of what is in your unconscious mind, sending images or sounds to consciousness according to what you have stored there learning.

then everything started with the word, follow the path of FEELINGS, for every feeling is always the son of a thought. If you think negative emit negative feelings, and if you think you play good positive feelings.

These feelings become you ATTITUDE-BEHAVIOR AND BEHAVIOR .

You act according to how you are feeling. If you talk long on the negative side your actions are negative, guilt, anger, resentment, out of tune with words, bombastic and even vulgar and offensive.

Then, this behavior becomes repetitive and then becomes a: HABIT. These habits are so constant repel or attract other humans. Who wants to be constantly with a pessimist?, Nobody really is unpleasant to spend time with someone whose comments are just as criticism and dissatisfaction.

then those habits are part of you CHARACTER , because the character is the sum of your habits. And the rule is simple. Generate positive habits in a positive and negative habits make a negative character.

And finally, you define the character DESTINATION. In that will be in what you become, according to you language.

Watch your words because they define what kind of person you are. Humans are identified by three acts, as they think, how they feel and how they speak, that says what kind of person you are.

You unconscious mind knows how to define between fantasy and reality, does not distinguish between truth and falsehood, between good and evil, between right and wrong and between a joke or something serious.

Coaching personal or business, and conferences, call 315 3737644 .

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Are you happy?, Many say that the secret of life lies in happiness however more 66% of the world's population lives his life as a real burden of unhappiness.

secrets to be really happy repose inside the human being, there lies a sleeping genius waiting to be awakened to make you a brilliant person, but grace is to discover those secrets, " how?

To illustrate this better, I'll talk about a metaphor that tells that once were gathered several demons arguing about what to do with happiness to avoid being found by humans. One said: escondámosla in the sun, another said there comes to him because there are not impossible, another said that in the stars, others said the same thing, for it comes as no impossible, after several hours of discussion, another said, what if hide it inside of him?, and everyone applauded the decision.

mistakenly human beings seek out what we have from the moment of birth, there is within you!, Do not look elsewhere for what will never be recovered.

Behold, the cause of such violence intolerance, hatred and other unpleasant emotions that divide the everyday human being.

To be happy, the first thing to do is to repeat aloud: I deserve to be happy, I'll be happy, I'm starting to be happy, and give clear orders to your mind to accept that this is true.

The human mind does not accept opposing thoughts, only houses that have stronger, and better than those thoughts are positive.

The life of an average human being on 75 years, half of this time will be spent sleeping, which means that only 37.5 years of conscious life, this is 1980 weeks. Do you realize how valuable it is to waste time being unhappy?

must understand something very important to start the process towards happiness. YOU ARE A WINNER!, Yes it is from the moment of conception in the womb, there is a battle you won. Competed against a thousand million sperm to reach the first place. And you won. That makes him a winner in a successful person by nature, do not you think it is time to demonstrate success in leading?

Who decides if you are happy or not? YOURSELF. Nobody can do for you, the choice is yours, how?, Do as the other people who themselves are happy, take control of your life, You are solely responsible for their actions, let others decide for you is to assert that he is powerless and unable to live.

is also a way to tell the operator that you do not know why he came to this world, giving another control of your life is disrespecting you more valuable and perfect creation: YOURSELF.

Sure, I say, but how to be happy with so many problems?, I answered from the standpoint of aerodynamics. We all know that a boat sailing downwind sailing is easy, simply lower the sail at 90 degrees, and presto, the boat glides smoothly, but how to navigate against the wind?, It is somewhat complicated. Well not for a sailor, just down the wing to 45 degrees, and ready the boat is carried by the wind that drives it forward in spite of crashing in front.

Do you want your life to go forward?, Lower the sails to 45 degrees, ie, faces problems with wisdom, humility, and nobility, not arrogance, arrogance, and pride, and you'll see that life will take it forward.

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Keep trying - Never give up!

has a metaphor that on one occasion, a farmer's donkey fell into a pit, the man cried to the inability to remove the animal. A while then sought help from its neighbors to bury him alive. Everyone brought shovels and started to throw ground the horse, who wept at his unpleasant situation.

However, to everyone's surprise, with each stroke that had befallen him, the donkey would shake the ground and is propelled upwards. So after shaking off several times, managed to reach the edge and calmly trotted out.

Dear reader (s), life always will bury you, but you shake obligation to overcome adversity.

The history of mankind is full of examples of men who, despite adversity, achieved their purposes. When something goes wrong, instead of complaining, learn from the situation, dust it and try again.

Thomas Edison, is considered the greatest inventor, but critics called it the biggest failure. In order to create the tungsten lamp, Edison made 14,650 attempts, a feat that you or I hardly make it. But he made it.

Once, after 5,000 attempts without success, was published in the newspapers an article which accused him crazy and a liar, a journalist approached him and asked him how he felt unable to do so?, with simplicity, he said: "boy, you do not understand how life works. I have not failed, I just discovered 5 thousand roads I should not take and I approach this target. "

To succeed in life, the first thing you do is let go of the past. The first rule to be happy and begin the road to success is to forgive, that is your heart free of hate.

This resentment, hatred or resentment, is the cause of most physical illnesses. For example, a moody person, your body secretes toxins that cause your heart rate accelerates, your immune system destroying altered antibodies, and usually your digestive system which is mostly affected. Usually a person malgeniada suffer from ulcers, gastritis and other diseases.

Before this the best recipe is: SMILE, by doing so improves your body chemistry and causes your brain to produce endorphins, a hormone that produces health.

Other diseases such as cancer, also part of the bitterness or unforgiveness. Every time you feel bad, ask yourself Who do I need to forgive?, And find the answer inside.

The second thing you can do is: "free yourself from worry." Worry is a code word composed of a pre and the verb deal.

precede Worry is something that has not happened yet. Let things happen and left to the operator's response to it that they believe is impossible. But keep in mind that anything is possible in this life. For everything there is a solution and it is your responsibility to find the answer.

Third, it simplifies your life, is not it simple, life is simple, practical, learn to find him a taste and you'll enjoy your existence. He also lives this, leave the past, total that was already in the past and well worth reviving. The last died yesterday.

Fourth, Give more and expect less, this refers to the spiritual law of "Give and Take" comes to us as we give to others. Note that "every sacrifice has a reward equal to or greater".

And fifth: Love over and shake the earth to fall on you, without protest, go ahead and do not hold that success is assured for those who keep trying.

Humans adopt only two positions: either we are part of the problem or part of the solution. What is your position?

Monday, January 24, 2011

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you by any chance, dear reader, you have problems?

If so, this information will be helpful. To end the problem once and for all and forever, the formula is simple: DIE!, And ready, end your problems.

The only people without problems in this world, are underground. All human beings without exception have problems. It is the language of nature and life to contact us.

Starting today, I invite you to moderate your language and change the way you speak, calls these problems, CHALLENGES OR CHALLENGES.

That is, challenges to our intelligence, ways to prove that we are able to deal with situations and demonstrate our ability, that we sometimes overlook. It is in moments of difficulty in sleeping which is the genius that lies within. The answer to that problem is within you, that's where you should look.

Starting today, thank God, by these problems you have, because without them you would not have the ability to test far you can go or what you're capable of doing.

Also consider something, the universe is full of laws that are true and believe it or not there. One of these is the law of "give and Receive "get what we give to others.

Discuss how your life is today, you gave yesterday or you planted yesterday to receive it today. Because if we give love to others, that have back, but if you give offense or provoke conflicts, life will return that which you have given.

And in economic terms, if you waste the money or remove another, you expect that life will return. This law speaks before extending our hand to receive, we have to.

Choose from today to establish new habits in your life to get different results.

addition, you should consider something important, life always require something in return so he gives us. That is, there's always a price to pay in return.

The problem with many human beings living in unpleasant conditions is that you have to pay that price because if they did, their lives would be different.

Another element to consider is the persistence change those "problems" remain firm and determined to change and see results in your life. If you quit you will fall into one of the steps of failure that is about abandonment.

The best way to deal with "problems" or as we decided to call today: Challenges, is reflected in the following metaphor:

tells a story the wind god he came to challenge nature to measure its power, ran through the woods looking for a rival who faced. Tired of these offenses, Oak decided to confront it, God Wind lashed with all its power and left him lying on the floor. He continued his journey through nature in search of another strong rival.

After a long time, there was another rival, Bamboo, who managed to overcome it with wisdom, after swinging almost touching the floor without breaking the passing of wind.

What do Oak and bamboo in life?

First, the hubris, arrogance, pride, pride and other emotions that sooner or later make a person fall rendered for life.

The second represents the nobility, humility. Noble simplicity and other emotions that take to excel in life and achieve the goals and objectives.

If we overcome the problems, we like bamboo that bends, but does not break the face of adversity.

Finally, keep in mind something, behind every challenge or challenge, lies a solution. A problem is a crisis and a crisis is the anticipation exchange.

In Chinese, crisis means opportunity or threat. You choose who you want to see.

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When prosperity comes must be careful not to fall into the most common errors incurred by most people, it is no coincidence that the statistics warn that only 5% of the population to be successful, while 95% is in situations of scarcity and failure.

deadliest enemies of success, mainly men, are: the promiscuity, alcohol and drug addiction.

When money begins to bloom in the life of a person, especially a man, it changes their standard of living and conduct. If that man is not satisfied with one wife, you get another thereby increasing their problems, not satisfied, for his inability to love, you get a third with which its costs and problems multiply.

promiscuity is the main factor contributing to the downfall of a man and therefore his destiny to fail.

Alcohol is another factor that significantly influences the destruction of a human life in both genders.

A person who sees increase their income and do not control their emotions because of lack of knowledge or planning problems, it begins to gain weight, eat and drink before you eat excessively without control, to put enough alcohol in your body change your emotions and become aggressive.

studies warn that a man is 10 times more aggressive with his wife and family than with any other person.

Alcohol causes the person to make bad decisions, that does not work as before, some open his shirt and hung on the neck to the bicycle chain their children, buy cars beyond their limits to impress people who do not know, that person is believed FINISHED PRODUCT and therefore does not accept that criticism and will attract attention.

An alcoholic completely changes your way of thinking and several people in this state become "professional sellers", they end up selling your car, your furniture and even your apartment, and conclude their days alone.

When alcohol is consumed, say with a beer, a glass of wine or one ounce of liquor is of brandy, rum, whiskey or other alcoholic is supplied to the body 0.02% and that's when people start to feel good.

With a 0.04%, two beers, it is losing the ability to handle high speeds. With a 0.05% alcohol in the body, enters the nervous system relax and feel that everything is under control.

0.09% in state 6 to 8 beers, you start to change behavior, and notes are not normally the case. Upon arrival at 0.012%, no alteration in your way and it affects speech.

When you get to a 0.015%, the body begins to become intoxicated and depending on the food, climate and other factors there is resistance, so far the person has consumed 10 to 12 beers. By having a 0.020% in the body is less able to function total, no disruption in the nervous system, is presented depression, nausea and loss of speech.

With a 0.030% alcohol in the body, the person feels confused emotions, depression, intolerance, the unconscious mind flows freely bringing out their fears and beliefs, the person said nonsense and there is a high level of intoxication.

When you reach the degree of 0.040%, the person may fall into a coma, lost a sense, this is when the survival instinct comes to preventing suicides you. And, the 0060% level is a lethal dose, cardiac arrest may occur, to avoid going into shock, vomiting occurs. This is when we say the person is mandated to death.

And drug abuse is another deadly form of destruction of life. When these circumstances arise in a human being is by factors of self-esteem, and this is mainly lack of pride.

Coaching personal or business, and conferences, call 3153737644.

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Do you know how to train a flea? Simply take it and get into a glass container with lid, leave it there for 8 days, after which time the bags, and ready and is tame. That bug before jumping 1.68 meters, it will not jump more than 5 centimeters. The reason is that after being beaten several days against glass, your brain assimilates to try again if it will strike and therefore fails to do so for the rest of his life.

same situation happens with some people suffering from heartbreak and therefore never given the opportunity again for fear of being wrong, there is a business failure and never try it again, or in other life situations such as public speaking, driving a car, take an independent business, maintaining caring relationships with others, etc.

understand, sometimes we are like fleas we fear to shock or failure. Know that these failures are necessary, because they depend for our learning. The problem is to keep the fear and do not deal with it, assuming positions of ordinary people or giving it to that particular situation characteristics superstitious reason that makes many continually consult witches or wizards to find answers to something that is within .

our mind is like an iceberg, the part that is on the surface, which is the smallest representing 5% of capacity and is known as the CONSCIOUS MIND, the other party which is under water and is the largest, representing 95% of the memory capacity and is known as the unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is related to the 5 senses. These are just transmitters of information leading into the unconscious mind which is responsible for interpreting reality. So in NLP is speech that "the map is not the territory", to refer to the way we interpret reality depends on how you think or how you have been programmed biological computer.

The unconscious mind receives the information from the outside and decoded, based on the software you have to interpret those external stimuli. Imagine a person suffering from jealousy or jealous in the extreme, she will see that your partner is always deceiving their distrust lodged in his mind, perhaps because of previous or deception in his childhood had a similar experience from their parents, this is your map and interpret it based on the territory that is the reality.

However, if negative in your life is because something is wrong with you mental programming. The first thing is to understand the problem is inside you, specifically in the unconscious mind that is where programs are housed, fears, beliefs, paradigms, and everything we learn in the history of our life.

The unconscious mind assimilates information through two processes: rapid access memory and random access memory.

The first is where we have the memories or programs that automatically reproduce. For example the name of our spouse, parents, phone number and if there are unpleasant memories, as it is part of the Automatic memory play in this bitterness, anger, disappointment, anger or revenge in some cases.

The second part of memory, is where memories are housed apparently went unnoticed or did not give him importance.

The way to burn fast access memory is through constant repetition and perceived importance. That's how we learned to ride a bike, we want and then repeat several times no matter the bruises or falls, or learned to swim, repeating several times to learn.

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many years ago on the border between Pakistan and India, on the banks of the Indus River, there lived a man named Ali Hafed. One day came to his hacienda inn asking a Buddhist priest, Ali agreed.

The Buddhist priest told him from his point of view as the world was created. He said it was a fireball and God reached out his hand and rolled several times until exploded and then formed the mountains, rivers, nature and some rocks that were not able to explode and were charred extracted minerals such as gold, silver and others. Also, other rocks were charred on the surface of rivers, white sand, the party who found it a very rich man because these stones are known as diamonds.

This Ali made an impression, he decided to go for those rivers with white sand. He sold his property and hit the road without success, died near the beaches of Barcelona.

The man who had bought his property took one day to the animals to drink water to a stream passing by the house that was Ali, was surprised to see a light coming out of water , and got picked up a rock, took it home and put it in the fire, ignoring the question.

The Buddhist priest passed to see what happened to Ali, knocked the door and saw the fire it was a diamond, asked if Ali had returned, and saw that it was not, asked to be taken where it was found that stone. The new owner took him home, entered the water and then stolen diamonds.

The story goes that this place is known as the "Golconda mines, and extract the diamonds" Kohinoor and Orloff ", belonging to the crowns of England and Russia, of high economic value.

According to this story, humans often seek out what we have inside. All human beings are endowed by their Creator with the ability to be successful, prosperous, healthy and happy.

The source of this power is known as the BRAIN.

The human brain weighs about 3 pounds, has 100 billion neurons in your conscious mind processes 2,000 bits of information per second and the unconscious 400,000,000,000 bits per second, and according to studies conducted by the Institute Stanford Brain Research, we fail to use even 10% capacity.

The brain is like a biological computer, and as any computer software or programs need to function mentally. These programs are conscious and unconscious. Several determine the heart rate, and the functioning of other organs, but there are others who are responsible for the behavior, habits, customs and paradigms, which are housed in the unconscious mind and that determine our destiny, as these software are responsible for mental 95% of the results we get in life.

Do you understand why some people fail to achieve success while others do? Why some are healthy, while others are sick?, And so on, it all depends on the setting of the biological computer.

The how has been programmed that computer, all life depends. The programming begins at home. Studies have shown that the 0 to 6 years, 85% form the personality of a human being, and the remaining 15% is formed in the other years. That is, if you can change the programming.

We are from children, habits of laziness, sickness, lack, loneliness, violence, dissent, evil or good, etc..

In another article, I will discuss how to begin to reprogram the mind for change.

Coaching personal or business, and conferences, call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472