Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tested On First Response Pregnancy Test


There are 8 ways that every human being goes through to define their destiny. Some people unknowingly are creating your future at the expense of others and spend their lives believing they are victims when they are themselves give life to reality.

There are only two ways to live: o, "is part of the problem or part of the solution." Those who choose the first condition will always be obstacles to their own life and others, who choose the second option are masters of themselves and understand that helping others helps them as well, because life always brings back what we give others.

You destination starts in your mouth and through WORDS. Spoken language is the beginning of creation, be careful what emit through your lips because you're giving yourself a mandate.

One story goes that a king called his wise men to the palace and asked them to bring the dirtiest part of the human body for several days were collected looking for the answer to that found and requested an audience with the sovereign.

front of him, gave him a tongue on a platter, the king asked why?, They said, "my lord with her criticism, destroy others, scream, offend and end up with feelings of any human.

Then the king told them to bring the cleaner body. A few days brought the sovereign sages the same language in a tray, he asked again why?, They said, "Your Majesty, with her praise, exalt, praise, edify and make a great human being."

The second characteristic that is your destiny, is: the unconscious mind. All the words that you offer, are received by your ears, and these are carried up the mind where mental programs, beliefs, paradigms and fears. If someone says he's sick, that will be a strong order for the brain to give its equivalent in the body, or if say that the stew was violent, it will give you a bad stomach ache.

The third step is through THOUGHTS. These are the result of what is in your unconscious mind, sending images or sounds to consciousness according to what you have stored there learning.

then everything started with the word, follow the path of FEELINGS, for every feeling is always the son of a thought. If you think negative emit negative feelings, and if you think you play good positive feelings.

These feelings become you ATTITUDE-BEHAVIOR AND BEHAVIOR .

You act according to how you are feeling. If you talk long on the negative side your actions are negative, guilt, anger, resentment, out of tune with words, bombastic and even vulgar and offensive.

Then, this behavior becomes repetitive and then becomes a: HABIT. These habits are so constant repel or attract other humans. Who wants to be constantly with a pessimist?, Nobody really is unpleasant to spend time with someone whose comments are just as criticism and dissatisfaction.

then those habits are part of you CHARACTER , because the character is the sum of your habits. And the rule is simple. Generate positive habits in a positive and negative habits make a negative character.

And finally, you define the character DESTINATION. In that will be in what you become, according to you language.

Watch your words because they define what kind of person you are. Humans are identified by three acts, as they think, how they feel and how they speak, that says what kind of person you are.

You unconscious mind knows how to define between fantasy and reality, does not distinguish between truth and falsehood, between good and evil, between right and wrong and between a joke or something serious.

Coaching personal or business, and conferences, call 315 3737644 .


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