Monday, January 24, 2011

Garden Companany Slogans


Do you know how to train a flea? Simply take it and get into a glass container with lid, leave it there for 8 days, after which time the bags, and ready and is tame. That bug before jumping 1.68 meters, it will not jump more than 5 centimeters. The reason is that after being beaten several days against glass, your brain assimilates to try again if it will strike and therefore fails to do so for the rest of his life.

same situation happens with some people suffering from heartbreak and therefore never given the opportunity again for fear of being wrong, there is a business failure and never try it again, or in other life situations such as public speaking, driving a car, take an independent business, maintaining caring relationships with others, etc.

understand, sometimes we are like fleas we fear to shock or failure. Know that these failures are necessary, because they depend for our learning. The problem is to keep the fear and do not deal with it, assuming positions of ordinary people or giving it to that particular situation characteristics superstitious reason that makes many continually consult witches or wizards to find answers to something that is within .

our mind is like an iceberg, the part that is on the surface, which is the smallest representing 5% of capacity and is known as the CONSCIOUS MIND, the other party which is under water and is the largest, representing 95% of the memory capacity and is known as the unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is related to the 5 senses. These are just transmitters of information leading into the unconscious mind which is responsible for interpreting reality. So in NLP is speech that "the map is not the territory", to refer to the way we interpret reality depends on how you think or how you have been programmed biological computer.

The unconscious mind receives the information from the outside and decoded, based on the software you have to interpret those external stimuli. Imagine a person suffering from jealousy or jealous in the extreme, she will see that your partner is always deceiving their distrust lodged in his mind, perhaps because of previous or deception in his childhood had a similar experience from their parents, this is your map and interpret it based on the territory that is the reality.

However, if negative in your life is because something is wrong with you mental programming. The first thing is to understand the problem is inside you, specifically in the unconscious mind that is where programs are housed, fears, beliefs, paradigms, and everything we learn in the history of our life.

The unconscious mind assimilates information through two processes: rapid access memory and random access memory.

The first is where we have the memories or programs that automatically reproduce. For example the name of our spouse, parents, phone number and if there are unpleasant memories, as it is part of the Automatic memory play in this bitterness, anger, disappointment, anger or revenge in some cases.

The second part of memory, is where memories are housed apparently went unnoticed or did not give him importance.

The way to burn fast access memory is through constant repetition and perceived importance. That's how we learned to ride a bike, we want and then repeat several times no matter the bruises or falls, or learned to swim, repeating several times to learn.

Coaching personal or business, and conferences, call the cels. 315 3737644 - 3015448472


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