Monday, January 24, 2011

Special Blend Rasta Jacket


When prosperity comes must be careful not to fall into the most common errors incurred by most people, it is no coincidence that the statistics warn that only 5% of the population to be successful, while 95% is in situations of scarcity and failure.

deadliest enemies of success, mainly men, are: the promiscuity, alcohol and drug addiction.

When money begins to bloom in the life of a person, especially a man, it changes their standard of living and conduct. If that man is not satisfied with one wife, you get another thereby increasing their problems, not satisfied, for his inability to love, you get a third with which its costs and problems multiply.

promiscuity is the main factor contributing to the downfall of a man and therefore his destiny to fail.

Alcohol is another factor that significantly influences the destruction of a human life in both genders.

A person who sees increase their income and do not control their emotions because of lack of knowledge or planning problems, it begins to gain weight, eat and drink before you eat excessively without control, to put enough alcohol in your body change your emotions and become aggressive.

studies warn that a man is 10 times more aggressive with his wife and family than with any other person.

Alcohol causes the person to make bad decisions, that does not work as before, some open his shirt and hung on the neck to the bicycle chain their children, buy cars beyond their limits to impress people who do not know, that person is believed FINISHED PRODUCT and therefore does not accept that criticism and will attract attention.

An alcoholic completely changes your way of thinking and several people in this state become "professional sellers", they end up selling your car, your furniture and even your apartment, and conclude their days alone.

When alcohol is consumed, say with a beer, a glass of wine or one ounce of liquor is of brandy, rum, whiskey or other alcoholic is supplied to the body 0.02% and that's when people start to feel good.

With a 0.04%, two beers, it is losing the ability to handle high speeds. With a 0.05% alcohol in the body, enters the nervous system relax and feel that everything is under control.

0.09% in state 6 to 8 beers, you start to change behavior, and notes are not normally the case. Upon arrival at 0.012%, no alteration in your way and it affects speech.

When you get to a 0.015%, the body begins to become intoxicated and depending on the food, climate and other factors there is resistance, so far the person has consumed 10 to 12 beers. By having a 0.020% in the body is less able to function total, no disruption in the nervous system, is presented depression, nausea and loss of speech.

With a 0.030% alcohol in the body, the person feels confused emotions, depression, intolerance, the unconscious mind flows freely bringing out their fears and beliefs, the person said nonsense and there is a high level of intoxication.

When you reach the degree of 0.040%, the person may fall into a coma, lost a sense, this is when the survival instinct comes to preventing suicides you. And, the 0060% level is a lethal dose, cardiac arrest may occur, to avoid going into shock, vomiting occurs. This is when we say the person is mandated to death.

And drug abuse is another deadly form of destruction of life. When these circumstances arise in a human being is by factors of self-esteem, and this is mainly lack of pride.

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