Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Forgiveness is one of the noblest acts that a person can consume, but as healing has been underutilized resource. It has been scientifically proven that forgiveness is an effective medicine, as a kind of symbolic knife that cuts the umbilical cord that binds us to the pain, nourishes and preserves. The positive impact on the physical and spiritual health improves our quality of life in general.
But forgiveness is not an easy task because it demands strength and courage of the person who feels offended. Contrary to what many think, forget a tort is an act of strength, not weakness, because it involves a great deal of will to overcome the animal part of human beings and overcome the urge for revenge.

Resentment is a bad feeling, because when we remember an offense or think about the person or circumstance that caused unpleasant sensations experienced, frustration, grief, anger, helplessness and anxiety. This toxic load flooded our minds, is installed in our bodies and cause us anxiety and unhappiness.
has been shown to anger, bitterness and resentment are feelings that connect us directly with arterial hypertension and other diseases in addition to causing discomfort such as headaches, indigestion, muscle tension and cramps.
But none of the physical discomforts that produce hatred and resentment are comparable to the damage caused in us the psychological aspect: we go out and pillage the spirit of positive energy.

In most cases, the offense produced feelings of anger, pain and resentment and often the desire to avenge the cause of the injury, insult or humiliation and collect "eye for an eye" and "tooth for a tooth" .
The person who refuses to forgive and fosters resentment continues to suffer from whom he hurt in the past and although much has been spoken of the "sweet taste of revenge" is shown to be able to forgive offers more advantages - long-term to charge an offense.
The results of some scientific research have shown that victims who forgive their assailants experience physical and psychological improvement than those that do not. Who refuses to forgive himself remains in a load of negative feelings and this causes the act of aggression was more prolonged in time. But they are not alone
religious sects that proclaim the benefits of forgiveness, but psychology also contends that the bitterness, anger and desire for revenge damage the body and soul, because they provoke and create negative emotions in the brain preventing the operation of a calm and balanced person.
According to the latest scientific research, when the mood remains wanting revenge or retaliation, the brain and promote the human body toxins that act on the body and affect the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous.
Dr. Frederick Luskin, a professor at the School of Medicine, Stanford University and founder of the Stanford Forgiveness Project (an institution that studies the effects of forgiveness in humans) ensures that forgiveness frees us to live a full and healthy mind , body and spirit.
According to studies by Luskin (who also authored the book "Forgive for Good") when a person forgives an offense raises its vitality, appetite, sleep patterns and energy. Anything that diminishes the anger, pain and depression, may also reduce blood pressure and make people more optimistic, energetic and vital. BENEFITS OF FORGIVENESS

researchers say that the pardon issue brings the following benefits:
- Decreased levels of anger and hostility.
- increased feelings of love.
- Greater ability to control anger.
- Increased ability to trust others.
- Release of the feelings associated with past events.
- Help to avoid the repetition of certain negative patterns.
- Significant improvement in such psychological disorders and health in general.
- Benefits both who gives and who receives it.
- strengthens and solidifies the relationship.
big a challenge for the value our culture attaches to self and ego. It shows us that forgiveness is a sign of weakness. It is not true, because forgetting an offense, outrage, ridicule, slander, insult or abuse is a courageous act that implies the highest integrity.
While forgiveness is an act that is so positive and therapeutic many people refuse to do so for several reasons, including:
- think that this attitude is a way to show that "right"
- consider it a form to control situation or to maintain some illusion of control.
- This is used as a means to avoid intimacy.
- deal with it to avoid deeper feelings of sadness, despair, pain, abandonment and rejection.
- feel there is a way to be heard, punishment or retaliation.
- Use this attitude as to insist that the problem is yours, not someone else.
- Understand that by doing so achieve the continuation of life as it is and evade the clarity that could provide a change to which fear.

Caroline Myss, bestselling author of "Anatomy of the Spirit", says keep the grudge is like you have done physical injury and every minute I opened it to feel terrible and painful it is.
The American psychologist Michael E. McCullough and his staff studied the personality of the vengeful, processes and skills required to forgive and the salutary effects derived therefrom. g also concluded that forgiveness can optimize the quality of life, blood pressure, immune system and prevent depression, anxiety.
Forgiveness helps us reduce the resentment, anger and irritation, feelings that develop in the person a sense of guilt, anxiety and agitation. The bitterness, anger and revenge damage the body and soul, because they provoke emotions on the brain and prevent a peaceful and balanced performance.
Forgive! because forgiveness is an instrument of reconstruction and meeting and through him we will not only promote our physical health but also to calm our spirit, inner peace and divine grace.


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