Monday, January 24, 2011

Bicycle Design Birthday Cake


you by any chance, dear reader, you have problems?

If so, this information will be helpful. To end the problem once and for all and forever, the formula is simple: DIE!, And ready, end your problems.

The only people without problems in this world, are underground. All human beings without exception have problems. It is the language of nature and life to contact us.

Starting today, I invite you to moderate your language and change the way you speak, calls these problems, CHALLENGES OR CHALLENGES.

That is, challenges to our intelligence, ways to prove that we are able to deal with situations and demonstrate our ability, that we sometimes overlook. It is in moments of difficulty in sleeping which is the genius that lies within. The answer to that problem is within you, that's where you should look.

Starting today, thank God, by these problems you have, because without them you would not have the ability to test far you can go or what you're capable of doing.

Also consider something, the universe is full of laws that are true and believe it or not there. One of these is the law of "give and Receive "get what we give to others.

Discuss how your life is today, you gave yesterday or you planted yesterday to receive it today. Because if we give love to others, that have back, but if you give offense or provoke conflicts, life will return that which you have given.

And in economic terms, if you waste the money or remove another, you expect that life will return. This law speaks before extending our hand to receive, we have to.

Choose from today to establish new habits in your life to get different results.

addition, you should consider something important, life always require something in return so he gives us. That is, there's always a price to pay in return.

The problem with many human beings living in unpleasant conditions is that you have to pay that price because if they did, their lives would be different.

Another element to consider is the persistence change those "problems" remain firm and determined to change and see results in your life. If you quit you will fall into one of the steps of failure that is about abandonment.

The best way to deal with "problems" or as we decided to call today: Challenges, is reflected in the following metaphor:

tells a story the wind god he came to challenge nature to measure its power, ran through the woods looking for a rival who faced. Tired of these offenses, Oak decided to confront it, God Wind lashed with all its power and left him lying on the floor. He continued his journey through nature in search of another strong rival.

After a long time, there was another rival, Bamboo, who managed to overcome it with wisdom, after swinging almost touching the floor without breaking the passing of wind.

What do Oak and bamboo in life?

First, the hubris, arrogance, pride, pride and other emotions that sooner or later make a person fall rendered for life.

The second represents the nobility, humility. Noble simplicity and other emotions that take to excel in life and achieve the goals and objectives.

If we overcome the problems, we like bamboo that bends, but does not break the face of adversity.

Finally, keep in mind something, behind every challenge or challenge, lies a solution. A problem is a crisis and a crisis is the anticipation exchange.

In Chinese, crisis means opportunity or threat. You choose who you want to see.


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